Tactics of football. Tactical scheme. Classical and modern constructions

A person unfamiliar with football, when viewingthe game may seem like twenty-two people are just chaotic running around the field, trying to score the ball into the opposite goal. However, this is not so - football is an extremely tactical sport, and the strategy here plays a vital role. Even the best players, coming out on the field without any scheme and idea, without a clear distribution of positions and responsibilities, will lose to organized, but weaker opponents.

The tactics of football are primarily based onschemes - the so-called constructions, which are the most diverse. Initially, in football, all played one scheme, which was known as the "pyramid", but gradually began to appear and others. And today there are a lot of them. Some of them are more popular and often used, some are exotic specimens.

The tactics of football allow the coach to even changescheme during the match, transforming one construction into another. From this article you will learn about the classic schemes that were used when the birth of football, and you can also look at modern constructions. As already mentioned, now there are a lot of them, so only the most popular ones will be described here.


soccer tactics

Scheme 2-3-5 is the so-called classicalthe pyramid, it was from her tactical football began. It was very simple and implied the presence of two defenders, three midfielders and five attackers, two of which will be extreme, two - semi-central, and one - central.

This scheme originated in the late nineteenth centuryand was used by almost all teams until the thirties of the twentieth century, when the world championships began to take place and this sport became much more competitive than entertaining.

In this construction, the defenders performedan exceptionally defensive role, midfielders linked the attack and defense, the extreme attackers answered completely for the flank, including in the defensive aspect, well, the central striker was the main author of the goals and almost always became the top scorer. This tactic of football was spectacular, but not very effective, so with the development of football there was another scheme that completely replaced the pyramid.


tactics of the Russian national football team

The tactics of football with the early thirties stronglyhas changed, and this can be seen primarily in the "double-ve" scheme (3-2-5), which replaced its predecessor. It was then that football teams began to pay more attention to protecting their gates - the number of defenders increased to three, and the number of midfielders was reduced to two. Above them were two insides that organized the attacks - and they ended with the central striker, who was flanked by winger.

This scheme is called "double-ve" for thatThe reason is that when you look at it, you can distinguish a given letter, which is formed by players both defense and attack. However, this scheme, which initially seemed to be many levels higher than the previous one, also proved to be imperfect - and this was proved in the mid-fifties, when the appearance of the 4-2-4 arrangement literally destroyed the 3-2-5 scheme. The tactics of playing football as close as possible to what can now be observed on the field.

The Brazilian system

tactical schemes in football

Almost all tactical schemes in football,which you can see today on the field, have emerged from this construction, called the "Brazilian system". 4-2-4 - this is the first in the history of the scheme, which used not two, not three, but as many as four midfielders, as well as not one, but just two shock forwards. The secret was the fact that with a much more reliable defense, where one central defender could hedge another, and also each of them could hedge the extreme defender on his side, the attack literally swept aside the protection of three people.

This was achieved due to the fact that one of the twocentral attackers pulled back during the attack, luring the central defender and opening access to the gate. That's how the Hungarian national team, which started playing under the 4-2-4 scheme, was able to become the first European team to beat the English ancestors who played the 3-2-5 scheme.

But what does this have to do with Brazilian football? Why is the phrase "Brazilian system" used? The thing is that the Hungarians were among the first who started using the new alignment, and the Brazilians were the first who achieved serious success with her - up to a confident victory at the World Cup. That is why Brazilian football of that time is associated with this construction.


Brazilian football

To date, the most popular and widely used scheme is 4-2-3-1 - this was the tactic of the Russian national football team at the European Championships held in 2016 in France.

Why is this building so popular? It is worth noting that the four defenders are the basic standard of modern football, which was introduced together with the Brazilian system and has not changed since. Over the line of defense are two central midfielders, most often there is one destroyer-breakwater, playing the role of a kind of third central defender playing a little higher, as well as box-to-box, that is the central midfielder, who plays from his own penalty to someone else's - he can help both in creation and in destruction.

Over these two midfielders isplaymaker, who is the main raspasovschikom, creative director, the generator of attacks. Above him plays one central striker, and on either side of him on the flanks play winger. This scheme is so popular due to its versatility - it is good in attack and defense, you can attack both through the center and through the flanks, you can own the ball, or you can play on counterattacks. In general, this is the best arrangement for today.

Unfortunately, this tactic of the Russian national football team did not help her to perform well at the European Championships, but this is definitely not the fault of the tactical construction.


tactics of playing football

The second most popular todayis a 4-3-3 scheme, which differs from the previous one in that there is no clearly defined playmaker - there are three central midfielders whose roles can vary greatly depending on the situation. Most often with such a placement play in the so-called total football, whose goal is full domination on the field and maximum possession of the ball. However, given the high defense line and strong pressure, this scheme is very vulnerable to counterattacks - that's why the teams professing such football tend to simply not let the opponent take possession of the ball. Naturally, the tactical schemes in football do not end there - further you will find other interesting constructions.


soccer tactics 8 by 8

It should be noted that this article does notconsidered the tactics of football 8 to 8 - only building a big football 11 to 11. In mini-football, fewer people on the field, respectively, and the construction will be different. So, as for the less popular schemes, here it is worth remembering 4-4-2, which was very often used at the beginning of the zero ones. There are two options: in one team plays with two central midfielders and two winger, and in the second, known as the "rhombus", midfielders form a rhombus in the center of the field.


classical pyramid

A new pyramid implies a game with an emphasis onattack through the center. In this scheme there are no expressed winger, but there are three central midfielders, two insiders and one central striker. The entire attack is conducted through the center, which significantly reduces the capabilities of the team using this construction.


A game of three defenders in most casesremained in the past, but in Italy it is still used quite often. In this case, three central midfielders saturate the center of the field, while the two extreme midfielders support the attacks and, if necessary, return to defense. When using such a construction, it is not easy to find a balance between attack and defense - it was used for "catenaccio", where the Italians marched forward by seven attack players to score one goal, after which there were two attackers ahead, and all the rest were in the penalty area or on the approaches to it for total defense.


This scheme is very similar to the previous one, but itmuch more defensive. Now it is almost never used, since its strength was the presence of a libero-central defender who played in the penalty area, the so-called "cleaner". He was the last stronghold of defense in front of the goalkeeper and cleaned up for the other defenders who played a little higher.

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