Vitebsk railway station (Pushkinskaya metro station): a journey through the years

One of the central avenues of St. Petersburgis called Zagorodny, because in the XVIII century, when the street got its name, it really was outside the city. In the house 52 along Zagorodny Prospekt there is the Vitebsk railway station of St. Petersburg - the purpose of today's virtual trip.

To any of the five St. Petersburg railwayThe fastest way is to reach the underground transport. Vitebsk railway station is no exception. The Metro will drive you to the right place, but in order to get into the station building, you will have to come to the surface.

Vitebsky railway station
Vitebsk railway station (Pushkinskaya metro station) - the firsta railway station built in Russia in 1837 as the terminal station of the railway that appeared in the empire. The first railway branch connected the then capital with a royal residence in Tsarskoye Selo. It was planned that the train stop would be on the Fontanka, but the money was enough only to the outskirts - Zagorodnaya street. Therefore, the building of the first railway station in Russia was temporary, wooden.

Vitebsk railway station St. Petersburg
Later built a stone structure, whichrepeatedly rebuilt and expanded. The modern building was built in the early twentieth century under the project of the experienced railway architect Stanislav Antonovich Brzhozovsky in co-authorship with the young civil architect Sima Isaakovich Minash. Vitebsk railway station (Pushkinskaya metro station) is an architectural monument in the Art Nouveau style.

During the construction of the station were usedmany technical innovations. The presence of passenger and freight elevators, conveyors, control room between the ways delighted contemporaries. In the decoration of the building, metal structures, stucco molding, paintings were widely used. The top of the building is decorated with a dome and clock tower. In 1904 the first train departed from the station by the message St. Petersburg - Vitebsk, and the former Tsarskoselsky (and later the Detskoselsky) railway station was named Vitebsk railway station.

The metro station "Pushkinskaya" was built in 1956year. The name of the station is connected with the fact that the railway station was nearby, connecting the city with Tsarskoe Selo, where the great Russian poet studied in the famous Lyceum.

Vitebsky railway station metro station
Vitebsk railway station is used for suburbancommunication, intercity and international transportation. Thousands of passengers travel every day from here to the cities of Russia (Smolensk, Pskov, Kaliningrad), the Baltic States (Riga, Vilnius), Ukraine (Odessa, Lviv, Kiev, Mariupol), Belarus (Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Brest) and Moldova (Chisinau ). At the station arriving trains from Warsaw and Berlin, Prague and Budapest. Electric trains carry passengers to Tsarskoe Selo (now Pushkin), Pavlovsk, Veliky Novgorod and other suburbs of St. Petersburg.

10 years ago the station was reconstructed. Pre-booking offices are located on the first floor of the building. There are also automatic and manual storage rooms, a paid toilet and a "Tsarskoye Selo Buffet". The second floor accommodates the main train stations, waiting room and access to the stopping platforms.

In the building of Vitebsk Station you can buy all the necessary goods: souvenirs, products, office supplies, books and magazines. In the premises there is a pharmacy, salons of cellular communication, ATMs.

If necessary, passengers can take advantage of one and two-bed rest rooms located on the third floor.

Vitebsky railway station
Since 2009, the picture hall of the station is being realizedan interesting cultural project - "Music Station". All those who wish can arrive at the appointed time at the Vitebsk railway station (Pushkinskaya metro station) and listen to a concert of classical music or choral singing for free. During the existence of the project, about 200 charity concerts of different genres for 50 thousand listeners passed.

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