BCAA - for what? Find out what BCAA is (BCAA)

What is bcaa, why does protein need it, is it worth itto drink a geener? Such questions you can ask your coach if you recently signed up for the gym and, having mastered the technique, decided to learn how to build muscle mass more quickly. This interest is perfectly logical - why pereatruzhatsya in the hall, if you can drink a "magic pill" and become like Hercules? We can bet that your coach will probably say that you just need to use such supplements, and even offer you something to buy. This is not surprising - the salaries of the employees of the fitness room depend not so much even on classes with clients as on direct sales of sports pharmacology. And how are things really in fact, is there a need for taking amino acids or protein cocktails?

BCAA for what

Supplements and sports nutrition

Before you ask the coach whether you should eat protein, creatine or optimum bcaa, so popular today, Think about it.

Bodybuilding is rooted in the times of heroesancient Greece and Rome. Achilles, Hercules, the gods of the Olympic pantheon from mythology, and ordinary Greeks and Romans had gorgeous bodies, without using any additives to their normal diet. Their appearance was conditioned by constant training - battles and preparation for them. Surely, the growing Spartans did not ask about bcaa, what to use them for, but just worked on themselves.

Why all this reasoning? In fact, getting a beautiful body with a natural muscle drawing is real for everyone. Sports pharmacology is a business that often offers bodybuilding fans a harmless placebo. All drugs can be replaced with normal healthy food (we are not talking, of course, about steroids).

BCAA what is

Amino acids - what is it?

If you are interested in knowing the meaning of the term "bcaa", what is this drug and what it will give your body, let's turn to physiology.

We can not normally exist and developwithout daily intake of protein in our bodies. Part of the reason lies in the fact that proteins contain amino acids. It should be noted that amino acids contain all proteins, like animal origin (meat, poultry, fish, dairy products), and vegetable (legumes and cereals).

Scientists distinguish more than two hundred amino acids, and from them twenty-two amino acids are very important for a healthy metabolism.

Replaceable and essential amino acids

Most of the essential amino acids are the bodycan synthesize independently from other types of amino acids (they are interchangeable), but there are nine amino acids that the body can not produce on its own. In order to receive them, we must regularly eat products containing them. What is the body's need for these nine essential amino acids? Every day we need to consume 10 to 15 grams of amino acids, that is, consuming more than 70 grams of protein with food, we cover the body's existing need for healthy functioning.

best BCAA

But this dosage is normal for normalrights. To the same person who is engaged in power sports, it is necessary to eat twice a day more protein (from 140 grams) to cover the need for an organism in amino acids.

bcaa: What is it and how much does it need?

BCAA (BCAA) is a combination of only three typesessential amino acids. These include valine, isoleucine and leucine. How much should I consume BCAA a day? If we are talking about an adult male, whose weight is about 80 kg, then he needs 7 grams of these amino acids. Without BZAA, the development of the body is inhibited, all processes cease, including the body's ability to regenerate and restore. BSAA is an important product for everyone, but do we really need to take pills to get it?

Can I get BCAA from food?

If the food contains bcaa, what does it need to eat to deliver amino acids to the body? Let's figure it out!

Chicken meat - 300 grams a day is enough to cover the daily rate in lysine, tryptophan, histidine, phenylanine and BCAA.

BCAA 1000

Beans, beans, peas - rich in valine, tryptophan, threonine, methionine. 150 grams per day will be enough to get the norm of amino acids.

Cottage cheese, cheese - contain tryptophan, lysine, arginine, valine, phenylalanine.

Egg - the product familiar to us is superbly digested, rich in BCAA, methionine and phenylalanine.

Fish - isoleucine, lysine and phenylalanine are contained in this product in large quantities.

Groats - buckwheat, millet, oats are sources of isoleucine, valine, histidine, leucine.

Nuts - except that they contain a complex of protein compounds, nuts are also rich in histidine, isoleucine, threonine, lysine.

optimum bcaa

The meaning of BCAA supplementation

If the irreplaceable and best bcaa are found in food, then why use additives?

As they say manufacturers of sports nutrition anddrugs, those amino acids that are contained in food, have an unstable form. This means that the amino acids are not digested in pure form, and before that they can react and form new compounds. Consequently, the content of useful substances is not a constant value. To avoid loss of amino acids, athletes can use biologically active additives, which include amino acid complexes (contain up to 18 types of amino acids), isolated amino acids (the additive contains only one amino acid) or BCAA (as you already know, they contain only three types amino acids).

How does BCAA affect muscle growth?

It is known that a person is a proteinform of life. Consequently, the amino acids that make up proteins are necessary for the body. Especially important is the use of essential amino acids bcaa, for which you can eat the above products or take certain complexes.

 amino bcaa

These amino acids slow down the processes of destruction of muscle tissue, stimulate the formation of a new one, accelerate the metabolic processes and the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Admission BCAA

It is interesting to note that in describing all the advantagesuse of complexes BCAA, manufacturers of pharmacological additives "accidentally" forget to say that all these properties have the usual daily food. Undoubtedly, using BCAA in capsules, you will get a positive effect, but its effect will be extraordinary only if you do not consume proteins at all. In addition, one pill of such a popular bcaa 1000 contains only 1 gram of protein.

Do I have to use BCAA?

Attentive readers, after reading about the propertiesamino acids, can be asked such a question - preparations bcaa for what to use, if the same protein consists of a third of the amino acids? And they will be right.

BCAA for what

If you consume protein shakes, since you can not get the protein you need from food, so why do you have to pay for an amino acid complex?

You should know about bcaa, that it's justthe opportunity to increase the duration of your workout, but no more. Such a drug can also give a positive effect when you cover the daily requirement of the body in the protein from food. Those who have just started practicing in the gym do not need to accept the BCAA.

If you are a long time and enthusiastically doing"building" your body and used to using a sports farm, then you should think about - do you spend money for nothing? After all, instead of buying another batch of amino bcaa, you can just as well spend a few pounds of meat.

Never will a man's invention exceed it,what nature gives us. Observing the rules of a healthy, full and balanced diet, you completely saturate your body with everything you need. Additives in the form of amino acids will not harm you, but there is no point in overpaying for them.

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