The smallest state in the world

The smallest state received its name in honor of the hill Mons Vaticanus (Monte Vaticano). Translated from Latin, this phrase means "a place of fortune telling".

The dwarf enclave country, the Vatican, was considered a holy place in ancient Rome and was not inhabited until the year 326. With the advent of Christianity in this territory, the population began to appear.

The smallest state has a border,the length of 3.2 kilometers. It passes exclusively through Italy. Vatican Square - 0.44 square meters. km (less than Moscow in 2480 times). The population in the country is about a thousand people. All inhabitants of the dwarf state of Europe are Catholics.

Most of the country's citizens live inoutside. As a rule, these are representatives of diplomatic missions in other powers. Get the citizenship of the Vatican may minister of the Holy See or the personal guard of the Pope.

The smallest state is considered an auxiliary, exercising supreme power, the territory of the Holy See.

The dwarf country has four types of troops: the Papal gendarmerie, the Palatine (palace), the Swiss and the Noble Guard.

The smallest state sells nothing anddoes not produce. There is a dwarfish country for income from tourism and donations from Catholics. In the Vatican there is a bank that has the name "Institute of Religious Affairs".

There is also a railway. Its length is 852 meters. With its help, the station near the Cathedral of St. Petra connects with Italy's main railway network.

The Vatican is the only country in which no births were recorded in 1983.

Only in this territory, the only one in the world, is ruled by the Pope. In the Vatican Latin is the official language.

The history of this dwarfish country began with the 14th century. At that time, on the site of the ancient circus of Nero, the Vatican Palace was built. In it and today sits the Pope.

Entrance to the Vatican - amazing grandiosityarea of ​​San Pietro. In its center an Egyptian obelisk was built, which was brought to Rome by Caligula. At the top of the obelisk there is a cross and a ball. In it, according to legend, is the remains of Caesar. The square itself is framed by semicircular colonnades.

Above the construction of the cathedral, above the tomb of St. Petra worked great people of antiquity - Raphael, Bernini, Michelangelo. To date, this temple is the largest in the world. In this Christian cathedral immortal masterpieces are collected. Of particular artistic value is the altar created by Bernini and installed on four columns.

Under the Cathedral are the Sacred Grottoes. Here rest twenty Pope.

During the reign of Sixtus 4, the Sistine Chapel was built in the Vatican, famous throughout the world for the frescoes of Botticelli, Michelangelo, Perugino and other geniuses.

According to historical evidence, Michelangelo eight and a half years painted the altar walls and the ceiling of the chapel. Here you can see such biblical scenes as "Last Judgment", "Scenes of Creation".

In the Vatican Pinakothek are paintings by artists from Europe and Byzantium from the 11th to 18th centuries.

In the museums of a dwarf country, the most valuablecollections and relics. For example, in the Etruscan Museum are objects of everyday life of the Etruscan people, Egyptian Museum exhibits ancient papyrus, mummies, and sarcophagi.

The Papal Palace consists of twelve thousand rooms. There are halls painted by Raphael himself. In addition to museums, the palace complex consists of chapels, a library, twenty yards.

The blessing of the Pontiff would like to receiveonly every orthodox Catholic. Dream about this and tourists coming to the Vatican. The Pope of Rome every Sunday blesses people from the windows of his residence. The head of the Catholic Church attends solemn divine services.

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