Mordovian poet Vladimir Nesterov: biography and creativity

Mordovian poet Vladimir Nesterov - the author of patriotic lyrics, philologist, publicist. He is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Mordovian poet Vladimir Nesterov

For anyone who at least casually gets acquainted withhis work, it will be obvious that Vladimir Nesterov is the poet of his country, country, power. He is a master of patriotic odes, lyric-epic poems, poems dedicated to important problems of modern life. Creative let, which was the poet Vladimir Nesterov, biography (with photo) is not described in detail.

Vladimir Nesterov - singer of the people

Every Russian person knows the names of A.S. Pushkin, NA Nekrasov, SA Esenin, AA Blok. These are great poets who gave their voice to a simple people. With AS Pushkin, the development of the Russian literary language began. NA Nekrasov and Sergei Yesenin contributed to our literature the theme of the peasantry and the lives of the poor, in the musical verses of AA Blok the greatness and courage of multinational Russia, the tramping of Scythian horses, the game of Tatar blood are heard.

Mordovian poet Vladimir Nesterov biography

But besides the great poets, there are also authors of the second order, who are rarely seriously spoken.

Such poets have a certain talent, there isidentity, there is a personality. Their work is not as multifaceted as the works of great geniuses, their voice sounds quieter and easier, but despite this, it is these poets of the second order who always had and have a major influence on the minds of the younger generation of contemporaries. People, for whom poetry is not an art in the conventional sense of the word, but a way to convey to others some truth, to tell about an important event, using rhythm and rhyme. Such poets of the second order include, for example, Demyan Bednyi, Nikolai Petrovich Ogaryov, Nikolai Klyuyev and others. Such contemporary authors include the contemporary Mordvin poet Vladimir Nesterov. The biography of this writer has not been fully described, therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell on it in more detail.

Young years of Vladimir Nesterov

Service in the army, everyday life of a student, painstaking, butthe creative work of the journalist - all this was learned by the poet Vladimir Nesterov. Biography and creativity of this author are closely intertwined. It seems that the poet responds to any significant public event with a poem.

Vladimir Nesterov was born on October 7, 1960 in the village of Anaevo in the territory of the Republic of Mordovia.

From the school's bench the future poetinterest in state problems, the organization of society and the place of Russia in the world space. The poems of the young patriot were published in the newspapers Young Leninist, October Light, Moksha.

After school, Vladimir Nesterov firmly decided to becomejournalist and entered the Mordovian State University at the Faculty of Philology, which he graduated with success in 1987. So began his journey of life, Vladimir Nesterov. The biography (from a photo of childhood and adolescence) of this writer is almost not covered in magazines, but one can hope that in time the reader will have the opportunity to learn more about this unusual poet.

Mature years and the beginning of the work of the poet

In 1988 he published the first poetic collection of V.I. Nesterov "Sotx" (Russian "Communication"). And in 1992 two books were published: "Vachashit kolga" ("On the famine") and the collection "Spiritual thirst", and a year later, in 1993, the Mordvin poet Vladimir Nesterov joined the Writers' Union of Russia.

In the 1990s, the poet worked for some timethe head of the national theater in Mordovia and tried to maintain the people's spirit in society, inspire people to believe in the future, no matter what. About this period, he responds as a "hungry".

At present the poet lives in Saransk in Mordovia. He conducts active public activities, participates in the Congresses of Russian writers, attends patriotic events in schools, and speaks with interest at literary evenings and meetings.

Awards and recognition

 poet vladimir nesterov biography and creativity

The poet Vladimir Nesterov is widely known in his native Mordovia. He regularly takes part in poetry competitions, more than once became their prize-winner and laureate.

The poet was awarded the Literary Prize of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia, is a prize-winner of regional competitions "Mirror of the Nation" and "Christmas Star", participant of the festival of the Finno-Ugric press.

In February 2017 was a creative evening, a guest of the poet Vladimir Nesterov (a photo is in the article). It was attended by young writers and cultural figures of Saransk. The slogan of the meeting read: "We are all Russians!", Which emphasizes the international spirit and the civic position of the poet.

