Settlements related to the name of the famous Russian writer. The village of Leo Tolstoy (Kursk, Samara, Tula region). Settlement Leo Tolstoy (Lipetsk region)

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was an outstanding writer andthinker. His work marked a new stage in Russian literature. To this day, many of his enlightenment and religious ideas are considered authoritative and the only correct ones. Such popularity could not but lead Tolstoy to world recognition.

In memory

In addition to the fact that there is athe village of Leo Tolstoy, and not one, there are also the same schools, clubs, libraries and, of course, museums. The main attraction, which reminds us of the greatness of this writer, is in Yasnaya Polyana. The museum was designed in the former estate of Lev Nikolaevich.

lion's thick village

Moscow also houses the Tolstoy Memorial Museum, in its former manor-house. Also there is another memorable place at the former station Apostolovo (now Leo Tolstoy). It was in him that the writer died.

As mentioned earlier, there is a village of LeoTolstoy. The most popular one is in the Lipetsk region, there are also in the Kaluga and Grozny regions. Of course, these are not the only mentions of the writer's name.


The village of Leo Tolstoy is located in Lev Tolstoydistrict of the Lipetsk region. This district borders on the Ryazan region. During its formation this region had a different name - Astapovsky. It was formed in 1928. For a long time the district was a part of different regions, in 1954 it became part of Lipetsk. In 10 years the Leo Tolstoy settlement was divided between two others: Dankovsky and Chaplyginsky. But two years later he regained his independence.

village lion thick photo


Almost all his life, Lev Nikolaevich lived inYasnaya Polyana. But he died not in his native village. So it happened that his death overtook the station's chief. The writer last saw exactly Ozolin's house. The village of Leo Tolstoy received this name 8 years after the death of the writer.

Already in 1918 in the house of the station's heada museum dedicated to Leo Nikolayevich was opened. After the Great Patriotic War, this memorial became a branch of the Moscow State Museum LN. Tolstoy. By the way, in 1927 the settlement became much larger and received the status of the city.

Its area is only 18 squarekilometers. Earlier, there was an increase in population, but now it is only a decrease. If you look at the photo of the village of Leo Tolstoy in the Lipetsk region, you can see quite a pretty place. Despite the fact that there are 9 more village councils in this area, the writer's population is the most populated - 8,457 inhabitants, although the smallest. The Tolstoy village council has only one settlement.

photo of the lion village of the thick Lipetsk region

The village of Leo Tolstoy, whose photo is presented inarticle, also at the southern border has the same state farm settlement. It was organized in the Soviet years, and in 2000 it became the center of the October rural settlement.

Memorable places

In the Samara region there is also a mention ofgreat writer. In the regional center is the estate of Tolstoy, in which he lived in the summer of 1875. And in Alekseevsky district there is a tiny village bearing the name of a classic.

But in the Chern region of the Tula region of memorythe writer recalls even more places. Of course, here you can not find the village of Leo Tolstoy, as in the Suvorov district of the same region. But there is no less well-known family estate Nikolskoe-Vyazemskoye, which is located 100 km from Yasnaya Polyana, as well as Tolstovsky.

There is another clan settlement Pokrovskoye. Here lived a cousin's uncle writer. Later, Tolstoy's own sister settled here. By the way, not only Leo Nikolayevich came to her, but also Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. In the village of Grinevka, the writer's son lived earlier. Here is his former homestead.

Kaluga region

Leo Tolstoy is not the only village in Russia. The photo can be found and the village named after Leo Tolstoy. It is located in the Kaluga region. There is an administrative center in the Dzerzhinsky district. There are only 3 settlements.

house of a lion thick woman

This rural settlement is officially calledmunicipal formation. This status was received in 2004. The last few years there has been a decrease in the population, but since 2016 positive trends have been observed. Now there are 3894 people.

Perhaps, this is the only settlement named inthe writer's honor, which at the moment looks poor and unhappy. The village of Leo Tolstoy is famous for its poultry factory and monastery. The latter really looks very beautiful and majestic. Perhaps, this is the only place in the whole village, where you can spiritually sate and relax.

Always remember

In addition to the toponyms, the name of Leo Tolstoy was awardeda corporate train that flows from the capital of Russia to Helsinki. Also there is a steam-ship, it is the second in its series. The first was named after Anton Chekhov. Both carry passengers along the Volga, the Neva and the Volga-Baltic.

On Mercury is an ancient impact craterTolstoy. This name was not without reason. The fact is that all craters on this planet were decided to be named in honor of writers, artists, poets, composers and sculptors. Therefore, next to Tolstoy you can see Beethoven, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, and others.

Also in 1978 a typical asteroid was found,which is located on the main belt. It was discovered by the famous astronomer Nikolai Chernykh. It was this space body that was decided to be named in honor of Lev Nikolaevich.

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