Palace of Sports "Luzhniki": the scheme of a hall with places, kinds of spent actions and convenience of placing of spectators

Located in the Khamovniki districtPalace of Sports "Luzhniki", the layout of which is presented below, is a universal covered area. There is a spacious auditorium for 11 500 seats. Designed with the use of original engineering and technical devices, the interior space of the palace provides a change in the area of ​​the hall and its functionality in accordance with the features of the planned event.

palace of sport luzhniki scheme of the hall with seats

Carrying out of sports competitions

The sports arena of the palace serves as a ring forboxing fights, as well as a venue for competitions in sports such as gymnastics, volleyball, acrobatics, figure skating, weightlifting, mini-football and others. In 2002, it established a new basis for the creation of an ice rink. On the site are tournaments of ballroom dancing, collecting true connoisseurs of this art in the palace of sports "Luzhniki". Scheme of the hall with places, photos will help to understand the location of the stands, VIP-parter, sectors, categories of seats from the first to the fourth.

Convenient location of viewers

For the convenience of spectators in the hall are installedindividual plastic seats. Their shape corresponds to the bends of the body, providing a comfortable location for event visitors, the organization and conduct of which is occupied by the Luzhniki Sports Palace. The layout of the hall with seats contains the exact numbering of seats in each row. With its help you can easily find the place indicated in the ticket. A carefully thought out arrangement of chairs allows you to consider in detail all that is happening on the sports arena or scene.

Since 2006, the Sports Palace "Luzhniki" (scheme of the hall withplaces in a generalized form is simple and convenient to use) provides its site for the SCCZ "Russia" for organizing various entertainment events. These are concert programs with the participation of popular performers, performances and creative evenings, in which the best actors, famous composers, talented poets are involved.

palace of sport luzhniki scheme of the hall with places photo

Palace of Sports "Luzhniki" (circuit of the hall with seatsprovides the possibility of rational placement and movement of a large number of people) regularly conducts art exhibitions, New Year's performances, fashion shows. Here you can spend an interesting time, admire works of art, get a lot of positive emotions.

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