The population of London honors tradition

If you decide to visit the capital of Great Britain,then you should know that the people of London honor their traditions and rules. Therefore, they have to comply with numerous guests, tourists, immigrants. Only by taking them to the fullest, one can feel the spirit of the city and enjoy it. It is worth knowing that, unlike the Asian countries, nobody will take an exaggerated care of you here. In addition, England for a long time lived a "closed" life, being an island nation. This led to the fact that the British (and the population of London, in particular), separate themselves from Europe, which is reflected in the attitude towards foreigners.

For example, in most hotels you will be happy, butmost likely, you will have to carry your suitcase yourself on narrow levels (the fact is that the buildings in which the visitors are now housed were mostly built in the 19th century, so the absence of an elevator is quite common).

The population of London

The population of London is a civilized society,the main quality of which is considered cool. They are sociable, but skillfully hide their feelings. Traditions ascribe to them restraint and respect for others. Londoners in conversation avoid those who are directly connected with private life and money, but will gladly joke with the interlocutor on any other topics.

In the event that you are going to visitLondon family, it is worth knowing some rules. For example, before dinner here it is customary to change clothes. This does not mean that you should purchase a special outfit for this case, but you will have to change your clothes. Great value is given to holidays. Most of them are on Monday (with the menu and entertainment selected in accordance with the occasion). Christmas is one of the main events of the year. Fantastic ceremonies, grandiose attractions - that's what London can meet. The population at such events is changing into carnival costumes, solemn music plays. All this makes it possible to create bright, unforgettable impressions of the city!

The population of London

The population of London is more than eightmillion people. Each of them remembers the historical traditions represented in some architectural structures. For example, the world-famous Tower of London, which for a long time was a fortress-palace. In this structure different architectural styles intertwined, inherent in the country's culture at different stages of development. From the original structure is fully preserved the Great Tower, in it and to this day allowed tourists. Despite the fact that the Tower does not currently perform its direct functions, it is for the British that it embodies a rather large part of the traditions. The guards of the tower, by the way, are still dressed in the same form as during the reign of the Tudors.

London population

Interesting is the fact that amongnumerous social groups and communities, those whose activities are aimed at preserving traditions and saving historical buildings take the greatest respect. All this shows that the population of London is truly unique! That cautiousness with which the heritage of past eras is protected is worthy of respect!

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