About what conflict is, have a viewall. Each person faced a situation of aggravation of relations with other people. Social conflicts are a concept that characterizes the situation of acute relevant contradictions. With this exacerbation of relations, there are interests and beliefs that are caused by various reasons. Consider what the components, varieties and functions of social conflicts are.
The concept and types of social conflicts
Social conflict always contains a momentcollision, i.e., there is a certain discrepancy, a contradiction of interests, positions of the parties. Opposing opinions are the subjects of the conflict - the opposing sides. They seek to overcome the contradiction in one way or another, while each side wants to prevent the other from realizing its interests. The concept of conflict in social psychology extends not only to social groups. Depending on the subject, conflicts are distinguished:
Also enters into social conflicts conceptinternal content, about which contradictions can be rational and emotional. In the first case, the confrontation is based on the sphere of the reasonable. It usually affects the processing of social and managerial structures, as well as the release of unnecessary forms of cultural interaction. Emotional conflicts are characterized by a strong affective aspect, often aggression and the transfer of appropriate reactions to the subjects. Such a conflict is more difficult to solve, since it affects the sphere of personal and can hardly be resolved by rational means.
Intergroup social conflicts: concept and functions
Social psychology considers mainly intergroup conflicts, which can be divided into:
Each conflict has a percolation dynamics, inAccordingly, intergroup clashes can occur spontaneously, planned, for a short time or for a long time, they are manageable and uncontrollable, provoked or initiative.
It is impossible to consider conflicts only withthe negative point of view. Positive functions consist in accelerating the process of self-awareness, the assertion of certain values, the discharge of emotional heat, etc. Social conflict indicates a problem that needs to be solved, one that can not simply be closed by the eyes. Thus, the collision contributes to the regulation of social relationships.
Ways to resolve the conflict situation
The latter method is the most constructive and desirable.
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