Uddiyana Bandha: Technique for Beginners

Uddiyana bandha is a yoga practice that producesan amazing health and rejuvenating effect on the body. It is also called the ventral lock, which characterizes this exercise perfectly. Its simplicity is surprising for a Western man, he can not believe that such a simple and simple exercise can bring such striking results. Externally uddiyana bandha looks like a strong retraction of the abdomen, but there are several important points of this practice that can not be seen. Misconduct not only fails to produce results, but it can even do harm, so it's better to first learn the correct technique and then start the exercises.

Use of the abdominal lock

Uddiyana bandha - kriya, which promotesthe normalization of the work of internal organs and the restoration of vitality. During its execution the diaphragm is pulled upwards to the chest, massaging all the organs that are in the abdominal cavity. This has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, removes constipation and promotes its purification. At the same time, digestion normalizes and many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract go away. With the regular execution of this exercise, the pancreas is normalized.

uddiyana bandha technique of execution

In addition to the digestive system, there is a massageliver, kidney, spleen and adrenal glands. Thanks to this, the normal secretion of the adrenal glands is restored, eliminating chronic fatigue or, on the contrary, from excessive nervousness and hyperactivity. In the energy plan, the practice of uddiyana bandhi reverses the natural aging processes by raising the vital force upwards. Thus, this practice can restore youth and health, the main thing is to regularly perform it. Also uddiyana bandha is popular for losing weight, as its execution burns fat on the stomach, makes the figure slim and beautiful.

Important Practices

Starting to develop an abdominal lock, you needfollow the basic rules of its implementation, in order to avoid negative consequences. Strictly not recommended to perform the exercise on a full stomach, and also soon after a meal. You can start practicing at least 3 hours after eating. Excessive zeal also does not bring good results, you do not have to try your best to pull in your stomach, it's better to slowly increase the amplitude as you master the exercise. Otherwise, there may be problems with the liver or other internal organs due to excessive pressure on them. Remember that the goal of this kriya is health, and not the maximally entangled stomach.

uddiyana bandha for weight loss

The number of repetitions must first bethe minimum. Two or three times done correctly and thoughtfully, it will be quite enough for the beginner, but even experienced practitioners it is better not to make the abdominal lock more than ten times in a row. At runtime, it's important to keep your attention on the solar plexus. Without internal work, the effectiveness of the exercise drops significantly, so it should not be neglected. If uddiyana bandha is performed in the mainstream of yoga, then it is better to do it after asanas and pranayama, before meditation. It is also harmoniously intertwined in breathing exercises, supplementing them and enhancing the overall effect of the exercise. The ideal time to perform an abdominal lock is early in the morning, after awakening.

Uddiyana bandha. Technique of execution

Before performing the abdominal lock, calm down andnormalize your breathing. It must be deep and calm, the mind must be pure and peaceful. First, a full deep breath is taken, in which the stomach is slightly protruded forward, so that the lungs can be smoothed out and completely filled with air. Then follows a long relaxed exhalation and the stomach is pulled to the spine. After you make a full exhalation, you need to make a false breath. With it, the same movement is made as when inhaling, but without inhaling air. This helps lift the diaphragm up and draw the belly as deeply as possible without tension.

uddiyana bandha photo

In addition, at the time of exhalation, it is desirable to strainmuscles of the pelvic floor to keep the root lock. Locks should be kept as long as you want. At the slightest manifestation of discomfort, one should immediately start inhaling. It is performed smoothly, while the muscles of the pelvic floor relax, and the diaphragm returns to its original position. Thus, the uddiyana bandha is performed, the technique of performing for beginners is no different from the advanced level, since the exercise does not have complex elements. There are several approaches, between which you can insert a couple of cycles full of deep breathing.

