At all times careful neathandwriting. Beautiful even lines aroused delight and admiration. Even now, when most of the letters and texts are printed on the computer, neat handwriting is still relevant and in demand. Teaching a child to write beautifully and evenly is not an easy task. It is even more difficult to acquire this skill for an adult. But still it is possible, it is enough to make efforts and show patience.
Yes, the child will learn to write. But his handwriting will probably be awful. The fact is that at an early age the kid can not instill the skill of beautiful writing. He just can not keep holding the pen with his little fingers. A long development of handwriting under such circumstances leads to the fact that the child writes crookedly, illegibly and under all sorts of biases. To retrain it in the future will be extremely difficult.
So how many years do you need to start classes? The child achieves the necessary mental and physical development only by the age of six. This is the time and is suitable for starting classes. Instead of developing handwriting at an early age, it is better to develop a small motor skills of the hands. This and need to deal with up to 6 years.
If parents are interested in having theirthe children were handsome and smooth, then first of all they must teach their child to hold the pen properly. There is a lot of useful exercises for this. The easiest example is drawing with colored pencils in the coloring. The more diligent the child will paint over the picture, the better the skill will be fixed. This will also help to increase the speed of writing, which, undoubtedly, will become very useful when writing dictations.
That the kid wrote accurately and accurately, parentsshould watch how he holds his back, in what position are his hands and feet, and even how the notebook is on the table. All this is important. The correct position of the child's body in writing looks like this: the elbows are on the table, the back is straight, the feet rest on the floor, the legs are bent at the right angle in the knees. In this case, the height of both the chair and the table should be comfortable for the baby.
If parents do not have the opportunity to buyspecial notebooks, then you can do it yourself. Take a sheet of paper and draw neatly first simple figures, and then already the letters. Let the kid hone his skills, based on the example of the handwriting of his mother or father.
So, how to develop a beautiful handwriting? First you need to accustom yourself to accuracy. Prepare the workplace, remove all unnecessary, on the table should be only a notebook, pen and pencils. Sit down for your workplace correctly. Straighten your back, put your elbows on the table, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Place in front of you the items necessary for the exercise. These can be spelling or calligraphic patterns. Do not forget that the ability to properly hold a pencil in your hands depends largely on whether it will be possible to develop a beautiful handwriting.
The alphabet and simple figures should be written with a pen,holding her large, middle and index fingers at a distance of at least 1 cm from the surface of the paper. Slowly write the first letter. If necessary, take a prescription and follow the example. Do this exercise until the letter leaves nicely automatically. This will take a long time, so be patient. Periodically change the ballpoint pens. So you can find one to write beautifully and easily. In the future, buy only those. Having learned to write one letter, go to the second one, until you have studied the entire alphabet. Then practice on syllables and words.
Another great exercise that helpsTo improve the handwriting is the painting of pictures. Why not remember childhood and not take up coloring? It's so interesting and very useful. And how will your children rejoice in this!
Can I learn to write beautifully for a shorttime? In general, this is not easy. But there is one little trick. To better master the letter, ask for help from your loved ones. Let them dictate to you some text. Dictation very well affects the binding skills of writing. But the text should be dictated slowly and with the arrangement. Do not hurry. The main thing is to try to write everything down as beautiful as possible. After a few days of such training, you will notice that the handwriting has improved significantly.
Look closely at the slope of the letters. He has no even-tempered counterparts. They are difficult to get out of themselves, and therefore they will have even lines. If a slight inclination to the right is detected, then this is evidence that the person who wrote is calm and sociable. But if the lines go at a great angle, then you have a self-confident maximalist. The slope to the left will give out critics and individualists.
Character traits can be predicted by the size of lettersin the written line. A sweeping handwriting corresponds to creative people. But the owners of small letters are very economical and rational, at times even a little stingy. Kind, warm-hearted people will be given rounded letters. In optimists, lines always creep up, pessimists down. The egoists have angular letters.
In general, a person can know how to write in a beautiful handwriting, but he can not hide his nature behind the lines. Carefully printed letters will show his character and give an idea of his personality.
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