Far Eastern Shipping Company: history and our days

The Far Eastern Shipping Company isone of the most significant shipping companies of today's Russia. According to the management, the company aspires to become the leader of the transport industry on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Far Eastern Shipping Company


Ships of the Far Eastern Shipping Company operate all over the world.

Offices of representations and agents of the companyare located both in Europe and throughout Asia. The official address of the Far Eastern Shipping Company is in Moscow, where you can communicate with top management. And the main assets are located in Vladivostok.


Becoming a company

The Far Eastern Shipping Companyhistory since 1880. Even in the times of the Russian Empire, a strategic decision was taken to develop the country's east coast and the shipping company on the basis of the port of Vladivostok. The company "Voluntary Fleet Agency" was established.

vessels of the Far Eastern Shipping Company
Well, today's own name "Far Eastern Shipping Company" the carrier company received in the distant 1935.

The first ship to take a course to the far shore was a steamship called "Moscow". It is with this flight that the history of regular ship calls to Vladivostok port begins.

However, given the climatic conditions of this region, for a long time sea access was interrupted for the whole winter period due to the fact that the water area was covered with ice.

And only in 1894 the "Agency of VoluntaryFleet "has a full-time icebreaker. The steamer "Silach" throughout the winter of 1894-1895 managed to ensure the continuous functioning of the port and prevent icing of the navigable canal.

Far Eastern Shipping Company 2

During the Great Patriotic War

Vladivostok was the main Pacific outpost of the Soviet Union. The main danger was then represented by the Japanese army.

By the beginning of 1941, the merchant fleet of the DMP consisted of 70 steamers and 15 motor ships, among which there were also five tanker vessels.

In December 1941, the country of the rising sundeclares its rights to the Far Eastern Straits of La Perouse, Sangar and Korean, calling them the "lines of Japan's naval defense." Although legally the rules of their passage were regulated by the principle of freedom of the high seas, in practice the enemy armed forces block the passage through the straits, including using weapons.

Border clashes were committed earlier. After the official declaration of the war, the city and port were completely switched to combat mode.

It so happened that during these years Vladivostok remained the last port of the USSR, located outside the zone of military operations. Through it, a large flow of goods was transported for supply, defense and attacks.

address of the Far Eastern Shipping Company

During the war, the Far Eastern Shipping Company lost 25 of its own vessels. The last torpedo boat was Transbalt, which put an end to this sad statistics.

In Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation, which became the legal successor of the previous government, establishes an open joint-stock company "Far Eastern Shipping Company".

In a new country with an existing fleet, the administration of the shipping company is making great efforts to expand the geography of its work.

New shipping lines are opening between the ports of Australia and the USA.

Own agency companies begin their work in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Canada.

Captains of the Far Eastern Shipping Company

The development of a new package of services begins, including forwarding with the possibility of providing "ex-warx" services (from doors to doors).

In 2003, with the opening of FESCO Logistic,whose office is located in Moscow, the Far Eastern Shipping Company is targeting the services market in the European part of Russia. The development of rail transport plays a significant role in this.

Fleet today

In 2006, the fleet of the Far Eastern Shipping Company receives six new container ships and one vessel of Ro-Ro type.

To date, FESCO operates twenty vessels of various years of construction.

The oldest ship of the fleet is a container ship"Captain Krems", built in 1980. Its deadweight is only 5805 register tons. It is also one of the smallest courts in the administration.

The newest vessel and at the same time the largest in operating the shipping company is the container ship Fesco Diomid, built in 2009, with a deadweight of 41,850 tons.

Also, the Vasiliy Golovnin icebreaking vessel, which was built in 1988, is still functioning.


Separate attention deserves the "captains" of the Far Eastern Shipping Company. To date, the fleet consists of only four such vessels:

  • "Captain Afanasyev";

  • "Captain Maslov";

  • "Captain Krems";

  • "Captain Sergievsky."

All of them are single-deck motor ships intended for transportation of general container cargoes.

"Captain Afanasyev" and "Captain Maslov" were built in 1998 at the Polish shipyard in Szczecin. Vessels with deadweight of more than 23 thousand registered tons go under the flag of Cyprus.

"Captain Krems" and "Captain Sergievsky" are the oldest and most experienced ships of the fleet. Their history begins back in 1980, at the Vyborg shipyard and continues to this day.

Let's sum up the results

Today, the Far Eastern Shipping Company isa very important company in modern Russia, which seeks to become the leader of the entire transport industry. Its history is wide and long. But it has survived and not that does not lose its positions, but it is developing every day and is becoming more popular.

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