Vibrator: what can I replace at home?

Thanks to the sexual revolution in society, almostall countries the topic of sex and pleasure from sex has ceased to be taboo. Stores of intimate goods expand their networks, and now it is no longer so embarrassing to buy them. In recent years, the problem of achieving orgasm by women has been openly discussed. Hence the invention of many special accessories for this case. In thematic journals publish cognitive articles on these topics. Therefore, studying them, ordinary women often think about buying a vibrator. But if you can not buy a vibrator, what can you replace it with? After all, not every lady can afford to spend a solid amount of money on a device of questionable effectiveness.

A bit of history

Vibrator than can be replaced

Vibrators appeared in the 18th century, in England. Then it was believed that tears, tantrums and fainting in women arise due to an excessively sick uterus. To treat this body, a special massage was prescribed. That's for him and were invented vibrators. As a result, the toy received more recognition among the female population.

Today, medicine recommends usingartificial penises to relieve painful spasm during menstruation, since orgasms allow the dilatation of blood vessels. After childbirth, using a vibrator, you can adjust the tone of the vagina and heal the scars.

How can I replace the vibrator at home? Auxiliary materials

Than you can replace the vibrator photo

If a woman wants to explore the faces herselfhis sexuality, intimate toys will help to detect erogenous zones. And vibrators just serve to achieve orgasm. As improvised means, you can use ... the contents of the refrigerator.

For example, bananas. Before use, wash it thoroughly in warm water, put a condom on top and turn on the film of erotic content. Using a banana for deep penetration, you can achieve orgasm.

Items in the bathroom can also help inseeking an answer to the question of what can replace the vibrator. Take a good look at the shelves. If there is an electric toothbrush, then it is easy to replace the object for sex. Since it has several switching speeds, it can easily be used for both vaginal sex and stimulation of the clitoris, and for massage of erogenous zones.

We make a vibrator with our own hands

Than you can replace the vibrator

If you do not know what you can replace the vibrator,photo of finished products may suggest the answer. After all, by and large, it consists of a body and a motor. The latter can easily be bought at a radio store. But with the rest will have to tinker.

The first option: sculptural clay. With its help, you can fashion a penis of any thickness and height. The main thing is to leave a place for the motor. Then follow the instructions on the packaging material and bake the unit. After attaching the remaining parts and use the device. This option is easy to replace the purchased vibrator. What can I replace the sculptural clay, if it is not at hand? Do not rush to use ordinary children's clay. When heated, it will begin to melt and lose its properties.

A strong copy

Products made of ceramics and plasticine are fragile andshort-lived. Therefore, it is better to choose other materials. For example, if you want to make a "perpetual" vibrator, what can replace the case? A good option is a tree. From it you can cut out a penis of any thickness and height. It is important to thoroughly polish it with sandpaper to remove chips. Do not forget to make inside the place for the motor and batteries. After the product can be painted and varnished. The hole for the parts can be closed with a sealant. What other vibrator can there be than to replace wood? The answer is simple: any solid material - clay or metal.

than you can replace the vibrator at home

A more difficult option is to collect somematerials and make a store copy. For example, you can use liquid silicone. It is used for building aquariums. As a mold, a condom, an elastic tube or a metal tube, a hose, and the like can be used. The motor can be pulled out of the old toy. It will need to be placed inside the "form" together with the batteries and filled with silicone. It remains only to wait for the drying of silicone, and the device can be safely used.

Rules of operation

If you want to have a vibrator in the house, than you canreplace it at home, you know, be careful. Many people forget about the safety of the materials used. For example, long aromatic candles can be used as the body of the vibrator, but in the vagina sensitive microflora and the use of such material can cause negative consequences - allergy or irritation. Therefore, carefully approach the choice of "home" vibrator.

Do not forget about the care of the device, even if itmade by own hands. Wash it in warm water, dry and use in a condom. Closely inspect the object for the presence of cracks, chips, etc. Check the subject for an allergic reaction before use.

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