In March 2017 NI Nesterov won the regional contest in the nomination "Live, Mordovia mine!".

Vladimir Nesterov is a journalist and translator

poet vladimir nesterov photo

Currently, Vladimir Nesterov worksobserver in the newspaper "Mokshen Truth". He has never concealed or hides his social and political position - and this deserves respect. Indeed, the poetry of V. I. Nesterov is quite specific, it may or may not be liked, but the poet can not be denied such personal traits as citizenship, loyalty to the word and firmness. He never changed himself - but this is a quality that is not inherent in everyone. "We are a single Russian nation," V.I. Nesterov, - citizens of the great great Russia, and then the Mordva, Russians, Tatars, Dagestanis, big and small peoples. "

Being primarily a citizen, V.I. Nesterov considers it extremely important to emphasize his belonging to the great multinational culture, which is the culture of Russia. Because the poet writes as in Russian, on and in Mordovian languages ​​(moksha). Moreover, he is an interpreter for his native Mordovian Bible for children and some Orthodox liturgies.

Patriotic lyrics of V. I. Nesterov

vladimir nesterov biography with photo

Biography and creativity of Vladimir Nesterovare imbued with the image of a powerful and powerful Russia. Russia in his poems is not an abstract homeland, but an empire on which not only internal stability depends, but also the safe and peaceful existence of all peoples on earth. VI Nesterov sincerely believes in Russia's high recognition, in its God-chosenness and identity.

The poet admits that he is inspired by such writers as S. Kinyakin, I. Devin, G. Pinasyov.

The poet tries to respond to every significantevent in Russia. For example, the procession "Immortal Regiment" VI Nesterov devoted a work in which he called on the younger generation to be "worthy" of the heroic deed of the ancestors:

That the regiment of the Immortals was at peace with us,

As for the glory of his homeland!

Landscape and folk lyric poet V. I. Nesterov

vladimir nesterov poet

In the works of V.I. Nesterova can identify several main topics: the big and small Motherland, the beauty of nature, the past and future of Russia, philosophical questions about the life calling of man and his role in the world.

A large number of works by the poet are devoted tobeauty of his native Mordovia. In the reciting poem "Live, Mordovia!" VI Nesterov admits in his love for his native land, says that he "does not have happiness" in "foreign lands". The text of this poem is laid on music and became widely known to the inhabitants of Saransk.

biography and creative work of Vladimir Nesterov

It must be said that the poet is always sharply negativespoke of praising life in the West, in a foreign land. In his poems about nature, as in patriotic lyrics, VI Nesterov remains true to himself - he first of all remains a citizen.

Another distinguishing feature of V.I. Nesterov is that he never, even in his youth, wrote about love. The poet believes that the love of a woman is unworthy of being described in high poetry. However, the theme of love in the poems of V. I. Nesterov is still present. This is a bright feeling for the Motherland:

Love, like spring water,

Melt the heat in the heart:

I'm happy to live

with you always

One fate!

- writes V.I. Nesterov about Mordovia.

Religious poetry of Vladimir Nesterov

biography and creative work of Vladimir Nesterov

The Mordvinian poet is deeply religiousman. He goes to the service in Orthodox churches, celebrates Christian holidays. VI Nesterov is sure that Orthodox education should be an integral part of secular education.

Many poems by Vladimir Nesterov reflect his religiousness and sincerity of faith. For example, in the work "Keep, Lord," the poet asks:

Keep, Lord, save me:

Keep in me a living word.

In these lines there is a prayer, praise to God,faith in His power and the poet's request to protect him from unrighteous deeds, to preserve his poetic talent - "living word". But such a personal appeal to God in the next stanza is acquired by the poet's beloved motif:

God save for us:

Her special is a difficult path.

The poet combines personal and common, a request to God to help the poet save his talent and plea for the well-being of his native country.


Mordovian poet Vladimir Nesterov connects inhis work personal and general, describes issues relating to the individual life, and problems that make one think about the Motherland and the way of his people. And let his poems are far from brilliant, but they are sincere, pure and close to many.

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