Composition "What is friendship?": Features of work

Composition "What is friendship?"They write in almost all schools and lyceums. This type of work is provided in the training program on Russian literature and language. And since the production of written and oral speech requires constant training, the essays are written often. Themes change, tasks become more complicated. However, in fact, writing an essay "What is friendship?" Is simple enough if you know some of the features of this work.

What is friendship?

Structure and rules

To begin with it is necessary to familiarize with rulesconstructing an essay. Despite the fact that this is a creative work for the most part, it is necessary to follow certain rules of writing to make the text look like an essay, not a story, poem or work performed in another genre. There are not many features, so it will be easy to remember them.

There are five main parts, which ideallymust contain a composition about friendship. The first is a topic. The second is an epigraph. And then - the introduction, the main part (content) and conclusion. Often, especially in those situations when this is the first composition, the first two are completely omitted. That is, they write without a topic and without an epigraph, embodying them in the introduction. But if the composition "What is friendship?" Is not the first work, it is necessary to do everything according to the rules.

real friendship writing

Work process

So, you need to start with the analysis of the topic. In this part, usually highlight the main points that will be considered in the main part. It is best to analyze by the generally accepted principle in such cases - to ask a question and give an answer to it. For example: "Is the topic of friendship relevant for today? Definitely yes. Why? Perhaps, because today the concept of "friendship" has lost its original meaning. We call friends of almost every second friend of ours, completely forgetting that a friend is a status that must be earned. "

This is a small analysis, but to prepare the readerto a further story it is quite enough. Such words will be well supported by an epigraph - a bright quote or phrase that will successfully decorate the work of the student. Only it must be properly selected, so that it fits seamlessly into the text, and the reader realized that the author did it consciously, with an understanding of the topic.

composition about friendship

Disclosure of the topic

Composition "What is friendship?"Should not just disclose a given topic, but also" cling "the reader. It is necessary to approach the issue of writing this work not only from the point of view of the student. You can look at it from the perspective of a person who is interested in this topic as a psychologist. This will be the right approach. And it will be much better to write such an essay.

The theme of friendship is very subtle, moral and ethical,exciting almost every one of us. Do not be shy about reasoning, conclusions, bringing clear examples, proofs and refutations. This will make the work very lively, bright and emotional. Such a text must be read until the end, as it will be seen that the author himself is interested in this topic and knows what he is talking about. The only important thing is to control your emotions. They should be many, but not over the edge - you need to leave a place for analysis, reasoning and logical reasoning. All this in symbiosis will give the necessary result.

composition friendship theme


If you want, you can write not an essay, butessay. What is the difference? In principle, these are two related genres. The only thing that distinguishes them - the essay refers to the field of journalism and journalism. And the composition is, it can be said, its simplified version. If you want to write an essay, you need to know that it should not only convey the main essence of what has been said, but also convince the reader.

How will this friendship be described in this work? The essay essay should in this case be written in the most confident language. Almost in each sentence, the author must confirm his words with arguments and facts. So that the reader does not even have any doubts about what he said may be untrue.

It is worth noting that some sharks write penso competent and convincing that such essays persuade the reader and change his previously established views. This is real skill. Not every publicist has such a say. However, how to know, maybe a schoolboy who decided to write a text in the genre of the essay has this gift? So you should not doubt, but it's better to try to work in this genre and discover your potential.

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