Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko

The end of the seventies of the 10th century was markedthe arrival of the youngest son of Svyatoslav-Vladimir to the prince's throne in Kiev. Personal qualities of the new ruler, his character attracted people to him. During his reign, he was able to talk with ordinary people, took care of the sick, distributed gifts, without being distinguished at the same time and being sometimes arrogant and unjust. For his broad soul, his hospitality, along with his enlightening, creative and commanding activities, the ruler was nicknamed "The Red Sun". The youngest son of Svyatoslav became a hero of epic tales and legends.

Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko, whose biographyis saturated with various events, rules for almost forty years. The main event throughout his reign is, undoubtedly, the acceptance of Christianity and the Baptism of Rus. It happened in 988.

Having ascended to the throne, Prince Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshkobegan to reflect on the strengthening of power. He began to build pagan sanctuaries and set up idols everywhere. Being in exile, the Vikings relied on their strength. In addition, the Slavs at that time, revering the gods of Perun, Simargla, Veles and others, lived according to the laws of paganism.

In the first ten years, Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshkoestablished before the prince's house a wooden idol of the main, in his opinion, god Perun. According to annalistic evidence, idolatry was most widely spread precisely at the beginning of the reign of the young ruler.

In order to strengthen the state, Vladimir KrasnoyeSunny made a large number of campaigns to neighboring territories. After the war was declared to the Polish Slavs, the young ruler captured some fortified cities and annexed Chervonnaya Rus (Prykarpattya). After, going to the north-east, he pacified those who did not want to pay tribute to the Vyatichi. From there, Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko went to the north-west, on the territory of the ancient tribe of Lithuanians - Yatvingians.

There are several evidences of howwhere the baptism of the ruler of Kievan Rus passed. According to one source, this event occurred in Kiev itself, according to others - in the city of Vasilev (in the Kiev region).

Some evidence is called Korosten(Chersonese) the city of Vladimir's baptism. On these territories the Russian ruler organized another expedition. In those days, this Crimean fortress belonged to Byzantium and long enough resisted the invasion of Vladimir. According to the legend, the ruler of Russia made a vow to be baptized in case the fortress was taken by him. After a long resistance the inhabitants of Korosteni had to surrender. However, this was not enough for the Kiev prince.

After taking the fortress Vladimir sends toConstantinople, ruling then Constantine and Basil, warning that he is ready to go to the capital of Byzantium. At the same time, the Russian prince agreed to peace, in case he married Anna, the sister of Byzantine rulers. However, the brothers considered it indecent to extradite their Christian sister for an idolater, and they hinted at the prince diplomatically, suggesting that they accept Christianity. Together with the acceptance of their faith, Byzantine rulers promised to give Anna. The Russian prince went to such conditions.

After his baptism, Vladimir baptized his children, a large number of noble and ordinary Kievites. He ordered the idols to be thrown into the Dnieper.

Over the next 25 years, more than 300 Orthodox churches were built on the territory of Kievan Rus, which became centers of spreading the culture of Christianity.

Together with Orthodoxy came to Russia and writing, and book enlightenment. After baptism in the state there are schools in which priests teach.

Further Vladimir's rule was associated withsafe existence and unity of Kievan Rus. They made trips to the territory of the North Caucasus, to the Caspian Sea, to the Volga. Defensive lines were erected on the new borders of the state, cities, fortresses, signal towers, earthen ramparts were built. Thus, fortresses were built on the Trubezh, Desna and other rivers.

The Kiev prince Vladimir died in Berestov, on July 15, 1015, from a sudden illness, without choosing an heir to the throne.

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