Sanaxar Monastery: history, description, how to get

The Sanaksar Monastery has enoughan interesting location. It stands in the bend of a river called Moksha. From the north and west to the holy abode adjoin green groves and pine forests, attracting the eye with their beauty. On other sides of the monastery are picturesque rivers and unspoiled lakes.

sanaksar monastery

Nativity the TheotokosThe monastery was founded in 1659. And by the beginning of the XIX century a small temple turned into a huge and well-maintained monastery, where it was comfortable to be to everyone. The decoration of the monastery is made in the Baroque style. The church has survived to this day, and services are still being maintained here that help to heal the souls of people.

The history of the monastery

The place for the construction of the monastery was allocatedone of the kind-hearted local residents called Luka Evsyukov. He invited the builders and abbots of the Old Kadom Monastery, with the help of which a magnificent chapel was erected. They also prepared a forest for the further construction of the temple. And only in 1669 a blessing was received for the erection of the church and the monastery itself. It was given by Patriarch Joasaph II. Already in 1676 the construction of the first church, erected in honor of the meeting of the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, was completed.

Hegumen Theodosius was on the territory of the monasteryfor many years and lived here until 1681. And then he was sent to stay in another abode. After the abbot's departure, and he was forced to do so, the monastery fell into disrepair, there was nobody to restore order. In this state, he remained until 1759. During this period the brethren did not have enough, the construction was completely stopped, the cells required repairs.

One of the best stages of the monastery's life is associated with the name of Theodore Ushakov. His prayers were directed to the development of the monastery, and the brethren could calmly bear their calling.

On March 7, 1765, by a special decree, the church received the right to be called a monastery.
The Monk Theodore was rector until 1774. Then this post was taken by his receiver - Ilya Fomich Tishkov. Construction continued. By 1776 the bell tower and the refectory were built. Such a large-scale construction indicated that the monastery had a second birth and now a good future awaited it.

Nativity of the Theotokos

In 1805-1806, thanks to theprofessional and experienced architect, another church was built in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. The church turned out to be incredibly beautiful and bright. There is a special atmosphere here.
Rector Filaret remained on the territory of the monastery until the end of his days. He did everything possible, erected new temples, made the monastery comfortable for the brethren.

Difficult times

In the pre-revolutionary years, the temples were considered the center of the spiritual life of Russia.
In the 20th century, after the arrival of Soviet power, a tragic event took place in the monastery, which was imprinted on the lives of all its inhabitants. It was closed, monks expelled, adjoining temples were looted.

And only in 1991 the church was returned to thehands of the state, and the authorities were able to begin the restoration. And already on May 26, 1991 within the walls of the monastery the first divine service was held, which says that the monastery is functioning again.

Restoration of the monastery

sanaksar monastery photo

By 2000, 90 people lived on the territory of the monastery. Then the temple was still restored, the brothers worked tirelessly. The services, which are the basis of the life of the monks, were held daily.

To date, the restoration is completed. The compositional center of the monastery is a monumental five-domed cathedral consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Near the entrance to the Sanaxar Monastery is the church. Not far from the monastery is the holy spring of the Monk Theodore, to which you must immerse yourself, being near the temple.

How to get to the Sanaxar monastery?

sanaksar monastery how to reach

To get to the monastery, you can usevarious types of transport. This is, first of all, a pilgrimage bus, which regularly runs from Moscow, Voronezh, Saratov and other major cities. You can get there by car, driving on the highway M5. A train or a bus goes to Temnikov. From there the path across the bridge to the monastery is 4 km. Can be reached on foot or by ride.

By rail, you need to get to Potma station. Then take the bus to Temnikova.

Visit to the monastery is an incredibly important event inlife, this is primarily for the soul. The photo of the Sanaxar monastery only partially reflects the grace that reigns in its surroundings.

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