Why is yoga useful for men?

In our time, the word "yoga" acquires absolutelyAnother meaning that has little to do with real yoga. A variety of fitness centers, striving to attract the attention of as many customers as possible, teach yoga on a par with aerobics. In these classes, a fitness instructor who reads a book about yoga exercises shows club members simple asanas. Nothing to do with the ancient discipline of such training. This is just a form of stretching. It would be a big mistake to go in for yoga in the fitness center. A pupil can not do without a real experienced teacher practicing this discipline for about a dozen years.

The ancient concept of yoga is very deep, its notto explain in a nutshell, it is connected with Hinduism and with many Indian traditions. But this discipline teaches us to master our consciousness. Meditations help to become more conscious and wise. Practicing yoga gets rid of harmful negative emotions - anger, envy, resentment ... He significantly improves his physical and mental health. Yoga classes take place on the physical, emotional and mental levels. Unquestionably, this discipline is one of the best ways of self-improvement. However, not everyone has the perseverance to regularly continue classes.

Especially useful will be yoga for men. A strong half of humanity usually lacks the ability to control one's mind and control oneself. Yoga classes will make a man more responsible, persistent, courageous, help to keep calm in difficult work, teach not to surrender to difficulties and quickly make reasonable decisions.

Everyone who has ever tried to seriously take a dip inthe world of real yoga, noticed that this discipline has many different directions. The most popular destination is hatha yoga. Well practiced this yoga at home. For beginners - this is the simplest direction that you can do at home without the teacher's continuous supervision. The techniques of hatha yoga are based on working with breathing and on strengthening the physical form with the help of static asanas. By performing these asanas, the pupil must concentrate on his sensations and do all the proposed exercises consciously, relaxing the muscles during stretching.

Classical yoga is a complex structureda doctrine based on the eight steps of Patanjali. About this yoga is written a lot of literature, but I must say that this direction is rarely practiced in its entirety.

Another common direction of yoga -kundalini-yoga. This kind of known discipline is associated with the awakening of the kundalini energy. The practice of such yoga is based on meditation. This direction is undesirable for beginners and all those who do not feel their internal energy.

Much less in our country are commonraja-yoga, kriya-yoga, jnana-yoga and others. However, there is one relatively new direction - dynamic yoga or Ashtanga-Vinyasa. This yoga is ideal for men and anyone who is difficult to concentrate without physical activity. This school develops physical endurance, forcing the student to spend all his energies on complex dynamic exercises. After such training, as a rule, there is automatically complete relaxation and deep meditation. It is to this complete physical, emotional and mental relaxation that everyone who is practicing yoga aspires.

Why Ashtanga-Vinyasa is the best yoga formen? Many men are result-oriented. They are used to making efforts to achieve some effect in the class. It would be psychologically difficult for them to engage in calm static discipline. Yoga for men should gradually change this consciousness. Of course, these classes should include good meditation, rather than stop on ordinary sports training. However, you need to carefully choose time for classes. Dynamic yoga before bedtime is not the best solution for a beginner student. But Ashtanga Vinyasa in the early morning - the pledge of a successful vigorous day, a guarantee of good health and a great mood.

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