Fasting on the water. Results and advice

In order to improve your health,some girls arrange unloading days or starvation on the water, the results of which have not disappointed anyone yet. If responsibly and correctly approach to this process, you can get rid of excess weight and completely make the body more healthy.

starvation on water results

What is fasting?

When fasting, you can not use anything other thanwater. It must necessarily be clean, you can use even distilled. It is not allowed to add anything to it: no salt, no sugar, no juice, no honey, no tea, no coffee. All these impurities will not allow the body to switch to internal nutrition, and if this does not happen, there may be a considerable threat of harm to health. It is also very dangerous to delay fasting for a long time, because this can lead to not very good consequences.

How to starve properly

Usually from one day to two weeks continuesstarvation on the water. Day 21 is a rather long term, and not many are being addressed. The results you achieve are worth your efforts. In general, the timing depends on the amount of accumulated subcutaneous fat and the level of physical activity. If you are involved in sports, it is better not to stick to such a fast.

starvation on the water photo results

More useful is fasting fortwo weeks. If you have never done this before, you first need to practice. Try not to eat a day, then take a short break and spend another day without eating. After a couple of such repetitions, you can start starving for several days. In time, you will realize that this is not so difficult.

Fasting on the water: results

People who resorted to starvation in order torecovery, note not only changes physical, but also psychological. They sincerely believe that fasting provides only excellent health and a strong nervous system. However, over time, excess weight disappears more slowly. On average, 1 kg of fat can be burned in 2-3 days, and fasting on the water will help you in this. The results, of course, depend not only on the term, but also on the characteristics of the organism.

Even when you almost do not disappearhated pounds, your body will still be rejuvenated and filled with health. You will notice how the mood will improve, many diseases will disappear, wrinkles will smooth out, the skin will become softer, and the hair will be stronger. If you decided to try on yourself starvation on the water, the results (photos already tried it confirm it) will be an excellent motivation for achieving your goal.

fasting on water 21 days


Whatever it was, starvation on the water, the resultsThis process and the consequences that may arise should be well studied. This does not suit everyone. If you can not live without food and a day, then you are clearly not recommended such a cleansing of the body. Also fasting is contraindicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Even if everything is in order with your health, you still need to starve for a short time. The probation period is a day. After you get used to do without food all day, you can increase the duration of the hunger strike.

Fasting on the water, the results of which are illuminatedin many media, it is very useful for cleansing the body. The duration and frequency of its conduct depends on the expected results and overall health.

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