Uddiyana bandha. Technique of performance standing

Stand up straight and spread your legs slightly morewidth of shoulders and slightly lean forward. Hands need to rest on the front of the hips, just above the knees, so that you feel comfortable. Take a deep breath, and then a noisy exhalation through the mouth, at which lean forward a little more, the view should be directed downwards. Hold your breath and start to straighten a little, so that the diaphragm naturally draws higher. It is important to ensure that when lifting to the chest is not recruited air. After holding your breath, start slowly inhaling and straightening. After fully straightening, relax and make a series of breaths and breaths, then repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.

uddiyana bandha technique of performing standing

Performance of sitting

In the sitting position, also practiced uddiyanabandha (kriya). The technique of execution in this case will be almost the same as standing, but with its own nuances. First of all, you need to take the right pose for practice. For this, the position with crossed legs, lotus or half-lotus, depending on the development of the hip joints, is suitable. The back should be straight, and the palms should lie relaxed on the hips. The knees touch the floor, the body is relaxed, the eyes are covered.

uddiyana bandha

From this position, the uddiyana bandha is performed. Technique of sitting is practically no different from the variant standing. It is important to keep not only the abdominal, but also the lower lock, held by the muscles of the pelvic floor. After doing the exercise, you need to slowly inhale, lifting your head, and then relax. It will be easier for beginners to learn the standing version of this exercise, as it is easier to feel the work of the diaphragm, and people with poor stretching will be much more comfortable performing the necessary actions while standing.

It is not possible to strongly involve the stomach

Often newcomers do not succeed in drawingbelly, which leads to frustration and violation of the correct technique in trying to draw the belly as deep as possible. Do not rush to get the result, because at first the body is simply not ready for such frills, you need to give him time to adapt. In addition, most people are very contaminated with the intestines, which prevents doing the exercise. But the regular implementation of this practice triggers positive processes in the intestine, especially if it is combined with other purification procedures.


What else could be the cause of the bad result? Trying to perform the exercise with the help of the muscles of the press. In this case, visually the stomach can be drawn far, but this will not be uddiyana bandha. The technique of execution implies the movement of the diaphragm, which does not occur when using the muscles of the press. The correct abdominal lock is possible only with complete relaxation of the muscles, then when the belly is drawn in, the diaphragm rises.

Lower Breath

Abdominal or lower breathing is one of the mostthe strongest health practices. During inhalation, the belly protrudes forward, due to which the diaphragm descends and opens the space for the lungs. As a result, they get enough space to fully open up. Because of this during inhalation, those lung areas that are not used in everyday life are straightened. This leads to the purification of these areas, and also prevents the formation in them of an environment suitable for harmful bacteria. On exhalation, the diaphragm gently pulls upwards, squeezing out air from the lungs and massaging internal organs.

In contrast to the surface breathing, whichwe are used to, the lower breath uses a large area of ​​the lungs. Inhalation and exhalation are carried out slowly and calmly, as a result of which more oxygen is absorbed in one breathing cycle. The diaphragm becomes more mobile and plastic, the internal organs come to normal, like vital energy. An excellent way to master the lower breath is uddiyana bandha (kriya) - the exercise discussed in this article.

Impact on the psyche

Mind and breathing are closely related, they seem toreflect each other. When you change your mood, breathing also changes, as well as vice versa. Today, society accustoms us to a destructive way of life, deliberately making people unhappy and superficial. The breathing of most people is fast and intermittent, like their mind. However, having learned a deep abdominal breathing, it is possible to restore in a natural way the clarity of thinking and the calmness that has been so brazenly taken away from us.

uddiyana bandha kriya

Is it worth practicing abdominal lock

Do you all need the uddiyana bandha? Photos of people with unnaturally entangled bellies do not cause pleasant associations. Painful images come up, and practice of the abdominal lock begins to seem an unpleasant and unnecessary procedure. But such errors are dispelled, it is necessary to begin regular execution of this useful exercise. The increase in vital energy, longevity and health, as well as a slim figure - these are just some of the advantages that the bandha brings about. The technique of execution is very simple and does not cause difficulties for mastering. The effect exceeds all expectations. It's hard to believe that such a simple action can bring such a serious result. But, as always, the most useful knowledge is in everyone's mind. Do not miss your chance to use them!

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