Winter Electronic Fishing Rod: Features and Benefits

When the ice during the ice fishing is less and lessreacts to bait, the reason for this is often not enough quality bait posting. Some inhabitants of reservoirs respond well only to the individual amplitudes of oscillation of the mormyshka. Therefore, it is only for a second to get stuck in the rhythmic twitching of the fishing rod, as the biting can fall to zero. What can we do to keep the mormish in a certain rhythm throughout the day? In this modern fishermen help electronic fishing rods for ice fishing.

winter electronic fishing pole

Many fishermen with experience believe that the winterAn electronic fishing rod is just an innovative whim that kills the spirit of fishing. However, for the numerous fishermen who keep up with progress, the electronic fishing rod has already become a truly highly effective fishing tackle. Together with the knowledge of the angler and the active search for fish places, such a rig is guaranteed to increase catches.

What is an electronic fishing rod for winter fishing?

Electronic fishing rod for ice fishing allowsnot only fishing under the ice, but also an effective way to catch fish from a bridge or boat in the summer. For catching such a tackle, it's enough to lower the bait to the required depth and activate the power of the microcircuits, which will lead to a uniform jerking of the fishing rod whip.

electronic fishing rod for winter fishing

Thanks to the electronic filling, thisThe device allows you to set, change and adjust the frequency of hook twitching with tackle. Moreover, a good electronic fishing rod for winter fishing makes it possible to fix and store in memory the most effective jerking regimes for future fishing in specific places under certain weather conditions.

Steering the electronic fishing rod

Most models of electronic fishing rods have onlytwo buttons - on and off. However, there are enough models with several modes of operation, for example, an electronic winter fishing rod "Luck", where there are three convenient modes. In particular, there is a mode of convenient automatic blocking of the jerking frequency of the mormyshka, which is enough for most anglers.


winter electronic circuit

Application of innovative achievements in the field ofthe development of microelectronics allows manufacturers to create electronic winter fishing rods that can work in the conditions of severe frost for more than 1000 hours without additional recharging. In other words, a quality winter electronic fishing rod can potentially operate in an autonomous mode for several years of active fishing.

To replace the batteries inelectronic rods can be independently. However, in order to avoid damaging sensitive electronic components, it is better to entrust this task to repairers of portable devices.

To replace the battery in an electronicfishing rod for winter fishing, it is enough to unscrew the screws, disconnect the body part, and then replace the batteries. The scheme of the winter electronic fishing rod is quite simple and reduces application of microcircuits to a minimum. Despite this, during the replacement of batteries with the fishing rod must be treated very carefully and carefully. Also installation of batteries with polarity violation is inadmissible.

Advantages of winter electronic fishing rods

electronic winter homemade fishing rod

Winter electronic fishing rod has the following advantages (when compared with classic products):

  • the presence of a system of automatic twitching mormyshki;
  • long life without the need to replace batteries;
  • the possibility of using a wide arsenal of convenient auxiliary accessories;
  • availability of convenient control modes.

How to choose an electronic fishing rod for ice fishing?

Pick up winter e-fishing rod shouldbased on functionality and individual convenience. A special role is played by compactness, the presence of an ergonomic shape that promotes comfortable retention in the hand.

It is not necessary to save on the purchase of products similar tobulky box with a battery that takes up almost the entire place in the fishing box. The value here also has a lack of loud sounds at work, able not only to scare away the fish, but also to discomfort other anglers.

Electronic winter homemade fishing rod

electronic winter fishing rod luck

To make an electronic winter fishing rod with your own hand, it is enough to have only a few obligatory parts:

  • two transistors;
  • an electrolytic capacitor;
  • microswitch in the form of a button;
  • several batteries;
  • homemade relay;
  • plastic, metal or wooden case;
  • mormyshki and six.

Electronic scheme of the self-made fishing rod is locatedin the handle of the future product. To make a self-made relay, it is enough to take an old PC-13 element with a coil length of 35 mm and a diameter of 17 mm (or similar relay). Then it is necessary to remove the old winding, after which wind a new wire with a diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm.

A sample of electronic miroscheme for making an electronic winter fishing rod can be considered in the following figure:

winter electronic circuit

In conclusion, it should bethe relay is working properly. It should work when connecting the end of the coil with the battery. On the mobile element of the self-made relay is fixed six, which holds the mormish. This is done by attaching a small-bore sleeve or something like that.

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