The countries of Eastern Europe are the main features

According to the generally accepted classification, whichadheres to the UN, the region of Eastern and Central Europe includes all the Eastern European countries that used to belong to the socialist camp. Of course, the countries of Eastern Europe are also the Baltic States, that is Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. All of them are characterized by a transition economy from planned, socialist, to market.

Eastern Europe

If we consider the main economicindicators that the countries of Central and Eastern Europe can boast, it immediately becomes obvious that the Czech Republic is considered the most highly developed in this part of the world. It is inferior to Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. If we mention industry, its main feature is the great role of heavy industry and machine building. This fact is also connected with the socialist past of all these countries. After the collapse of the Union, the countries of Eastern Europe experienced considerable upheavals and tests, as old sales markets, sources of raw materials and logistical schemes disappeared.

As elsewhere in Europe, the countries of Eastern Europetry to maintain the ecological balance and reduce the extraction of such minerals as coal and metal ores. The scale and role of production is decreasing. However, the restructuring in other areas of industry is very vigorous, especially with regard to science and science-intensive industries, which need to be understood as the production of radio electronics, robotics, automation and various space technologies.

countries of central and eastern Europe

The most persistent and profitable areindustries, such as food, textile, printing and wood processing. Agriculture, which is traditionally proud of the countries of Eastern Europe, also goes through the stages of reforms and changes, gets used to the market system, is transformed. Instead of large and powerful cooperatives, small private farms appeared. It is they who own most of the land in countries suitable for farming.

The countries of Eastern Europe, whose list is nottoo long, are characterized by a quite traditional and already habitual high standard of living, especially in comparison with the more eastern neighbors. National governments that came to power after the collapse of the Union are pursuing a state policy that is aimed at achieving major social reforms and transformations.

Eastern Europe list

Countries of Eastern Europe can boasta much smaller decrease in the level and quality of life. These states spend as much on social transfers as the Western European states allow themselves. And in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, deductions for the provision of various social groups are at the very highest in the whole world.

These states are quite largethe life expectancy of their inhabitants, which they constantly try to increase, as well as the level of education of the population and, very importantly, the real value of gross domestic income per capita, taking into account, naturally, the cost of living in each particular country. In general, these countries, of course, are less prosperous than the countries of Western Europe, but, nevertheless, very successful and successful.

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