We often hear this phrase, but with the fact that itmeans, basically we meet in the works of classics and contemporaries. Does the purpose justify the means? A question that can cause hundreds of people to rack their brains. The pragmatists will answer yes without doubts, but is it possible to say so from the point of view of morality?
If the end justifies the means, how to understand whichis the goal truly a good and worthy sacrifice? A good example in modern life is the death penalty. On the one hand, basically such punishment is awarded to people who committed serious crimes, and in order to prevent their repetition and the edification of the rest, they are deprived of life.
That is, interest in such a topic is fully justified. And it is logical that, together with modern technologies and the desire to still solve this eternal question, there is a need to find out who originally thought that this is permissible? Why did a person decide to hide behind high goals in order to justify his action? But even when searching for information, it is difficult to understand who actually is the author of this slogan.
One of the most reliable sources of informationtoday books are considered. It is from there that people get information, they learn history and, possibly, find unique facts. But on the subject of the expression "The tool justifies the purpose" it is difficult to find a concrete answer there. All because the statement has been for many years, it was used and paraphrased by many well-known thinkers and philosophers. Someone agreed, someone refuted, but in the end, finding the author was not so simple. The main candidates for authorship: Machiavelli, Jesuit Ignatius Loyola, theologian Hermann Bousenbaum and philosopher Thomas Hobbes.
When people start to be interested: "The end justifies the means ... Whose is this slogan?", Most often the palm of primacy is given to the Italian historian and thinker XV-XVI centuries Niccolo Machiavelli.
Of course, the next author after Machiavelliquotes Ignatius Loyola. But this is completely wrong again. You can not simply transfer the championship from hand to hand. Each of these thinkers views can be reflected in this phrase, paraphrased, but with the same essence.
In our era of tolerance and humanism (more precisely,aspirations for such ideals), is it possible to meet the opinion among the higher ranks that the end justifies the means? The examples are numerous, but they are rather based on subjective opinion, because none of the politicians will dare to say such a phrase directly. On the other hand, we have what has always been a tool for self-education. Books and their authors, who through the letter show the flaws of human society. Now, however, the area of influence is not limited to books alone.