Kayrakkum Reservoir (Tajikistan), Mirnaya Bay: recreation

In the 50's. the last century for the purpose of building a hydroelectric power station and regulating the flow of the river. Syr Darya on the territory of Sughd region was built Kairakkum reservoir. Local, not having a direct access to the seas, call this reservoir no other than the Tajik Sea.

Kayrakum reservoir

general characteristics

This artificial pond is at an altitude of 7 mabove sea level, has a total capacity of 4,160 million m³, only half is actively used. The length of the reservoir is 75 km, the width is 20 km, the height of the dam is 32 m. The maximum depth of the reservoir is 25 m.

In winter, the Kayrakkum reservoir often freezes, and in summer the water can warm up to +32 ° C.

Originally it was planned that the artificialthe reservoir will have only economic importance for the region, but over the years this region has become a popular place for recreation not only for residents of Tajikistan, but also for tourists from nearby countries. The construction of the reservoir began in 1950, and the water was filled from 1956-1958.

The reservoir created a new ecosystem in the region. A commercial fish appeared in the reservoir. Birds, flying from Asia to India, make a parking on the banks of the reservoir.

Tajikistan on the world map will not be foundlabor, but with the search for a reservoir on it will have to try. If there is a desire to go here to rest by car, it is better to take a detailed plan of the area.

Climatic conditions

The reservoir is characterized by itsmicroclimate, the formation of which is affected by the nature of the underlying surface and the activity of the three main cyclones of the region - the South Caspian, Upper Amudarya and Murgab. Depending on the current flow of air, the region's weather is also determined. The average annual precipitation is 400-800 mm. Winter - cold, wet, summer - hot, arid. Kairakkum reservoir is located in such a territory, where precipitation falls mainly in the warm season in the form of rains and short-term showers. Snow happens in winter, but rarely, sometimes a permanent snow cover is established. The average temperature in January is -1 ... -3 ° C, in July - + 33 ... + 35 ° С.

rest in tajikistan

Flora and fauna

In the surrounding areas, fruit gardens have been planted and land areas have been developed, which due to the reservoir have a constant watering.

The reservoir of Kairakkum is suitable for fishcatching. This is the holiday in Tajikistan. In the reservoir are found in large quantities of carp, bream, temple and pike, only 12 species of freshwater fish. They entered the reservoir straight from the Syr Darya. Not far from the pond there is a fish farm, whose fishermen are engaged in commercial fishing.

Currently, the region is developing as aresort. Warm water reservoirs and sandy beaches on the coast are excellent conditions for a family vacation. Along the pond stretches the resort area with numerous recreation centers, sanatoriums and children's camps.

tajikistan on the map

Where to rest?

The most visited tourist centers are the Holiday House "Kairakkum", "Mirnaya Bay", "The Tajik Sea", "Shifo" and "Bakhoriston" sanatoria, Zuhal and Orlyonok.

Holiday House "Kairakum" cordially acceptsvisitors. The territory is always quiet, cozy and quiet. But, as the visitors tell, the service is lame. Also, the conditions are only for the economy class.

"Mirnaya Bay" is popular because from houses tothe beach is within easy reach. On the territory of the base are equipped one-storey buildings, ready to accommodate up to 45 people. At the service of tourists are entertainment: billiards, catamarans, a bath, a brazier. And of course, a clean and equipped sandy beach. There are separate houses of the "superlux" class.

The "Tajik Sea" base is mainly orientedon youth. Comfortable rooms, extensive territory for various sports games, the possibility to rent a catamaran or a bicycle, as well as guided tours of the region. Living in this institution, you can understand how good the species of such an object, as Kairakkum reservoir.

Rest can be done in the sanatorium "Shifo". It consists of houses for living and a complex with treatment rooms. They come to correct their health.

Sanatorium "Bakhoriston" is a large health-improving complex. Among the visitors of the sanatorium are not only residents of Tajikistan, but also holidaymakers from Russia and neighboring regions.

In summer camps for childrenabout 7 thousand children are cured. In total there are 23 such establishments in the region. Here is such a wonderful country - Tajikistan. On the map you can find each of the buildings, so you will not get to work with them. For lovers of "wild rest" on the shore of the reservoir are equipped with comfortable campsites. The prices for accommodation and excursions are budgetary, there is an opportunity to rest well and inexpensively.

kayrakkum reservoir holidays

Interesting historical sites

Sughd region and its center Khujand have a long history and preserved to this day architectural and historical monuments. The most popular places in the region are the Sheikh Muslikhiddin Mausoleum and the Khujand fortress. Both attractions are to the south of the reservoir. The mausoleum is an architectural ensemble of the XIX century, consisting of a minaret, a cathedral mosque and the burial of Sheikh Muslihiddin. Khujand fortress was built 2,5 thousand years ago and protected the city from enemies. Gradually the fortress collapsed, rebuilt. The original view of this building was returned in 1990 after a powerful restoration. In the same year, the Historical Museum was opened, which stores more than 1,000 exhibits in its walls.

Get to the resort area of ​​the reservoir can be reached in the region. center - Khujand city, and from there 200 km to the east.

the bay is peaceful


Rest in Tajikistan, namely on the describedreservoir, still has many disadvantages, as it only begins to develop in the resort area. But the region has already earned a lot of positive feedback and received regular vacationers. Tourists are attracted by the cultural and historical heritage of the region, picturesque landscapes with diverse flora and fauna, favorable climatic conditions. It is for these reasons that there are so many travelers and families with young children here.

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