"Gull". Chekhov. The summary of the play

The play "The Seagull" was finished by Chekhov in 1896. In the same year it was published and staged in the St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater. If you analyze Chekhov's Seagull, then this work seems to be an uncomplicated everyday story: the eternal problem of children and parents and the old love triangle. But practically behind every replica of the heroes one can consider not only their fate and character, a whole human life arises before you. Each action shows the simple life of ordinary people, while revealing the complexity of their relationship with Chekhov. "Seagull" (a short summary of the play you read below) is referred to as a comedy, only it does not have funny characters. You will not find there any fun scene or funny event. The whole play is built on the clash of generations between confident and venerable adult characters and still unrecognized and inexperienced youth.

"Gull". Chekhov. Summary of the first action

In the estate of Peter Sorin, the retiredState counselor and his nephew Konstantin Treplev. Mother of Constantine, Irina Nikolaevna Arkadina is a venerable actress who came here to stay. Together with her came her lover Trigorin, well-known at that time fiction writer.

Konstantin is passionate about writing. He prepared a play for the show, in which the only role would be played by the daughter of neighboring landowners, Nina Zarechnaya. The girl dreams about the scene, but her parents consider this indecent and strongly resist the hobby of her daughter. Constantine is in love with Nina, but in love with him Masha - the daughter of a retired lieutenant Shamraev. His family is also invited to watch the play.

czech seagull
All sit down before the hastily assembledA scene in which Nina, dressed in all white, utters a rather strange monologue in a decadent style. In Arkadina, he causes a direct protest, she sees that his son is trying to teach her how to write and what to play. Constantine, furious, leaves. Nina does not follow him, she gladly accepts compliments to her talent. Especially Trigorin tries to do this.

"Gull". Chekhov. Summary of the second action

Two days later, the same persons again gather inestate. Nina is surprised that such famous people as Arkadina and Trigorin, in life are no different from the usual. The girl falls in love with Trigorin and begins to avoid Constantine, who links everything with the failure of his play. He tries to explain it to her, but this only irritates Nina. Trigorin is her new idol, for which she is ready for anything. Constantine appears, he carries a dead seagull in his hand and puts it at the feet of Nina with a statement that he will soon kill himself.

"Gull". Chekhov. Summary of the third action

A week later Constantine makes an unsuccessfulattempt suicide. Mother decides that the reason for this is jealousy. She is sure that you need to take Trigorin away to Moscow. But he does not want to leave the estate, he is carried away by Nina, it seems to him that it was he who was looking for his whole life. He tells this frankly to Arkadina, but she does not believe in the seriousness of his hobbies and convinces Trigorin to go. Just before leaving, he still encounters a girl. She is also going to leave for Moscow, and they agree that they will meet secretly there.

analysis of the seagull Chekhov
"Gull". Chekhov. Summary of the fourth action

Two years passed. Constantine still writes, and his works are printed. Masha got married, but, not paying attention to her husband and her child, spends a lot of time in the Treplevs' house. Nina in Moscow met with Trigorin, they even had a baby, but soon died. The spouse threw it and returned to Arkadina. The career of the actress in Nina failed, because her game was rough and tasteless. Her parents do not want to know anything about her and do not let her into the house.

Once again they come to the estate to stay with Arkadin andTrigorin. They are playing with the guests in the lotto. And Constantine is in his office. Unexpectedly, Nina comes to him. Now it's a tired and disappointed woman who has lost faith in her confession. But Konstantin still loves her and wants to go with her to the provincial theater, where she will play. Nina does not seem to hear him: Trigorin's voice comes from another room, and she loves him even more than before.

All those who play in the lotto hear a sound similar toshot. The doctor who visited the estate suggested that one of his bottles was torn. He leaves the room, and when he returns, he asks Trigorin to take Arkadin somewhere, since Konstantin Gavrilovich shot himself ...

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