City of Hamburg - sights and attractions

Many travelers are attracted by the German cityHamburg, whose sights are concentrated in ancient historic neighborhoods, as well as in the harbor area. Other cities in Germany can not boast of such an unusual combination of cultural and historical monuments, ultramodern shopping centers, luxury parks and romantic canals, and among the most interesting tourist sites are the masterpieces of architecture.

Sights of Hamburg: From the oldest part of the picturesque Germancities to this day have reached only a few ancient buildings located on the street Deichstraße, since many architectural structures were destroyed during the war and destroyed due to bombing. Therefore, modern Hamburg, whose sights are often copies of pre-war buildings, is interesting due to the excellent work of restorers and German architects.

Getting acquainted with a romantic city can begin withThe inspection was built in 1886-1897 in the Renaissance style of the City Hall, the building of which the indigenous inhabitants call the main symbol of Hamburg. The facade of the ancient building is richly decorated with figures of famous German emperors, and now the town hall is met by the first burgomaster and parliament. Despite this, foreign travelers are allowed inside, and tourists can walk around a lot of stylishly decorated rooms. And next to the masterpiece of architecture you can see a picturesque lake, on the watery surface of which white swans flaunt.

The Cathedral of Michel: viewing the sights of Hamburg,It is impossible to pass by the ancient cathedral "Michel" - so the townspeople call the majestic temple of the Archangel Michael. This church, founded in 1750, is one of the main symbols of a colorful city, and historians consider it to be an excellent example of sacral architecture in the Baroque style. On the facade of the temple a huge mechanical watch is adorned, and in the interior, adorned in golden and white-gray tones, decorations made of tropical wood dominate. The height of the tower of the temple is 132 meters, and travelers can be advised to climb the elevator to an unusual viewing platform, from which one can well consider the old Hamburg, the sights of the Hanseatic city and the panorama of the Alster river.

Kunsthalle Museum: Coming to Hamburg, attractionswhich include not only monuments of architecture, but also excellent museum collections, you can go to the Kunsthalle Museum. Here the best in Northern Germany art collections, collected since 1869, are collected, and thanks to their inspection the history of the development of European painting becomes understandable. Among the collection there are works by F.O. Runge and K. D. Friedrich, as well as paintings of the XIX century, made in the style of Romanticism.

Excursions: Local travel agencies offer visitors toHamburg to travelers the most unusual excursion programs, and during bus and pedestrian excursions tourists will be able to discover the most mysterious places of the Hanseatic city. If you walk along the modern underground tunnel, which is laid under the majestic Elbe, travelers will admire the panorama of Hamburg from the opposite bank of the river. From this place you can clearly see the river station and ancient temples, as well as the monument to Bismarck.

The most interesting for travelers,coming to Hamburg for the first time, will be a boat trip on a small boat in the picturesque water area of ​​the port. From the side of the river there is a charming panorama of the aristocratic Blankenese district, the "highlight" of which is the green landscapes and luxurious private mansions erected on the high Elbe shore. During the summer, pleasure steamers regularly cruise along the Alster River, artificially divided by reliable dams into the "outer" and "inner" water areas.

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