How to choose the right bicycle?

When buying a bicycle, you hardly think aboutthat you will take a certain kind of ride, to which the model chosen by you should approach. Do not try to take the most expensive or beautiful bicycle, to choose this sporting goods should be approached very seriously. Also, before going to a specialized store, you need to decide how and where you will drive - on rough terrain, in the park, only within the city or, perhaps, you will go on a long bike ride. For all these different purposes, different bicycles are designed. All this information will be required by the sales consultant, who will tell you how to choose the right bicycle.

Before buying, visit several sportsshops, in order to compare prices and the presented lineup. You should pay attention to the frame, but do not look at the presence of any lanterns and wings. Knowing how to choose the right bike, you will make a good choice.

Choose the size

A common mistake is wrongselection of a bicycle frame. This is facilitated by the fact that in shops and markets each model of a bicycle is usually presented in a single copy, which does not allow the buyer to choose the size of the frame that is suitable for him. Remember that the manufacturer always produces each model in several sizes. The size of the frame is the distance from the carriage axis (the axis of the system) to the intersection of the end of the seat tube with the seat post. All this is measured in inches.

How to choose a bicycle for growth? Pay attention to the saddle and pedals - at the lowest possible pedal position, your legs should be practically straight. If this is not the case, and in order for the legs to be straight, you need to extend the pin, which is located under the saddle, above the maximum level - you just need an aggregate of a larger size (size).

How to choose the right bicycle? A few more tips

Let's talk about the frame in more detail. For each person the frame is selected separately because of the features of the individual structure of the figure. When you choose the main meaning is the length of the legs. Also remember that the frames of different manufacturers have different sizes, so every time you must sit on the bike and try it on your feet. The main rule of selecting the frame size: stand on a flat surface with the product between the legs. At the same time, you should be able to sit down freely at the width of your palm (approximately 10-12 cm). This is necessary in order to be able to avoid accidents and injuries when jumping off a bike. If you ride calmly, then you can forget about this rule. This rule is often ignored by most parents by buying a bicycle for teenage children. Of course, they can be understood, because every year to spend money on the purchase of a great chad is very costly.

To determine the size of the frame, there is evenspecial formula: the length of the legs is multiplied by 0.56. The resulting number is divided by 2.54 and the result is the necessary rumor! As you can see, the formula is simple! Knowing how to choose a bike for growth, you definitely will not go wrong and will experience only the pleasure of bike tours.

Reflecting on how to choose the right bicycle, notforget about the warranty service of the product. Be sure to ask the consultant in the store. When buying goods, make sure that your warranty card is legible and fully completed. Also insist that the bike is checked in your presence, if it is not caused to do the sellers. Check not only the degree of tire inflation, but also the operation of the brakes, the speed switches, and the lack of "eights" on the rim of the wheels. Knowing how to pick up a bicycle, you will make the right choice.

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