Ekaterina Bagration: biography

The descendant of the Georgian Tsarist dynasty, General PeterIvanovich Bagration is one of the most famous Russian generals. In his life there were many high-profile victories, but few know the details of the hero's personal life. But in due course his marriage was the subject of discussion of the High Light of all Europe, and his wife - Catherine Bagration - was considered one of the most beautiful and windy women of her time, and at the same time, a skilful spy. Her biography is a story about endless novels, which to this day is of interest to history buffs.

Origins and childhood

Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration was the daughter of the CountSkavronsky, who was known for his all-consuming passion for music. He was also the grand-nephew of Catherine the First, served as Russian envoy in Naples and possessed a colossal fortune. Pavel Skavronsky was still a young man and married the niece of the most brilliant prince Potemkin. The couple had two daughters: Maria and Catherine. The girls eventually turned into real beauties and made a sensation in the Upper Light. Soon they both fell in love with Count Paul Palen, but he chose the elder Mary.

Catherine Bagration

Acquaintance and wedding with Bagration

By the age of 18, Ekaterina Skavronska was consideredan enviable bride, since everyone knew about her huge dowry, about which legends went. In addition, her beauty attracted the attention of most men who met on her way. Among them was General Petr Bagration, who had already been awarded all possible honors. By that time he was already 35 years old, and he was going to settle down and start a family. The image of the young Catherine immediately took possession of the mind and heart of the brave warrior, but he did not dare to approach her, shy, like a boy. Pavel Pervoy learned about the heartache of the commander, who liked to arrange marriages of his courtiers, assigning this fascinating occupation several hours a week, mainly in the afternoon. Once during a service in the palace church, he announced that he was going to marry Peter Bagration and the girl Skavronskaya and ordered to prepare the girl for the wedding. Stunned bride dressed up right in the chambers of the empress. At the same time, on behalf of the sovereign, she was presented with expensive diamond jewelry, which aroused the envy of all those present. So, on September 2, 1800, the ceremony of the prince Bagration was held, marking the beginning of a marriage that can hardly be called happy.

Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration

Living together

Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration was not a modelchastity even in girlhood, and after marrying, she completely ceased to observe decency and began to flirt with men, not paying attention to her husband. First, the poor prince in love tried not to notice the behavior of the adored wife, especially since he was often absent from the service. However, soon her behavior became the subject of general gossip. Yes, and Catherine Bagration (the portrait above) did not aspire to normal family life, therefore, 5 years after the wedding in the Gatchina Palace, the spouses had a final break.

Princess Catherine Bagration

At the Austrian court

Immediately after the explanation with her husband PrincessEkaterina Bagration went to "treatment" abroad. There, nothing prevented the young beauty from having fun with all the members of the stronger sex, who seemed more attractive to her than her spouse, whose Caucasian appearance did not correspond to the notions of the masculine beauty of that time.

Soon the whole of Vienna was discussing the Naked Angel. It was this nickname that Catherine Skavronska-Bagration received for her love of translucent, tight-fitting dresses, which shocked the Austrian court. The most famous lover of the princess at that time was the Russian ambassador Andrei Razumovsky, but the romance did not last long, as she did not like to stay in one place.

In Dresden

The passion for changing places has causedabout Princess Bagration began to say that she had made her "second fatherland" out of her coach. The next city, where the windy beauty decided to stay, was Dresden. There she met Clemens von Metternich, who at that time was acting as Austrian ambassador. Their turbulent romance culminated in the birth in 1810 of a girl named Clementina. At the insistence of Emperor Alexander the First Bagration was forced to admit the baby and give her his name.

In Vienna

After the birth of the child restless CatherineBagration moved to Vienna and founded an anti-Napoleonic salon there. It was even said that she was collecting important information from politicians and diplomats who loved to visit her house, and she sent this information to St. Petersburg. During this period Friedrich von Schulenberg, the Prince of Württemberg, the English Lord Charles Stewart and even Prince Ludwig of Prussia, for whom the beautiful Russian aristocrat became the last love, were soon included among her knights, since very soon he was killed in the war.

Ekaterina Skavronskaya Bagration

Widowhood and the Congress of Vienna

As you know, Prince Peter Bagration died from a wound,received during the Battle of Borodino. The widowed princess barely noticed the death of her husband, especially since the widow's situation opened up new prospects for her.

In 1814 Catherine Bagration eclipsed allsecular lions at the Viennese congress and won the favor of Alexander the First, who repeatedly lingered with her in the evenings. At the same time, many informed courtiers claimed that their conversations were not confined to secular chatter, and the king was more interested in secret information that the widow of Bagration was recounting from her fans who occupied important posts in the governments of many European countries.

Future life

When in the Old World a lasting peace reigned,the princess moved to Paris and settled in a mansion on the Champs Elysees, where a circle of admirers was formed around her. There was even Honore De Balzac, who drew from her the image of one of the heroines of "Shagreen's skin."

Second marriage

Apparently, tired of binging life, at the age of 47years, which in those days was already considered quite respectable, Catherine Bagration married John Hobart Karadok. This English diplomat, bearing the title of Lord Houden, was younger than the princess for 16 years. At the same time, Ekaterina Pavlovna decided not to change her surname, and soon began to live separately with her young husband. Moreover, after a while there were rumors that Caradoc was going to start a divorce, because he hopes to win the favor of Queen Victoria.

Catherine Bagration portrait


Catherine Bagration lived a rather long life. In her old age her legs were cut off, and she almost did not leave the house. This woman with an amazing fate died in 1857 and is buried in the Venetian cemetery of San Michele.

Her biography formed the basis of the novel by Stella K. Hershon "Naked Angel", which tells the story of love between Catherine and Metternich. She also became one of the main characters in the historical story of M. Kazovsky "Katish and Bagration." Ekaterina Pavlovna is mentioned in Valentin Pikul's novel "Feather and Sword".

Catherine Bagration photo

Now you know who Ekaterina Bagration was,photo of the gravestone is presented above. Despite everything, she was a patriot of her homeland and tried with all her might to contribute to the victories of Russia in the diplomatic field.

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