Tourist kayak "Taimen". Its features and advantages

Kayak "Taimen" has been strong for more than 30 yearsoccupies the first place in popularity among tourists. For fans of rafting on calm rivers or water walks - this is the best option. It is easy to assemble, has a large capacity and decent speed. It is also suitable for water-hiking trips, since in the folded

condition weighs from 30 to 40 kilograms.

Features of the kayak "Taimen"

This vessel was designed by Valentin Strogonov andwas produced at the Moscow factory "Salyut". Kayak "Taimen" is attractive for its reliability and simplicity of construction. All parts of the body are made of durable, light aluminum. He even withstands strong blows. The shell is now made of PVC, which is more reliable than the usual rubber and is lighter than it. But the old variants still serve many tourists-water experts.

In this kayak you can make comfortablejourney. It is adapted for long-term alloys along rivers with a calm current and low thresholds. Experienced oarsmen can reach speeds of up to eight kilometers per hour.

Another advantage of the kayak "Taimen" beforeother similar ships - the simplicity of its assembly. An experienced tourist copes with this alone, literally in half an hour. But even beginners can easily figure out how to assemble this boat. Housing

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is assembled on the principle of a children's designer, which makes it possible to extend the life of the vessel, because it is easy to replace broken parts.

Disadvantages of this ship

Kayak "Taimen" is, rather, a touristboat than sports. It does not stand big thresholds and strong currents, although it is quite stable. It is easy to manage, and even a beginner will cope with it. If desired, a kayak can be equipped with a steering wheel and a sail.

The shortcomings of kayaks are low rigidThe seat, its slowness and heavy weight. The old shell of rubber is rather fragile, however, it is easily repaired. In general, the kayak "Taimen" provokes only positive reviews and is still popular.

Double kayak

In the early years of production, single"Taimeni," but they did not like tourists. After all, the main feature of this vessel is that it is intended for joint water campaigns. And the most convenient for this was the kayak "Taimen-2." If desired, you can turn it into a triple room, by placing in the middle compartment a child or a person who will not row.

This boat is easy to steer even without a rudder, itfairly stable and roomy. Its carrying capacity is up to 250 kilograms, and the length is about 5 meters. If properly loaded and placed rowers as low as possible, then the kayak is difficult to turn. True, the speed it develops is not very large - 5-7 kilometers per hour.

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Three-seat kayak

It is a more stable, albeit heavier vessel. Kayak "Taimen-3" has a carrying capacity of more than 300 kilograms and speeds up to 8 kilometers per hour, but it is almost impossible to control it without a rudder. To facilitate the boat, you can use modern PVC material for the shell instead of traditional rubber, you can also remove the wooden seats, remove the apron from the rain, and pack things in ordinary waterproof bags. This version of kayaks is considered less convenient, because rowing is only necessary synchronously. Particularly uncomfortable is the oarsman sitting in the middle.

But, despite all the shortcomings, the kayak "Taimen" is the most convenient and reliable vessel for water trips. With its assembly and management even a novice tourist can cope.

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