Footballer Tomáš Gubočan

Tomáš Gubočan is a Slovakian footballer who defends the colors of the Moscow team "Dinamo" and the Slovak national team.

tomash gubochan


Tomáš Gubočan was born on September 17, 1985 inthe city of Žilina (Slovakia). Citizen of Slovakia. Height 183 cm, weight 73 kg. The game position on the football field is the defender. He is married. Has a wife Wanda and two sons-twins Adam and Shimon.

Playing career

Tomáš Gubočan is an active football player,serving in the Russian championship since 2008. Game career began in the championship of Slovakia in the clubs "Zhilina" and "ViOn". Spent at the club top level 221 duel, scored 5 goals.

  • 2004/08 - Zhilina, 38/2;
  • 2006 - "ViOn" (Zlate Moravce), 36/1;
  • 2008/14 - Zenit (St. Petersburg), 113/0;
  • 2014-present time - "Dynamo" (Moscow), 34/2.

In the national team of Slovakia Tomášbegan to be involved in 2007. On November 21, 2007, he played his first fight in the qualifying group match for the 2008 European Championship against the San Marino team. To date, his record of 43 meetings for the main team of the country.

Stages of football path

Tomasz Gubočan began to study sports from the very beginningearly childhood. Despite the fact that he preferred football, he was often seen on tennis courts and hockey grounds of the city. Tomasch made his final choice in the seventh grade, when he was taken to the local football team "Zilina". From 2001 to 2004, he was a player in the youth structure of the club.

Since the 2004 season, Tomasz has gradually becomeTo be involved and to games for the main command. Basically, these were the replacements at the end of the fight, when it was difficult to have time to show their best playing qualities. And then the club management decided that in order to acquire a full-fledged gaming practice, the player must be rented for a while, to the club where he will be the player of the starting lineup.

Such a command was found. It turned out to be a club from the town of Zlato Moravets "ViOn". Here, Tomáš Hubočan polished his football skills for five months. The time spent in rented the player an invaluable service. Returning to Zhilin, he quickly established himself as the main and irreplaceable football player of the team, one of the best players in the defense of Slovak football. The season of 2006/2007 was marked by the first won club trophy in the form of gold medals of the national championship.

Nothing is surprising in that promisingthe player was interested in representatives of the leading teams of European championships. The most realistic proposals for the player came from the clubs "Nuremberg", "Bochum", "Zenith". The arguments of the Russian team ($ 4 million) were more convincing. Since 2008, Tomáš Gubočan has become a player of the Zenit club. In this team, he played six seasons, held on a very different level 113 fights.

tomash gubocan dynamo

And if at first the head coach of St. Petersburgclub Dick Advocaat did not consider Tomas as the main player of the defense, then with the arrival of Luciano Spalletti the situation changed dramatically. He began to play on the positions of both the right, and the left, and the central defender. Gradually, Tomas managed to win the competition for the place of the left defencist of the seemingly irreplaceable players of the defense line of Radek Shirla, Mikael Lumba and Bruno Alves. And only after joining the coaching post "Zenith" Andre Boas, he began increasingly to hold matches on the bench and in the end was forced by the leadership of the team to ask for a transfer. Currently, the player defends the colors of the Moscow "Dynamo". The "Tomas Gubochan-Dynamo" Union will be valid for three years, starting from August 29, 2014.

episode with Havi Garcia and Tomas Gubochan

As soon as the Russian championship began 2015/2016,as our hero was in the epicenter of the scandal. The incident occurred on the fourth minute of the match of the first round between the teams "Zenith" and "Dynamo". Players of the opposing teams Javi García and Tomáš Gubočan tried to reach the ball first to the penalty area after the corner. As a result of the struggle, Zenit midfielder struck the Slovak with his fist on the face, and he fell. On the replay it was clearly visible that this act was made by a football player of the St. Petersburg club on purpose.

The episode with Javi Garcia and Tomáš Gubočan waswas considered at a meeting of the control and disciplinary committee of the RFU in the presence of both the players themselves and representatives of their clubs. However, Javi Garcia's event ignored. He explained his action in writing. During the meeting representatives of Zenit organized a telephone connection with the offender, during which he brought his apology to the victim. As a result of the decision of the FTC, the punishment for the player "Zenith" is 1 match of disqualification.


Tomas Gubochan won all his team and personal trophies with performances in the clubs "Zilina" and "Zenith".

havi garcia and tomash gubochan

As a football player of the Slovak team, hebecame the winner of the championship (2004, 2007) and the owner of the Super Cup of the country. As a player of Zenit, he won the championship (2010, 2012), the Cup (2010) and the Super Cup (2008, 2011) of Russia, the UEFA Super Cup (2008). Following the results of the championships of 2010, 2012 was included in the list of "33 best players of the championship of Russia".

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