Philadelphia, USA: attractions and interesting facts

Philadelphia is a city in the US (Pennsylvania),located in the east of the country. It is the largest economic, political and tourist center of America. Philadelphia (USA) - a popular city with travelers from all over the world. There are many attractions that remind of the most significant events in the history of America. In addition, the city is considered the cultural capital of Pennsylvania, because it is in Philadelphia that most of the state museums are located. In this publication you will find the most interesting information about Philadelphia (sights, history, culture, facts).

Interesting Facts

  • Philadelphia is called a "city of brotherly love." After all, its name is translated from the Greek language. And the locals call their city simply "Fili".
  • Philadelphia - the first capital of the "united colonies". This status was given to the city in 1775.
  • During the War of Independence, Philadelphia (USA) served as the temporary capital of the newly-formed state.
  • Independence Hall - the most famous and significanta landmark of Philadelphia and America in general. Within the walls of this building, the most important event in US history took place. Here in 1776 the assembly of the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence of America. And in 1787 in Independence Hall was signed the first Constitution of the United States.
  • Benjamin Franklin, the father of American statehood, resided in Philadelphia.
  • In the city is the famous Congress Hall. Within its walls was created "Bill of Rights" - the first document that determined the legal status of a citizen of America.

Philadelphia United States

Independence Hall

Independence Hall - a historical monument, whichthe whole state of Philadelphia (USA) is proud. Within the walls of this building in the XVIII century. decisions were made that determined the fate of the entire state. Independence Hall proclaimed the Declaration of Independence and adopted the first Constitution of the United States. The building itself was built not long before these events - in 1753. Initially, the building, built in Georgian style, was intended for meetings of the state government.

Today Independence Hall is the most populartourist building in the city. The tour of the palace begins with the courtroom. Then visitors enter the room where the Continental Congress, which proclaimed US independence, was sitting. Today, the interior of the room has been fully recreated since the signing of the most important documents for America. In addition, in the Hall of Independence you can see the old chair of George Washington, his silver inkwell and other personal belongings of the first US president.

Philadelphia United States attractions

Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell is rightfully considered a symbolindependence of the state. It is exhibited on the territory of Independence Hall in a separate pavilion. The Bell of Liberty was the first to inform the inhabitants of Philadelphia about America's independence.

Initially, the object was installed in the bell towerIndependence Hall. Today, in its place is the Centennial Bell, cast to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of independence. Every tourist can climb the tower and see it with their own eyes. In addition, a stunning view of the heart of the city - Independence Square - opens from the bell tower.

Elfert Alley

Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA) attractstourists not only with their rich history, but also with unusual sights. The Alfert Alley is considered one of them. This small street is located in the heart of the historic part of the city, near the Delaware River. Here there are 32 old buildings of the XVIII-XIX centuries. These houses will tell every interested tourist the history of ordinary American workers: blacksmiths, furniture makers, butchers, ship carpenters.

Philadelphia city in USA

House of Betsy Ross

House Betsy Ross - one of the most visitedtourist facilities in Philadelphia. Betsy Ross, a girl from a poor family, is considered the creator of the first American flag. Despite the fact that historians question this fact, the legend is very popular among tourists and local residents. According to Betsy Ross herself, she was a participant in the meeting at which the first president, George Washington, presented a draft of the American flag. The girl during the meeting took the initiative and suggested that the use on the canvas is not hexagonal, but pentagonal stars.

Today in the house of Betsy Ross, where the first American flag was sewn, a museum was opened.

Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Philadelphia (USA) is considered to be a culturalthe capital of the state of Pennsylvania, because here are the most important museums and historical monuments. One of them is the Museum of Arts. Its history dates back to 1876, when an exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the state was opened in the walls of this building. The modern building of the museum was erected at the beginning of the 20th century. It is a wonderfully beautiful palace in Greek style, crowned with columns and sculptures.

Today, the Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the largest and most significant in America. Its exposition includes more than 200 thousand exhibits.

Philadelphia USA

Philadelphia (USA): attractions that everyone should see

  • The Franklin Scientific Institute is one of the oldestmuseums of the USA. The basis of his exhibition is the invention of the world-famous politician Benjamin Franklin. Also in the museum are the latest inventions from different fields of science.
  • The National Constitution Center is the only museum in America dedicated to the Constitution of the state.
  • The Tower of William Penn is an interesting sculpture onPhiladelphia Town Hall. For many years (until 1987), this building was considered the tallest structure of the state. According to the "gentlemen's agreement", no skyscraper could be higher than the level of William Penn's hat. Today, the Philadelphia Town Hall is considered the highest municipal structure in the world.
  • The most famous religious relics of the city - the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, the Church of Christ, the Methodist Church of St. George (the very first in the US), the Church of Joseph.
  • The embankment of the Delaware River, from where an incredibly beautiful view of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge opens, is a favorite place for tourists and locals to relax.

The city is definitely worth it to visit!

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