Arab Republic Egypt: attractions, description. Guide for tourists

Egypt - one of the most popular countries for recreationamong our compatriots. And this fact can be easily explained: advantageous geographical location, good climatic conditions, developed infrastructure, abundance of attractions and reasonable prices. Not all Russians know that the correct official name of this state is the Arab Republic of Egypt. The sights of this country are her calling card. What to see first of all during the vacation?

The Mystery of the Sphinx

Arab Republic Egypt attractions
The main symbol of Egypt - the pyramids, the ancienttombs of pharaohs. These religious buildings are considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. The necropolis in Giza is very popular with tourists. Near the pyramids of Chephren, Cheops, Mikerin is a gigantic statue of the Sphinx. It is a figure of a lion with a human face 20 meters high and 57 meters long. It may seem strange, but in fact the giant sculpture was reopened not so long ago. For many centuries the great sphinx was heavily sanded and from afar resembled only another hill.

Modern tourists can appreciate the greatness andbeauty of the sculpture in full measure, as today the contours of the sculpture are cleaned and restored. A lot of legends go about the mission and riddles of this statue. According to one version, inside the sphinx are hidden incredible treasures and lost sacred relics. There are also disputes about whose face is half-animal-half-human. A popular version according to which the great sphinx has the face of Pharaoh Khafre, but to date it is not the only one. Whatever it was, this giant figure is one of the country's branded attractions, and to look at this wonder of the world necessarily follows its own eyes.

The pyramids of Giza. Mikerin's Tomb

The Great Sphinx
Necropolis in Giza is considered one of the mostknown throughout Egypt. It is here that there is a large sphinx and three huge pyramids included in the list of "7 wonders of the world". The tomb of Cheops is considered to be the highest, and the tomb of Khafre is the only one that can boast of a fragment of the original cladding. The third tomb in the necropolis ensemble, in which he found the place of his last rest, Pharaoh Micherin (Menkaour), who is the grandson of the legendary Cheops, is relatively small in size, but can boast of a rich decor. The height of the tomb is 62 meters, and the length of one side of the base is about 109 meters. The pyramid was built in great haste, Pharaoh himself ordered to speed up the construction period, to use large blocks. However, once it was an incredibly beautiful structure. According to some sources, the Micherine pyramid description was as follows: from the bottom and about 1/3 the tomb was covered with red granite, above was a strip of white limestone facing, and the top was also red. It is believed that the two-colored pyramid remained until the ruin of the Mamelukes in the 16th century. In the funerary temple was located a huge statue of the pharaoh and a whole collection of sculptures, many of them can be seen today in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo.

Pyramid of Djoser

7 Wonders of the World
Step-Tomb of the Pharaoh of the Third DynastyDjosera is located in a place with a picturesque view of the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis. Originally it was a whole complex consisting of a pyramid, a temple, a false tomb, a corridor with a colonnade and some other buildings. The dead city was surrounded by a high stone wall and a moat. It is believed that it was incredibly beautiful, in the courtyards there were growth statues and altars for worship. Up to the present day, two funerary chambers have been preserved (completely identical, in one of them, once was buried the pharaoh). Interestingly, both funeral rooms are at a depth of 28 meters and are lined with pink granite. The stepped pyramid of Djoser has six tiers, and under it there is a network of tunnels connecting about 400 separate rooms.

Luxor - the capital of the ancient world

World Heritage Abu Simbel
In the time of the Pharaohs, the capital of Egypt for a long timewas located in the city of Thebes, which was the largest cultural and commercial center of the state. It's hard to believe, but this settlement exists today, however its modern name is Luxor. Just like a millennium ago, the city is divided into two parts by the great Nile: the realm of the living and the valley of the dead. In both of its parts, an incredible number of ancient buildings and religious buildings have been preserved. In Luxor and the surrounding area there are unique and simply very beautiful temples, huge statues, rich tombs. It is in the local valley of the dead that the pyramid of Tutankhamun is located, which reached the present time in a preserved form.

Carnac Temple

In ancient Egypt there was a huge amountsacred places, houses of gods and places of worship. However, the largest of these was the Karnak temple complex. This is a whole city, divided into three parts, each of which "belongs" to a separate deity. To date, this landmark is considered the second most popular after the pyramids among tourists who are vacationing in Egypt. Specialists say that the construction of the complex began in the 20th century BC, and for 13 centuries, each pharaoh completed something, as a result, only 33 churches and halls were obtained. There really is something to see: the sphinx alley, giant obelisks and statues, the columns of the Karnak temple.

Temple of Edfu

Stepped pyramid of Joser
The second largest temple complex in Egyptconsidered Edfu. Originally, this cult structure was dedicated to Horus, the son of the goddess Isis and Osiris. It was discovered that this structure was not in the best shape, but thanks to the efforts of archaeologists and restorers the building was neatly cleared and restored. The Arab Republic of Egypt has more famous sights and attractions than the Temple of Edfu, but it is considered to be one of the best preserved today. At the entrance to the halls is installed a huge statue of the Choir with a falcon head, made of black granite. For tourists, there are halls and a sanctuary - a room in which only priests and pharaohs could enter.

Abu Simbel is the treasury of the mysteries of the ancients

Pyramid of mykerin Description
In a small town on the border of Egypt with Sudanspend all the rest is unlikely to succeed. Abu Simbel is a provincial city, in which it is difficult to find a decent hotel. It is remarkable for its unique temples, which have been preserved to this day in a worthy condition. The city and the nearest religious buildings were erected at the very end of the New Kingdom era. Temples in the rocks were ordered to create Pharaoh Ramses II, and he devoted the greatest to himself. On the facade of the shrine you can see giant statues of the gods: Amon, Ra, Ptah and Pharaoh himself. These same figures were installed inside the temple in the furthest hall, only Ramses II himself could enter. Nearby, also in the rock, the temple of Hathor was cut down. These buildings are no less valuable than the pyramids or the great sphinx, today these ancient shrines are also protected by UNESCO as world heritage. Abu Simbel is located in Nubia, 285 km south of Aswan.

The Temple of Isis on the island of Fillet

On the largest land area washed by waterNile on the first threshold, a temple complex was built in honor of the goddess Isis - the wife of Osiris. Once the island was called "Pilak" (in literal translation - "extreme"). It is noteworthy that with it the priests set out on their journey to the island of Big, where according to beliefs Osiris forever regained his peace. There they performed various ceremonies and left gifts. Today, the temple complex of Isis is qualitatively restored and moved to the island of Ajilkiya.

Village of the Pharaoh

Columns of the Karnak temple
If your holiday destination is in the Arab RepublicEgypt, the sights connected with ancient civilizations, wait for you literally at every step. Magnificent pyramids, huge stone sculptures and obelisks, ancient temples - all these structures enchant and amaze imagination. During numerous excursions you can learn a lot of interesting things about life in the era of the pharaohs and about the great rulers themselves. And you can go on a special excursion and see everything with your own eyes.

Pharaoh's village is a cultural-historicalPark, located near Cairo - the modern capital of the state. Here you can see the houses of the rich and poor inhabitants of Ancient Egypt and even visit the functioning temple. Among all buildings, representatives of different estates are engaged in their household affairs: actors are dressed "in fashion" of the times of the pharaohs. Of course, most of the buildings in the village of the pharaohs are only a reconstruction, and not genuine monuments of architecture, but a visit to the park under the open sky gives the greatest feeling of immersion in the ancient world.

Every year, an increasingly popular place forholiday is the Arab Republic of Egypt. Attractions here can be found for every taste. If time and opportunity allows, you can try to travel several cities in one vacation.

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