Alexandria (Egypt) - an unforgettable vacation

Alexandria (Egypt) is located in the north of the country, and the city was founded long before our era by Alexander the Great.

alexandria egypt
The architect during the construction was Deinocrates,who built such a magnificent city almost on the wasteland. There was a clear and consistent planning, so today the resort consists of streets and avenues intersecting at right angles. This beautiful city combines an ancient history and the modern world. Once Alexandria (Egypt) was the capital and cultural center, but everything changed after it was conquered by the Arabs. In those days, a large number of temples, monuments, chic buildings and structures were built, of which the Alexandria lighthouse is even included in the seven wonders of the world. However, many quarters and monuments during the strongest earthquake were buried under water.

Short description

Alexandria (Egypt) is more likeEuropean resort with many restaurants offering Egyptian and European cuisine. This is the second largest city in the country, enjoying huge recognition among millions of tourists, because it is a pearl of the Mediterranean Sea. The city has a developed infrastructure, a large number of hotels and hotels that make it possible to make a holiday here fabulous and comfortable, a lot of historical sights, enabling you to relax with your body and soul, developing spiritually. Due to its favorable geographical location, the city of Alexandria (Egypt) has a mild, moderate climate and not very dry, as in the central part of the country, air.

tour to Alexandria Egypt


Alexandria can be called the capital of art andliterature is the favorite city of tsars and kings, writers and scientists. Once here, you need to walk along the Corniche quay with old-fashioned houses. Here you can admire the baskets with fish caught by fishermen and crayfish or gaze at grandfathers gathering their nets from the water. Residents of Cairo and tourists come to the resort to rest and enjoy life. It is necessary to go to a cafe with huge halls, paintings on the walls, antique mirrors and spacious terraces that open a luxurious sea view. City cafes are "classics of the genre" and "brand name" of the resort in the Mediterranean. Alexandria (Egypt) is proud of its palace Gus Et Tin, who witnessed the signing of the abdication of King Farouk and the end of the Egyptian monarchy. Between the castle and the fort is the quarter Anfushi, once dotted with brothels, and today there are many nice cafes decorated with faience tiles, and a lot of fish restaurants with delicious dishes. The Alexandrian library opened in October 2002, made in the form of a huge cylinder with a bitten top built of aluminum and glass, will surprise with its size and shape. The inner vault is held by thin concrete columns. On the territory of the library you can visit the planetarium and the archaeological museum.

city ​​alexandria egypt

Beach holidays

Do not forget about the popular sandbeaches stretching along the eastern and western coasts for 140 kilometers. The peculiarity of this resort are completely free sunbeds and awnings in the beach areas, which can not be said about other popular European resorts. In the area of ​​the beaches there is the quaint Kbedive Abbas palace, surrounded by a park, it is a favorite vacation spot for Alexandrians, and guests of the city, who come to the resort a huge number, as each travel agency offers a tour to Alexandria (Egypt) at very affordable prices.

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