Cities of Perm Krai: list, tourism, sightseeing. Berezniki

The cities of the Perm Krai have a different history andfate, vary in size and population. How many are there in the region? When were they founded and what can tourists see here? You will learn about this from our article. Particular attention will be paid to the second largest city in the region - Berezniki.

Cities of Perm Krai

The Perm region is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which is located in its European part, in the Urals. Geographically in Asia there is only 0.2% of the territory of this region.

The region is famous for its beautiful nature, richmineral resources and developed economy. Coal is extracted here for two centuries, oil - since 1929. In the region, the only chromite deposit in Russia is being developed. The region is rather highly urbanized: the share of the urban population here is 76%. The cities of Perm Krai, with the exception of Perm (administrative center), are small. There are 25 of them.

A complete list of the cities of Perm Krai (populated areas are listed in order of decreasing their population):

  1. Permian.
  2. Berezniki.
  3. Solikamsk (enters into one agglomeration with Berezniki).
  4. Chaikovsky.
  5. Kungur.
  6. Lysva.
  7. Krasnokamsk.
  8. Chusovoy.
  9. Dobryanka.
  10. Chernushka.
  11. Kudymkar.
  12. Vereshchagino.
  13. Gubaha.
  14. Wasp.
  15. Nytva.
  16. Kizel.
  17. Krasnovishersk.
  18. Ocher.
  19. Alexandrovsk.
  20. Gornozavodsk.
  21. Gremyachinsk.
  22. Okhansk.
  23. Usolye.
  24. Cherdyn.
  25. Chromosis.

Curiously, the last two cities are home to less than five thousand people. Within Perm Krai there is a village and even villages where more people live.

the city of Perm Krai

City number 1 in the region is Perm: by size, population size and economic potential. But not by age. The oldest city in the Perm region is Cherdyn, which used to be the capital of the local lands. It was founded in the 15th century. Today it is a provincial town with a population of 4,500 people. It's amazing how radically the fate of a concrete settlement can change!

Sights, monuments of architecture, interesting places

The most famous touristthe sights of the Perm Territory are not located in the cities, but beyond. These are primarily natural monuments: huge tracts of taiga forests, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and, of course, amazing rock outcrops. Travelers knowingly call this region the edge of rocks and stones. Gray, Loitering, Writed Stone - all these objects attract many tourists every year.

list of cities in Perm Krai

In the cities of the region there are also many interesting things: numerous museums, temples and monuments of architecture. Lovers of beautiful architecture and ancient manors should definitely visit Perm, Usolye, Lysva, Solikamsk and Kungur. It is best to stop in the "capital" of the region - Perm. The city is located in its central part, and from it it will be convenient to make radial departures and excursions to different corners of the region.

Berezniki (Perm Region): history and sights

Berezniki is the second largest city in Permedge, it has about 150 thousand people. It was founded not so long ago - in 1932, although the history of salt mines in the local lands began in the 17th century. The Verkhnekamskoe potassium salt deposit is the largest on the planet. And since the 1970s, oil has been extracted in the city.

In Berezniki several ancient architectural structures have been preserved. This is the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist in 1754 and several civil buildings of the early twentieth century (hospital, school, cinema).

city ​​Berezniki Permsky kray

An original sight can be consideredlocal failures - unique landscape formations that arose on the site of underground excavations. In the 2000s in the city there were several serious failures up to 90 meters deep.


The cities of the Perm region can be very interestingtourists and travelers. There are ancient manors and temples, museums and beautiful civil architecture. The most attractive in the tourist plan of the city of the region are Perm, Lysva, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Usolye, Kungur.

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