The most beautiful cities of Ukraine and their sights

Ancient country of Ukraine has a long and brighthistory, which left a significant mark on the appearance of their cities. The question of which is the most beautiful city in Ukraine, just seems simple. Because there is a whole galaxy of ancient settlements with a unique history and sights. Let's talk about the most popular tourist cities.

the most beautiful cities of ukraine

Geographical position

Ukraine is in the center of Eastern Europe. The state is located at a strategically important intersection of routes from Europe to Asia and from north to south. Mostly Ukraine is characterized by a flat landscape, although a small part of the state is occupied by mountain massifs. The country has access to the Black and Azov Seas, over 73 thousand rivers flow through its territory. Ukraine is located in a fertile climatic zone and has beautiful fertile soils.


The first inhabitants in the territory of modern Ukraineappeared in the Neanderthal era. Later, various nomadic tribes lived here. In the 5th century, the state of the Bulgars was formed here, which was soon ravaged by the Khazars. In the 9th-10th centuries on these lands an early feudal state was created, which received the name Kievan Rus. The Old Russian state grew and became rich until the beginning of the 12th century, when part of the territory was transferred to the Lithuanian kingdom, then the power of Poland was established there. In 1648, an uprising of Cossacks took place under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, and as a result of the outbreak of war, part of the lands of Ukraine departs to the Russian Empire.

Later, these lands repeatedly became a fieldbattle of various forces. After the October Revolution in St. Petersburg, Ukraine became part of the USSR, in which it survived different times, including the terrible World War II. Since 1991, Ukraine is an independent state. Multilayered Ukrainian culture is reflected in its monuments, the most beautiful cities of Ukraine today represent different historical epochs, and this country is very attractive for travelers.

top of the most beautiful cities of ukraine

Top 10

If you ask the local residents to name the mostbeautiful cities of Ukraine, the list will be impressive. Indeed, many settlements of the country can by right be included in this list. After all, many cities have an old culture and preserved many monuments of history and sights. But still the statistics of popularity and tourist attraction allows you to make a list of the 10 brightest settlements in the country. It must include Kiev, Lviv, Odessa, Chernivtsi, Lutsk, Kamenets-Podolsky, Vinnitsa, Kharkiv, Uzhgorod and Poltava. Although recently, tourists are also very popular with Pripyat, but it is difficult to call this place in the conventional sense.


The capital of the country on the right is the title "The mosta beautiful city in Ukraine. " Photos of Kyiv's attractions can make a weighty album. The city above the Dnieper has existed for more than 1200 years, and during this time, it has many beautiful places. To get acquainted with the city should be allocated at least 3 days. Among the most famous attractions include:

- Kiev-Pechersk Lavra;

- Sophia Cathedral;

- Khreshchatyk;

- Andrew's Descent;

- St. Michael's Golden-domed Monastery;

- St. Vladimir's Cathedral;

- St. Andrew's Church;

- House with Chimeras.

the most beautiful cities in Ukraine


If you list the most beautiful cities in Ukraine,then for the first lines of the rating, of course, will compete Lviv. This city has a unique history. His appearance was influenced by several cultures: Polish, Austro-Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian. Lviv is a city-masterpiece, here many monuments of bygone times have been preserved in different styles. A cursory sightseeing tour will take at least 1 day, but it is better to set aside 3-5 days to feel the atmosphere of the city and see its best places. The most interesting structures include:

- Old Market Square complex;

- the palace of Count Potocki;

- Church of John the Baptist;

- Arsenal;

- Armenian cathedral;

- Bernardine monastery;

- Dominican Cathedral;

- Opera theatre;

- Jesuit Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul.

The 10 most beautiful cities of Ukraine


In the rating "The most beautiful cities of Ukraine"Of course, the "pearl of the sea" also falls - Odessa. It is a city with a special culture and atmosphere, it is necessary to walk a lot, it is not in vain that many attractions are not individual structures, but whole streets and districts. These, of course, include Primorsky Boulevard, Deribasovskaya Street, the famous Privoz market. Also in Odessa you must see:

- The Potemkin Stairs;

- Opera theatre;

- Transfiguration Cathedral;

- Vorontsov Palace;

- a monument to Duke de Richelieu;

- Novikov's Palace;

- The Palace of Counts Tolstoy.


The ancient city of Kamenets-Podolsky on the WesternUkraine is often called the place of seven cultures. Indeed, there are preserved sights of different historical periods and different cultures. In this settlement there are about 200 valuable historical sites, therefore it is unlikely to be able to see this small city in 1 day. The main thing that you need to see is:

- The pottery tower and the Armenian bastion of the 16th century;

- Church of Saints Peter and Paul;

- The castle bridge;

- The old fortress;

- Trinitarian Church;

- Mykolaiv church.


In the list of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine,mention the ancient town of Vinnitsa. This settlement on the bank of the Southern Bug River was first mentioned in documents in the 14th century. The long history of the city left a trace in the form of a variety of attractions. It takes from 1 to 3 days to inspect the city. In the mandatory itinerary it is necessary to include an inspection of the following objects:

- water tower;

- Church of St. Joseph the Betrothed;

- Holy Transfiguration Cathedral;

- bunker "Verfolf";

- station "Zhmerynka".

the most beautiful cities of Ukraine top 10


Listing the most beautiful cities in Ukraine, you needand mention the capital of Bukovina - Chernivtsi. The settlement is known since the 12th century, there lived different peoples who left their memory in the guise of the city. In Vinnitsa there are more than 700 cultural objects protected by the state. The most important places of interest are:

- the residence of the metropolitans of Bukovina and Dalmatia, today's university;

- Town Hall;

- Musical Theatre;

- St. Nicholas Cathedral;

- The monastery of Gorech;

- House with lions.


If you compile a list called "The mostbeautiful cities of Ukraine (top-10) ", then it is necessary to mention Lutsk. This ancient settlement is known since 1085. In Lutsk there are many monuments of the period of Polish domination and the times of the Russian Empire. The main objects of tourist attraction include:

- the ancient castle of Lubart;

- the Lutheran church;

- Holy Trinity Cathedral;

- Assumption Cathedral;

- the house of Peter the Great.

what is the most beautiful city in ukraine


The list of the 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine includesand Transcarpathian Uzhhorod. For more than a thousand-year history, the settlement has formed a unique image, which is very interesting for tourists. The most beautiful places include the following:

- Uzhgorod medieval castle;

- Nevitsky Castle;

- Uzhgorod Skansen, a museum of Transcarpathian architecture in the open air;

- Holy Virgin's rotunda of St. Anne;

- Town Hall;

- St. George's Church;

- The Holy Cross Cathedral.


The second largest settlement of the country - Kharkov -certainly worthy of being included in the list of "The Most Beautiful City of Ukraine". The rating of this settlement is quite comparable even with the capital. Although the city was badly damaged during the Second World War, many worthy sights remained here. First of all, it is necessary to see here:

- Constructivist building of Gosprom;

- Theater. T. Shevchenko;

- house with a spire;

- Assumption Cathedral;

- Blagoveshchensky cathedral;

- The Intercession Cathedral.

the most beautiful city in ukraine photo


In the top most beautiful cities in Ukraine is andancient Poltava. The history of this settlement totals more than 1100 years, here many sights remained, connected with different pages of the heroic way of the city. The main objects worthy of inspection are:

- Holy Cross Monastery;

- Assumption Cathedral;

- Museum "The Field of the Battle of Poltava";

- Trinity and Mykolaiv churches in the village of Dikanka;

- The estate of the writer I. Kotlyarevsky.

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