The harm of masturbation causes a lot of controversy already manyyears. Masturbation is widespread everywhere since ancient times. As a rule, adolescents begin to engage in self-satisfaction during puberty, when sexual arousal comes, but full sex is not yet available. Although often masturbating children begin at an earlier age. This may be due to lack of care for the genitals or some diseases, such as vulvovagenitis or worms, which cause an unconscious touch to the genitals. Masturbation in this case is involuntary, gradually acquiring awareness of the actions.
For a long time in society masturbation was consideredshameful phenomenon, and the parents, having found the child for a similar occupation, started to scold him or even punish him. So far, in modern society there are still similar prejudices, which in many ways determine the harm of masturbation for the further life of a person. First and foremost, a person who was punished for masturbation in childhood, considers himself flawed in adult life, feels a sense of shame after making himself a sexual gratification. Such self-flagellation in severe cases begins to oppress the psyche of the individual, interfering with his normal life, causing permanent depression. In this case, rather, it is possible to speak not about the harm of self-satisfaction as such, but about the dangers of prejudice.
But is it harmful to masturbate as much asapprove orthodox opinions? The time spent on obtaining sexual satisfaction, with onanism is much less than with sexual intercourse. This leads to improper operation of the circulatory and nervous systems. Therefore, it is advisable to prolong the time of masturbation to the duration of a full sexual intercourse and begin with the gradual caresses of the body before the moment of excitement.
In addition, during masturbation, the sex organsexperience greater pressure, are more actively stimulated than with sex. Therefore, there may be dissatisfaction with the partner, the erogenous zones become insensitive to the weasels. This especially applies to the chest and cervix. But with vaginal and clitoral masturbation such situations do not arise. When a regular sexual partner appears, masturbation should be stopped.
Particularly pronounced is the harm of masturbation whenabuse of it in men. The fact is that sexual intercourse is possible only with the erect penis, and for masturbation this condition is not necessary. And if the number of sexual acts is limited by nature, then the man can endure the mastication endlessly. Then the body will direct all the forces to produce new sperm, which eventually leads to the oppression of other organs and exhaustion.
Answering a question about whether it is harmfulmasturbate, you can answer unequivocally: "Yes." But this is true only in part and only when a person abuses such a way of satisfaction. In other cases, the harm of masturbation is not proven, but it can bring a lot of benefit. If there is no regular sex, she gives an opportunity to get a discharge, relieve sexual tension, normalize the hormonal background.
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