A corner kick in football is a dangerous standard position

Football is the most popular sport in the world,and the rules in it are constantly changing, subject to minor corrections - for example, most recently in the center of the field played the ball two players, but now after the whistle there can be only one player. However, most of the changes are tiny, barely visible to the uninitiated. The basic rules do not change for years, and every football fan should know them, even if he does not play, but only watches the game. For example, everyone should have an idea of ​​what a corner kick in football is. After all, when you watch the game from the stadium or on the screen of your TV and computer, you must understand what is happening in the match. Therefore, you need to read this article if you want to understand what a corner kick in football is.

For what is he appointed?

corner kick in football

An angular blow in football is appointed in the event that,If the ball crosses the front line of the field after the player touches the defending team. This means that the goalkeeper could fend off a blow, the defender could block the chamber, the player could simply put the ball out of the field for safety - and if he crossed the side line instead of the side line, then football is awarded a corner kick. This is a pretty dangerous standard position, and all teams usually have several home pieces for drawing such standards. But how exactly is a corner kick in football?

Procedure for the execution of the strike

what is the name of a corner kick in football

Penalty kick in football is oneplayer who is sent, as you can understand from the name of the standard, to the very corner of the field. There is a flag called the corner, as well as the area in which you need to put the ball when you play such a blow. A player performing a corner kick must not be on the field at the moment the player performs the serve. The direction of the strike is free, that is, the player has no restrictions - he can send the ball into the penalty area, to its approaches, can transfer the ball to another flank or otpasovat his nearest football player. So, now you know when a corner kick is made in football and how it is executed. Now you need to talk a little about the limitations that exist in the rules of this game and which relate directly to this standard position.


Penalty kick in football

As you can already understand, the restrictions forthere is practically no execution of this strike - especially if we talk about the attacking side, which fulfills this standard. Moreover, certain restrictions are removed that would act in other situations - for example, if the player who takes the ball after the corner is in the "offside" position, this position is not counted, so the defenders may not even try to create an offside trap in the execution of this standard, as they sometimes try to do when the enemy performs a long free kick or free kick. But the defending side has one restriction, which must be followed very clearly - the fact is that, as with any other penalty kick, in the performance of the corner defenders can not approach the ball at a distance of nine meters or less. Thus, they are almost all in the penalty area, waiting for the ball to be delivered, while one or two players can be ten to fifteen meters from the ball to prevent the possibility of a short draw of the corner, which will be discussed later.

Attacking tactics

statistics on angular blows in football

Statistics on angular blows in football isa very interesting and ambiguous indicator. On the one hand, he demonstrates how often the attacking team was getting to the opponent's goal and stopped just a step away from taking them, but on the other hand, a corner kick is an excellent chance to score a goal, but many teams can execute a dozen corners, This is not bringing either of them to the impact blow. That is why any team always has certain "home preparations" for the implementation of this standard. Most often the ball is sent astride the penalty area - the chamber is unlikely to be here because of the large number of players in the square, and also because there is always a defender ten meters from the corner flag who is guarding the ball when trying to send it down. They are usually sent to the penalty bar either on the near post or on the far post, but in addition, the players of the attacking team can play a corner kick in order to get more space. Considering the fact that the defender can not come closer than ten meters, in the formed zone there can appear at once two players of attack, which can make the unmasking, not from the corner, but from the field itself.

Tactics of the defending side

when a corner kick is awarded in football

As for the team that isdefending when giving an angular blow, then she often uses individual guardianship. Defenders personally take care of the most dangerous enemy players - that's why often when filing a corner in the penalty area you can see the scuffle: the attacker is very actively trying to escape from the custody, and the defender continues to actively cover it. Most goalkeepers put two players on the bar so they can cover the corners of the goal, while the goalkeeper himself will deal with the situation in the center. In addition, these players can prevent the enemy from scoring a goal directly from the corner.

A straight goal

Many people ask what is called the angularkick in football, from which the goal is directly scored. In fact, there is no specific concept (although sometimes the term "dry leaf" is used, but it is not very common), and it happens very rarely in professional football. For the first time this happened in the match of 1924 between the national teams of Argentina and Uruguay, and since then many such goals have been scored - but we need simply incredible coincidences of circumstances, so that the player giving the corner, was able to score a goal.

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