Bicycle "Kama": its characteristics and history

A bicycle is one of the most commonvehicles, and there are many reasons for that. So, it is the bicycle that is the only and unique vehicle developing a sufficiently high speed, for the management of which no rights are required. It is exactly that everyone, both children, adults and elderly people, can ride this technique, making it so popular.

In addition, we must not forget thatcontrol of the bike is no complication. All you need is to be able to pedal, maintain balance and turn steering wheel in time. Of course, everyone can cope with such a simple task.

Bicycle Kama
Another undeniable advantage of thisa very simple mechanism. Therefore, if a two-wheeled friend suddenly broke down, you do not need to look for a specialist or buy expensive parts - you can handle everything yourself.

If we talk about health, then the bicyclewill be in the lead among other vehicles. After all, cycling helps to strengthen the muscles, fresh air is good for health. And the fact that the bicycle does not harm the environment, clearly speaks in favor of non-motorized technology.

Realizing the benefits and convenience of such vehicles, many companies started their production long ago. So, in Russia even in the times of the Soviet Union, very good bicycles were produced.

Some of the best at that time were considered bicycles"Kama". Strong, durable, comfortable, relatively inexpensive - they quickly managed to win recognition among the working class of our country. Still - because in those days cars were rare, like motorcycles, and their cost was incomparable with average wages. A bicycle "Kama" - here it is, affordable, convenient, greatly facilitating the movement, especially over significant distances.

Kama Bicycle
It should be noted that people in their timewho traveled by bicycles of this firm, and after having replaced them with new ones, very often regret it. And it's not just about nostalgia, because "Kama" is a bicycle with a lot of safety.

If we talk about technical characteristics, then we can not write much about this technique. And the reason for that is not absence of something remarkable, but a small amount of details.

So, the bicycle "Kama" is aA vehicle with a folding frame and an easily adjustable steering wheel. The rear wheel is equipped with a brake bushing. The saddle is quite comfortable, with a not too rigid frame and a soft tire.

All adjustable parts of the bike are fixed with the help of reliable high-speed mechanisms ensuring the safety of the rider.

Bicycles Kama
The bicycle "Kama" has quite impressivedimensions - the height of its frame is 46 centimeters, the base reaches one meter, and the weight exceeds 14 kilograms. And the so-called "step" is by no means small - it is almost equal to five meters.

"Kama" is equipped with two asterisks - the leading and the slave; the first has 48 teeth, and the second has 15 teeth.

Everyone who has ever traveled on this technique,speak of it as simple in circulation, unpretentious, hardy, strong and durable. However, it has a bicycle "Kama" and one significant minus: at present it is very difficult to get it.

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