Executions in Syria: who is satisfied and why?

Executions in Syria are already known throughout the world. Videos are distributed through the media (without censorship).

Preconditions. War in Syria

One of the reasons for the executions and public bullyingin Syria there is a tense civil war there. It all started in 2011, when a number of pro-Western activists held protests against the Baath government and President Bashar Assad. Street encounters and terrorist attacks on government leaders have led to increased tension and the emergence of the first armed detachments. Opposition forces from the first days of confrontation were supported by the US and the EU. They were provided with material, technical, political support. Soon, several radical Islamist groups separated from the opposition, and the conflict attracted thousands of jihadists from different countries.

At the moment, there are 5 main forces. Jebhat an-Nusra is the unification of radical Islamists. "Front of An-Nusra" includes several organizations of jihadist persuasion.

"Moderate" opposition is in fact the weakestparty to the conflict. De facto, it exists only on paper. Several forces in the south of Syria are subordinated to the troops under the control of the opposition. But people who are called "rebels" in the Western media are sponsored by the US, so they have a certain weight.

The Syrian army, controlled by Bashar Assad, is at war against all anti-government forces. Some paramilitarian formations (Hezbollah and others) are also fighting on its side.

The militia of Kurdistan, called "Peshmerga",fights against all Islamists and is loyal to the Assad regime. Together with the Kurds, many volunteers are fighting from all over the world mainly leftist views.

One of the most influential formations is IGIL. This is an ultra-Islamist group, which is known for its cruelty. In the controlled territory, they formed a quasi-state according to Sharia law. For the deviation from these rules, various penalties are imposed.

Syria war of execution
It is the IG that arranges cruel executions in Syria. The fame spread far beyond the Middle East.

Syria: The Execution of People

In 2014 the world community was shockedhorrific shots of the execution of an American journalist. The process was carefully produced and filmed on a professional camera. Against the background of a sandy desert, the IG fighter, dressed in black, uttered a speech, jabbing the camera with a knife. Then the journalist who was kneeling in orange robes was cut off his head.

After that, a few moresimilar rollers. The executions in Syria were recorded on film with the addition of sound and visual effects. The militants killed several citizens of Japan, Kazakhstan, England and many other countries. A distinctive feature of these videos was the tranquility of the executed. As an interpreter, who had escaped from the IG, reported after the murder, there were several dramatizations before the murder, so the prisoner did not know when exactly he was being executed.

Egil's sophistication

In 2015, another IG was published on the network.

Executions in Syria
Executions in Syria on it were also removedprofessionally and characterized by considerable uncommonness. Video recording was blocked immediately after the appearance, but it was seen by a huge number of people. Some of the Syrian soldiers of the army of Assad were put in a car, and then shot at him from an RPG. Another group was locked in a cage and lowered into a water tap. The most cruel was killing with the help of trotyl tape. The prisoners were put on their knees, and the tape was tied to their necks. Then it exploded, and the heads disconnected from the body.

Effect of executions

Executions in Syria are filmed by the video studio and havea huge propaganda effect. The video, in which the captives stand on their knees indifferently, awaiting their inevitable fate, make a serious impression on the enemies of IGIL and inspire their supporters.

Syria executions of people

Burning people, the destruction of ancient sculptures, black clothes form almost non-conformist image of the Islamic state in the world. Therefore, Syria (war, executions) is constantly in the focus of media attention.

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