How to quickly pump up the ass at home, without putting maximum effort?

So, you realized that your appearance has ceasedseem athletic, and passing men stopped paying attention to you? Want to bring your ass in shape? You do not need to visit gyms every day or buy expensive exercise equipment. A tremendous result can be achieved at home. So, how to quickly pump the ass at home? First of all, you will need a positive attitude and willpower to develop the habit of regularly performing physical exercises. Everything else is a matter of technology.

Warm up - the whole head

how to quickly pump up the ass at home

Before you start, be sure to give 20 minuteswarm-up. You can make her dance. This will help to develop dance moves and cheer yourself up. By the way, it's amazing, but the lovers of dancing hips and a priest are always in perfect shape. Well, more details on how to quickly pump the pope at home, will be set out below.

On knees

The first exercise for the hips and buttocks. Stand on all fours. Torso bend forward and place emphasis on the elbows. Perform swings up the left and right foot alternately. For starters, it's enough to make three sets of 20 maxes without touching the floor. On the third approach, each time, finishing the mahi, each leg should be held in the position "above" and stretch the muscles, counting up to 40. Then you can repeat the same exercise already with the swings sideways (knees can be kept bent).

Exercises lying down

how to pump up the ass quickly at home

In order to answer the question of howTo pump the ass quickly at home, you need to perform the following exercise. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms along the body. Simultaneously straining the buttocks, close your legs and start slowly swinging them up and down. Touching the floor with your feet is impossible. Perform also in three approaches to 20 wiggles. In the "up" position, the legs should be fixed for 20 seconds. In addition to inflating the priests, this exercise strengthens the lower back. Still want to know how to pump the ass at home? In this case, one exercise that can be performed while lying on the back can help. It is necessary to divorce the legs wider than the shoulders, raise them and keep them on weight. In this case, the right leg should be rotated counter-clockwise, and the left one - clockwise. Perform in three sets of 15 times. Exercise gives a load on the lower muscles of the press, thighs and buttocks.

Parting words

If you are still pondering how to get home quicklyto pump the ass, we will give one more exercise. It is simpler than previous ones, but no less effective. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders and perform deep slow squats. A familiar exercise? Yes, but you need to perform in three approaches, 20 sit-ups in 20 seconds.


how to pump the ass at home

Pain in the muscles is a good sign. And if you have muscle aches after exercise, then do not give up and wait until it's over. To all training should be approached regularly, and do not feel sorry for yourself. Otherwise, all efforts will lead to nothing positive. Now you know how to quickly pump the ass at home. It's up to you, and only you can know if you can do it or not. Good luck in the fight for a beautiful figure!

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