Modern and historical architecture of Kazan

Modern architecture of Kazan is harmoniousa combination of several directions in urban planning, in which the bright identity of the capital of Tatarstan of the 18-19 centuries is seen through some buildings of the Soviet period. And next to them are already erected new original buildings, which interpret the architectural and historical heritage of the past and the newest methods of construction of structures.

The historical center of Kazan

The capital of Tatarstan has a 1000-year history,which found its embodiment in various monuments of monumental art. The architecture of the city of Kazan in the historical center is a combination of many styles and directions for several hundred years. The building of the center and the Old-Tatar settlement was preserved very well: profitable houses and old mansions of wealthy merchants decorate the streets. Classicism, Empire and its types, modernism - all these areas refer to the buildings of the 18-20th centuries, which harmoniously blended with the architectural palette of Kazan.

architecture of Kazan

The brightest sights are located inThis part of the city, where for two hundred years, two cultures have developed and complemented each other - Western and Eastern. Modern Kazan is a worthy example of historical tolerance and unity of various religions: here there are also Orthodox churches (16-19 centuries), and mosques built after the decree of Catherine II (1766) in the 18-19 centuries. and in recent years. By the anniversary of the city, the old buildings were reconstructed and many new objects were built, including the new Kul-Sharif mosque in the Kremlin.

The management of all works on the transformation of the cityThe Ministry of Architecture (Kazan) carried out the necessary implementation of the policy of the Russian state in the sphere of city planning and housing and communal services in the city.

Kazan Kremlin

This is the main historical attractioncity ​​is located in its heart and represents a large complex, combining Russian and Tatar architectural and cultural traditions of the 12-20 centuries. Here is represented the architecture of Kazan in its diversity.

The structure of the Kremlin includes:

  • 8 defensive towers, one of which is a symbol of the city-the falling tower of Syuyumbike (height 58 m), from which a panoramic view of the Volga and its surroundings opens.
  • Palace of the Governor.
  • The Annunciation Cathedral was built in the 16th century, it is the main Orthodox church in the city, it contains a collection of old printed books of the 16th and 18th centuries.
  • Savior Transfiguration Monastery.
  • School of Junkers.
  • Cannon yard.
  • The Kul-Sharif Mosque is a modern building,built in 2005 on the donations of 40 thousand organizations and civilians, which has become one of the largest Muslim mosques in Europe. The building is represented by the shape of 2 squares intersecting at an angle and constituting the "Blessing of Allah" sign, has 4 minarets.

Architecture Management Kazan

  • Museum of Islam, Natural history of Tatarstan, memorial of the Great Patriotic War, etc.

Architecture of the Soviet period

Architecture and town planning of Kazan in the periodThe 20th century was marked by the appearance in the 1930s of constructivism: the building of the Press House, the building of the Kazan Chemical-Technological University. Kirov. In the postwar period, the architecture includes the style of the Stalin Empire, in which the buildings of the University of Medina, the Opera and Ballet Theater and others were built.

Second half of the 20th century. It was marked by the construction of more modern buildings. Circus, Palace of Sports, Conservatory, River Station, Tatar Academic Theater - and this is an incomplete list of structures of this era.

One of the brightest representatives of the buildings builtin the Soviet times, is the Kazan Circus, which the people called the "Flying Saucer". It really resembles an alien ship with a diameter of 65 m. The building was built in 1967 instead of a burned wooden circus on the Black Lake and was famous for its uniqueness: the structure does not have internal supports, but is a reinforced concrete monolith 23 meters high (architects M. Khairullin and G. Pichuyev). In 1973 he was recognized as an architectural monument.

architecture and urban planning of Kazan

The capacity of the Kazan Circus is 2 thousand spectators, there are 2 arenas and economic services, including animal enclosures.

Modern architecture of Kazan

Great redevelopment of the historic city centerwas launched in the 1990s in the context of the program to eliminate dilapidated housing, and then continued in the 2000s in preparation for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the capital of Tatarstan. The implementation of all town planning plans was managed by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (Kazan).

In recent decades in the guise of the citythere are constant updates. Not all modern buildings are perceived unequivocally by the residents of the city and visitors. However, thanks to them, the architectural appearance of Kazan is becoming more and more interesting and extraordinary.

The Farmers' Palace

One of the most spectacular modernsights, which traces the new architecture of Kazan - built in 2010, the Palace of farmers, which now houses the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan. The palace is in the historical part of the city, next to the territory of the Kazan Kremlin.

management of architecture and urban planning

The style of this structure is determined by specialistsas bos-ar, which is a mixture of French baroque and renaissance. Also included are some elements of Empire and Classicism, and the central dome is a bit like Petit Palais in Paris. At night the building is very beautifully illuminated, makes an indelible impression on tourists.

In front of the palace there is a wide square where the annual International Opera Festival concerts take place.

The sad fate of the Temple of all religions

One of the original and popular buildingsis located on the bank of the Volga, it is simultaneously the church of several religions: Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu. The founder of the Temple of all religions is the sculptor and artist I. Khanov, who built this structure on his own site since 1994. Now the Cultural Center of Spiritual Unity is located in which charity concerts and exhibitions are held.

architecture of the city of Kazan

But, unfortunately, the temple recently suffered a sadfate: April 10, 2017 in the building there was a fire in which most of it suffered. The owners of the building, which received the building as a legacy after the death of its builder, promise to eliminate the consequences of the fire.

Puppet Theater "Ekiyat"

One of the new representatives of the architecture of Kazan -the building of the Kazan Theater "Ekiyat", made in the style of the Disneyland fairy-tale castle. The appearance of it seems to have been copied from a magic book: figures of fairy-tale characters adorn the facade, and the scene is made in the form of a glass palace. Evening illumination gives it an almost medieval look.

Interior interiors are also made with a fabuloustaste: on the floors with chess coloring there are benches in the form of thrones, where small spectators like to play. The theater was built in 2002 and has 2 auditoriums: 250 and 100 seats. There is a puppet theater right in the center of the city.

Ministry of Architecture of Kazan

"Kazan" Family Center

The building that opened in 2013. - Wedding Palace. Not for nothing it was called "Kazan". Its design, based on a snow-white base, is the only one in the world. The author of the project is the sculptor D. Namdakov.

Appearance (high lancet windows) andinteriors are made using the combination of ethnic styles of the Kazan Khanate and classicism. The building has 3 halls for celebrations and rooms for receptions. Upstairs at an altitude of 32 m there is an observation deck, the view from which the neighborhood captures the spirit of visitors.

architecture of Kazan

All these new modern, original buildings -representatives of a bright and original architecture, combining the Kazan style and the capital scale. The Architecture Department (Kazan) plans to further develop the architectural and construction experience of young and promising town planners, who with the help of modern materials will translate their fresh ideas into reality.

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