What is airsoft

This war game, as it turned out, has enoughan interesting story. It turns out that back in the eighties of the last century, Japan already knew what airsoft is. True, the name of this military sports game was different. And the essence was as follows. Deprived of the right to create its own army, the country found a way out by organizing exercises on the principle of military play.

Then they began to create analogues of military weapons,which, being an exact copy of the present, were intended for shooting balls. On the one hand, these were real tactical exercises, but on the other - a sports war game. In Japan, Europe, USA, airsoft is called "Airsoft", which translates as "soft air." In the late nineties the game also came to Russia, where it quickly began to gain popularity. Each year, the number of airsoft players that join teams increases. The basis is taken of uniform weapons and camouflage.

What is airsoft in Russia

The game has features. In the absence of refereeing and paint (as in paintball), here an important criterion is the honesty of the player. When a ball hits any part of the player's body, he must immediately acknowledge his "death" and drop out of the game. Dishonest approach to the competition has a negative impact, depriving other participants of the opportunity for comfortable pastime. Organizers of maneuvers take appropriate measures, trying to conduct the game honestly.

The rules of airsoft involve participation insimilar competitions of persons who have reached adulthood, healthy mentally. The weapon in airsoft is pneumatic. As cartridges - balls, whose diameter is from 6 to 8 millimeters, made of environmentally friendly plastic. The weight of such a "cartridge" is 0.12-0.43 grams. There are unwritten laws of the game, also called "gentlemen's agreements", formed in the late 90's. In particular, participants do not have the right to wear camouflage, which was previously chosen by well-proven teams. The same applies to the names of units.

A characteristic feature of airsoft can also bename the similarity with the popular computer game "Counter Strike". Representing yourself inside the "CS", you can more or less understand what airsoft is. In addition, this game creates a real atmosphere of military action and the corresponding conditions. In the absence of special training grounds, such events are held in uninhabited places. By participating in airsoft, player teams tend to model or reconstruct existing paramilitary units. What is this simulation? In imitation of the combat unit, including the appearance. In this case, small deviations are allowed.

With regard to reconstruction, it is aboutthe most accurate reconstruction of the military unit, taking into account the smallest details. There are teams of players who do not aspire to modeling / reconstruction. Such players in airsoft got the nickname "Pokémon". The thing is that the reconstruction and modeling mean a real dedication to the movement of airsoft. External entourage requires considerable financial investments, but it brings real pleasure to the participants of the competition. "Pokemon", equipping as it is, a few grease the big picture.

What is airsoft, known as the "play of friends"? This phrase is nowadays considered obsolete and can cause a condescending smile of the mother Strikeball player. "Game of friends" the phenomenon in question was called when it was a novelty in the countries of the former CIS. At that time, for the game, companies of well-known people gathered together, who simply wanted to have a good time: to have fun and relax. Today a lot of people are going to participate in such competitions, new teams of players are constantly appearing. Naturally, it is simply impossible to know so many people personally.

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