Royal flight: Description and reviews of the airline

Royal flight - the well-known Russian airlinewith an interesting history. The company appeared in the not so distant 1992 and for a very long time specialized exclusively in cargo transportation. As a passenger air carrier, the company saw itself quite recently - in 2014. It was then that the first passenger board flew from Moscow to Antalya. Despite the lack of experience in such flights, the first passengers appreciated both the equipment of the aircraft and the service on board. Today such flights are made regularly, and the bright future of this airline is beyond doubt.

Royal Flight

Glorious past of the company

Royal flight is the new name of the company,which came to replace the old. Initially, all flights took place under the wing of ZAO Abakan-Avia. The young company took a whole year to get a coveted certificate giving the right to carry out air freight. The first flight was made in 1993, it completely paid off and justified the costs for it, which determined the company's development strategy for the next decade. For 10 years the company made regular cargo flights to China and South-East Asia, but the reality required qualitative changes. Increase profits could only be by expanding the scope of activities. The decision was taken.

A significant part of the success of any advertisingthe company is its name and logo. The old name was found to be unsuccessful, in terms of marketing and unattractive for passengers. Instead, he created a new - Royal flight. This name completely met modern conditions and solved some of the problems.

Royal Flight flights

Transportation of passengers is a serious business thatrequires considerable investment. At a minimum, you need to be no worse than more successful competitors. What characterizes the airline best? Of course, planes. In 2014, the aircraft fleet replenished with technically modern "Boeing" (757 and 737 models). In addition, the entire fleet of the company was transferred to Sheremetyevo airport, where it is based until now.

The present

Currently, the official port of residenceThe airline is the city of Abakan, but the main headquarters is located directly in Moscow. The location of the air fleet did not change. Sheremetyevo is still the main port of the company. The company's strategy every year more and more leans towards passenger air travel. Owners of Royal flight see in them a great future and continue to improve their fleet and open new directions for flights.

Royal Flight Aircraft

A good deal of success iscooperation with a major tour operator Coral Travel. This contributes to the constant expansion of air travel. The company management does not intend to stop at what has been achieved and plans to cooperate with other tour operators in a similar way.

Where are we flying

Royal flights are mainly international. The company prefers not to engage in domestic flights. Flights to China are in the past. Today the aircraft of this company can fly to such countries as:

• United Arab Emirates.

• Thailand.

• Spain.

• Austria.

• Vietnam.

• India.

• Tunisia.

• Morocco.

• Greece.

• Turkey.

This list is constantly supplemented by new countries. The airline's plans also include regular flights to the countries of Western Europe. According to the management, this will not only increase the amount of profit, but also make the company much more popular.

A good board as a way to success

What distinguishes Royal Flight among others? Aircraft! The company's policy is that it does not involve spending on cheap aircraft. The better, safer and more comfortable the aircraft, the more satisfied the passenger. Today the company has several aircraft, it is:

  • "Boeing" model 737. Medium-haul vessel, with a capacity of 189 people. Only one such aircraft in the fleet.
  • "Boeing" model 767. Long-haul aircraft with a huge capacity - as many as 309 seats! In total, the company has 2 such aircraft.
  • "Boeing" model 757. Medium-haul aircraft. The capacity can vary from 224 to 235 people. There are as many as 6 such aircraft in the fleet.

Passengers about Royal flight. Reviews

Positive feedback about the airline prevails. Almost every passenger is aware of the high level of competence of pilots and crew of stewards.

Royal Flight reviews

Throughout the flight the crew does everythingpossible for the passengers to get a maximum of pleasant impressions. Meals on board are very tasty and two-time, which is a rarity for charter flights. Delay flights - a rarity for the Royal flight, but still sometimes happen.

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