How to hint to the guy that I like him - advice to girls how to make the first step correctly.

Many modern girls often do not giverest of the example of Tatyana Larina, in case of sympathy for the young man they try not to wait until they are noticed, and take matters into their own hands. Nevertheless, many often ask the question "how to hint to the guy that you like him," not knowing where to start. We offer you an approximate plan of action in this situation:

How to show the guy that I like him. Exploration by battle.

At this stage, your task is to find out how muchyou are cute to your chosen one. At least you will have a clear idea of ​​reality. If you are not indifferent to him, then you can safely proceed further, if not - no harm, still can change.

How correctly to find out his real relation to you:

  • Conduct a survey of acquaintances, best of all close friends;
  • Try to communicate with him to keep eye contact with him - if he does not look away, then you have a chance;
  • If a guy tries to please you and is looking for reasons to stay with you longer, this is also a very good sign of his indifference.

How to hint to the guy that I like him? Option for active girls.

If you have the courage, then tell him about yourfeelings directly. Just pick up the right moment when he will be in a good mood and without outside witnesses. In doing so, you should look confident. If you are hesitant to tell him directly, you can invite him to go out with you somewhere in such a way that he realizes that it will be more a date, and not an ordinary meeting. If he refuses, then beyond the event you can not force, but if he agrees - then everything is fine.

How to hint to the guy that I like him, if you do not dare to tell him directly?

If you are not used to acting straight andprefer the devious ways, then write him a romantic note with the recognition "I like you". It's great if it will be timed to St. Valentine's Day or will be handed in a novel setting. You do not have to subscribe, but you can give it to him, pretending that you were asked to become an intermediary. If you see that such a note has interested him, you can let him know that the author is you.

A few more tips that will help you answer the question "how to hint the guy that I like him":

  • Remain yourself, do not try to please the guy,wearing someone else's mask. If you really like him, then just the way you are, and the falseness will sooner or later come out. Although, if for the sake of your feelings you want to make positive changes in your life (doing sports, quitting smoking or starting to learn better), then it will be just fine;
  • If the guy did not reciprocate you,try to translate the conversation into a joke. Do not cry, do not press him and do not get too upset. It's possible that your prince is waiting for you ahead, and with this person you can quite make friends;
  • Think about what his reaction might be and decide in advance that you will be about to answer and how you can beautifully retreat in case of failure;
  • Do not confess to a guy in love through SMS, messages in social networks or by mail - in such a case you need to be bold;
  • Try not to flirt with other guys when you are next to him;
  • If you have common friends and interests, then you should show it to him in every possible way.

How to hint to the guy that I like him. Your possible errors:

  • Do not be cheeky in talking to him;
  • Do not show a hot love, enough hint;
  • If friends do not approve of your choice, it may be worth listening to their opinion;
  • You should not ask for help in an elementary matter for the sake of starting a relationship. It's best to ask him to help you figure out something where you are a complete layman and, on the contrary, a specialist;
  • It is not necessary to use acquaintances as intermediaries;

In any case, listen to your inner female intuition, which always tells you what is right and good for you.

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