How to make a wedding glass by yourself? Detailed instructions for creating a masterpiece

Preparation for the wedding is in full swing, and youYou are thinking about not missing a single detail. After all, every detail on such a solemn day is important. Among other things, you are looking for a way to make a wedding glass by yourself for the bride and groom. I want these wine glasses to become one of your first family relics. So that even after many years, on the day of the anniversary, you could drink champagne from them and remember your merry wedding. This article details how you can paint glass on your own, give interesting ideas for the design of wedding glasses.

Technology of glass painting

This process is not as complicated as it seems. Such wedding glasses by own hands (photos of simple, but original ideas are given below) can be done by having artistic skills at the level of the school program. What will you need to work?

how to make a wedding glass by yourself

1. Wine glasses of the desired shape.
2. Paper, markers, pencils, scotch, scissors, brushes, toothpicks, cotton buds.
3. Special paints for painting on glass, composition for surface degreasing, tube with a contour or marker.

Let us dwell on the paints in more detail. Since you decided to make a wedding glass by yourself, you will have to understand the technology of this case. There are two types of paint:

  • opaque - made on the basis of acrylic, have durability and water resistance (they are also called cover paints);
  • transparent, or stained glass.

For beginners, experts recommend using non-burning paints (not requiring baking) based on alcohol. Such paints are not washed off with water and last for a long time.

beautiful wedding glasses
Preparation for painting

First step. Degrease the surface with alcohol, a detergent for glass or acetone. After this stage, it is not recommended to touch the glass with your hands, so as not to spoil the quality of the future painting.

The second step. Create a sketch. We need beautiful wedding glasses, do not we? The easiest way to print a picture or pattern you like is and transfer the image to the wine glass through copying paper. But you can draw yourself.

The third step. Attach the picture inside the glass and securely attach it with tape.

The fourth step. Without interrupting the line, apply a contour from the front side. Use a marker or special contour for this. When the lines dry, the sample can be removed.

How to make a wedding glass by yourself: Painting

The next step is to fill the outline. Use a brush to apply paint, if it is liquid, then hold the glass horizontally. Any "mistakes" immediately remove using a cotton swab dipped in a solvent. If air bubbles appear, eliminate them with a toothpick. The paint dries for at least 6 hours (and some of its types - up to 24 hours).

Wedding glasses by own hands
Fastening. If you have chosen non-burning paint, apply an acrylic lacquer (transparent) to the glass surfaces. Wait until everything is dry.

Additional decorations. Here everything depends on your abilities and preferences. You can add as a decorative color sand, beads, sequins and rhinestones. All this is attached to transparent glue. A flirtatious bow will complete the composition. Since making a wedding glass by your own hands is not at all difficult, be sure to try yourself as a designer-designer. The time spent in this activity will add joy during the preparation of the celebration.

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