How to steal peas for fishing? Top Tips

Some fishermen do not pay enough attentionpeas as a bait. They use it as an additional nozzle quite rarely. The fact is that not everyone knows how to steal peas for fishing correctly. This article will share the recipes for bait cooking, and also talk about some small tricks that will be useful for lovers of fishing.

People who have already appreciated this bait, to catching onworm or maggots will not return. If you know how to properly grind the peas, then make sure of its excellent qualities. Yaz, bream, carp remarkably peck at this attachment. Peas - the best bait for catching river (not predatory) fish of large sizes.

how to smoke peas for fishing

There is a misconception that it is necessaryUse only in the fall, when the first cold starts. This is not true. Fish bites on peas, beginning in April and ending with the end of November. Unconditional plus of this bait: only large specimens are caught on it, starting from 300-400.

Recipes and Recommendations

Now let's move on to how to steal peas for fishing. Here are some actual recipes.

  1. Before you start to cook peas, you need to soak it for 3-4 hours. We do this in cold water.

  2. Then pour into a saucepan, pour water. After boiling, cook for another 10-15 minutes.

  3. As time went by, remove the pan from the plate, wrap it with a towel (or thick cloth) and leave it for 30 minutes to steam.

  4. After drain the water and dry the peas.

As you can see, the answer to the question of howsteaming peas for fishing, is not at all complicated. The preparation of a bait for a particular fish may differ slightly from the basic method. Consider how to steak peas on carp.

how to cook peas on carp

  1. Be sure to soak it, as in the previous recipe.

  2. We take a delicate matter (kapron stocking is suitable), pour our peas on it, bend the edges and tie it in a knot.

  3. We put it in a saucepan and pour it with water to the brim. There it is necessary to add half a bay leaf and a pinch of salt. We keep on low heat for an hour, then we remove it and wait for 5 minutes, until steam comes out.

  4. We take the peas from the nodule (stocking) and evenly spread it on dry cloth (paper) to dry it.

These are the main answers to the question of how to steal peas for fishing. If the bait is cooked in such ways, then it will be the best attachment for catching large individuals of carp and other river fish.

Little tips and tricks

  • The bait is very good when catching bream. This fish eagerly pecks on both boiled peas and green young in raw form, and can also be used canned.

  • It is best to steam it in the water in which it was soaked. So in the pea all taste qualities will be preserved. The fish will peck better.

  • You can use different flavors or a little vegetable oil. But it is undesirable to add soda into the water - it reduces the taste.

    how to steal peas properly

  • Peas are well fortified on the hook and firmly held. Therefore, if it is boiled into two halves, it's fearless.

  • Like peafowl, peas quickly turn sour. If it is a lot, it is better to use the part for complementary foods.

That's all. Share your recipes for how to cook peas for fishing, with colleagues.

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