The station "Dybenko" is a metro station, which is worth a visit in St. Petersburg

The station "Dybenko" is a metro that uses a specialpopularity not only among the Petrograders themselves, but also among the guests of the northern capital of Russia. First of all, the reason for such prominence lies in a successful location. The fact is that on the surface of an excellent public garden is broken, attracting visitors from all over the city. Secondly, there is something to look at and from an architectural point of view. Let's talk about the object in more detail.

Section 1. General description of the metro station "Dybenko" (St. Petersburg)

dybenko metro
This station of the fourth metro line is the last stop of the Right-bank branch in St. Petersburg. It is located in the Nevsky district in the Okkervil district.

"Dybenko" is a metro that is located on theorange branch connecting the central part of the city with the southeast areas located on the right side of the Neva. The station, like all the rest of this line, is underground, and belongs to a deep type of building.

The construction of the subway is a structurethree-vaulted column-wall type, the depth of which is 65 meters. It consists of one island platform of direct shape. From the underground metro entrance you can get to Dybenko street, Esenin park and Bolshevikov avenue.

The exit to the city is located at the southern end of the subway, inwhich has four inclined escalator belts. The metro station "Dybenko Street" is also equipped with a ground pavilion shaped like a rectangle with a high glazed portal. The latter is built on the territory of Esenin Park. The stained glass of the portal is slightly deeper in the volume of the lobby. Walls on the street side are lined with limestone. Above the escalator hall is a dome of reinforced concrete.

Section 2. History of construction

metro station
The station was launched on the first day of October in1987. "Dybenko" - the metro, received the name due to the eponymous street on which it is located. Initially, under the project, it was to be called the station of the "Red Commissars", and later it was planned to rename the object to "Merry Settlement". The last sentence was rejected.

It was also necessary to slightly change the planconstruction. The fact is that during the construction of an inclined course on the path of the sinkers a rock rose. And although the workers used the brown-explosive method of construction, but the trajectory still had to be changed.

The underground station was designed by architects OG Kravtsov, MP Antonov and GA Vasiliev. VG Khilchenko and KG Leont'ev participated in the development of the ground vestibule.

Section 3. Station Features

metro dabenko saint peterburg
The station "Dybenko" - the metro, which opens in5.35 am and ends at 0.05 at night. Near the subway there is a famous park named after Yesenin, which is an excellent place for a family holiday. There are many attractions for both children and adults.

"Dybenko" - the metro, columns and walls of the passengerthe hall of which is faced with dark gray granite slabs. Yellow-white marble was used for finishing the travel walls. Lamps located behind the cornice illuminate the underground room.

Since the opening of the station was for the celebration70th anniversary of the Great Revolution, then the decoration was dedicated to the revolutionary theme. Column rows, interrupted by short walls, are decorated with mosaic compositions made of stone. They depict the wheat sheaves, the sickle and hammer, the bayonets, the fire and the fluttering banner. The end part of the wall is decorated in the form of a mosaic panel, also made of stone. The authors of the work are VV Sukhov, IG Uralov, NP Fomin, and SN Repin. The picture shows a woman in a leather jacket, in one hand she holds a rifle, and in another - a book with the motto "Freedom, Peace, Brotherhood, Equality, Labor". All this personified the young Soviet Republic.

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