Where to go in Vyborg? We'll find out!

Vyborg is an ancient city, which is located on thenorth of the Gulf of Finland. His story says that he changed many times from Finland to Russia and back. The architecture of Vyborg is amazing! In it styles of different epochs were combined. Here you can see and medieval buildings, and buildings of the era of the emperors of Russia, and buildings of the Soviet era.

Vyborg Castle

Where to go to Vyborg to get to know him betterhistory? You can start acquaintance with the city from the Vyborg Castle. This is perhaps the only building in Russia of Western European origin specially built for military needs and defense. This fortress is remarkable for its architecture, it is a real haunted castle. He is popular with filmmakers, artists, lovers to seek and find other worlds. There was a fortress on the island with a talking name - Castle.

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An island with a mainland connects a stone bridge, alongwhich can pass from the castle to the historical part of Vyborg - the Old Town. It is a real medieval city with crooked, narrow and gloomy streets, secluded courtyards, back streets and, surprisingly, a complete lack of billboards.

Of course, do not think where to go in Vyborg,being in the Old Town. Here you should walk along the square of the Old Town Hall, where a monument to the founder Turgils Knutsson is erected. There are well-known buildings, such as the House of Glinka, the Dweller's House. And on the square there is a Catholic church and a granite palace. Lovers of old architecture will receive a sea of ​​impressions, and the younger generation will learn the lessons of history.

Clock Tower and Market Square

Another is to see the Clock Tower. It is unique in that it is installed on a huge stone with absolutely no foundation. Going upstairs, you can get to the observation deck, from where opens an amazing and grandiose view of the city and the bay.

Vyborg Palace

Nearby is the Market Square. There it is not necessary to decide where to go to Vyborg. This place will allow you to stroll, and relax with comfort, and make a purchase. There are unique ancient buildings and those that are built quite recently.

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It is a round tower or, as it is called, "RoundCatherine". It was built for the defense of Vyborg. Later it was reconstructed and opened inside the restaurant. This is the most famous and visited by the townspeople and guests of the city resting place. Immediately located Vyborg market. Although it was built in the 20th century, it organically fits into the local architecture.

Avenue of Sculptures

It is worth to visit the Alley of Sculptures,which is located near the "Hermitage-Vyborg" complex. There are copies of statues of various Italian masters of the 17th and 18th centuries. But the Sculpture Park at the station represents the works of Russian creators in the original.

Monreno Park

Where to go to Vyborg during the weekend? On the nature, get some fresh air. Returning again to the bay, you can get to Montreno Park, which combines wild Finnish nature and architectural masterpieces.

Unfortunately, not all Vyborg buildings are preservedin proper condition. But this does not prevent its popularity among tourists from different countries. And, perhaps, dilapidated buildings even add to the city of mystery and mystery. Gloomy, covered with greenery from the moisture of the Gulf of Finland, the building is immediately convinced of its ancient origin and even allows the traveler to feel himself a man of the Middle Ages.

Cinema "Vyborg-Palace"

But this does not mean that there are no places in the citymodern rest. Of course, there are also cultural and leisure centers, cinemas, cafes and bars. Therefore, there is hardly any question of where to go to Vyborg on weekends. But they all try to match the atmosphere of the historic city in one way or another. Many choose the suitable names: the Vyborg-Palace cinema, the Respect restaurant, the Brigantina cafe will gladly welcome visitors, where guests can have a good rest, have fun, and at the cinema you can watch premieres and festivals with pleasure. relax and young people, and couples with children.

What else can you visit when you come to Vyborg?

Where to go with the child? In the city there are a lot of entertainment centers with attractions, cafes and slot machines. In addition, for kids and older children there is a musical and puppet theaters. Well, a trip to the fortress and the bay will be unforgettable for the child.

Those who think where to go in Vyborg, it is worth visiting the Museum of Underwater Archeology. He is in one of the bastions of the Vyborg Castle.

Vyborg where to go with the child

At every step in the city, tourists can purchasesouvenirs with local symbols for different taste and purse. These are the stones of the Gulf of Finland, magnets with images of the city's attractions, a panorama of the bottom of the bay, where dozens of ships are buried. Exotic reminders can be called jars with the air of St. Petersburg and the water of the Gulf of Finland.

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