How to charge the tablet without charging. How to charge your tablet via USB

Stationary computers and laptops were included in ourlife is relatively recent, but along with mobile phones have firmly taken their place there. And now all of humanity does not think its life without computer technology and the Internet. People communicate in social networks, share information, learn the latest news, learn and work through the Internet.

New development

how to charge the tablet without charging

More recently, namely in 2010, thethe computer market has a new device - a tablet computer, or just a tablet. It very quickly became widespread among users due to its compactness, as well as a lower cost compared to laptops and desktop computers. On the tablet it is very convenient to watch videos, listen to music, read books electronically, communicate in social networks. But to work on it, to write texts is difficult and inconvenient because of the lack of a keyboard and mouse. Advantage of the tablet is also less energy consumption compared to the laptop. But still it must be recharged. There are no problems when there is a charger next to it, and if it is not available, then the question arises as to how to charge the tablet without charging?

how to charge the tablet via usb

How do I charge?

You can use a USB cable. Well and how to charge a tablet through USB, for certain knows each user of various gadgets. It is enough to have this cable with the appropriate connector and a stationary computer at hand. It should be noted that charging the tablet via USB is much slower than through the outlet, because voltage and maximum charging current in the computer is much less. The tablet can be charged in this way and from the laptop. Charging from the laptop runs on the same principle.

Charging rules

It used to be that for quality workThe device must be completely discharged before the first charge. At present, the tablets are equipped with new types of rechargeable batteries. And before the first use of the tablet you need to fully charge it. In order for the tablet battery to last longer, it needs to be recharged more often and not allowed to completely discharge. To recharge the battery, the above-described method of charging a tablet from a computer is also suitable. But there are cases where there is no USB cable either. And again the problem arises, how to charge the tablet without charging. In this case, you can use a cigarette lighter. Here and need a car charger for the tablet. On the one hand, this device has a connector adapted to the cigarette lighter of the car, on the other - USB. You can buy it at any electronics store. Before charging in this way, first of all, make sure that the amperage is sufficient. Then connect the cable to the tablet PC and to the car. This method is only suitable for recharging a sitting battery.

how to charge a tablet from a computer

Mr. Samodelkin

Tips how to charge the tablet without charging, very mucha lot of. Some users offer the following option: in case there is not a full-time or car charger and there is no USB cable, it is necessary to take any old charge that has been lying idle for a long time, and no one remembers for what device it is intended. Usually every owner of modern mobile phones of such a house has several pieces. You need to cut off the connector to connect to the phone - it will not be needed, then clean the wires, removing the insulation from them. There will be two wires - blue and red. After that, you need to remove the battery from the tablet, find a plus and minus on it. Then connect the wires: the blue wire will go to plus, red to minus, fix this structure with an insulating tape or tape. Plug into the outlet, and all - charging went. In this case, you need to proceed carefully so as not to get an electric shock. This method, although not very reliable in its design, but compared to how to charge the tablet via USB, faster, because the current in the outlet is more powerful and, therefore, the gadget will charge much faster. But this way it is better to use only in emergency cases. And in order to prevent such problems in the future at the most inopportune moment, it is better to buy a spare battery and carry it with you.

car charger for tablet

A large number of options

There are chargers that allowto charge the tablet computer from AA type batteries (finger) with USB-cable. Radio amateurs can make such a device on their own, especially as everything you need can be purchased at a radio store.

In case the "native" chargerbroke or just lost, and buy the same is not possible, you need to buy something like that. There are several rules that should be observed when buying it. First, you should know the characteristics of current consumption, such as voltage and current. They can be viewed in the instruction manual or on the battery itself. Secondly, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the main rule - the voltage should not exceed 10 percent of the recommended figure, and the current strength should be higher, but no more than 3-4 times. Otherwise, when charging with a device that does not meet these requirements, the battery or the tablet itself will malfunction.

How to prolong the life of the tablet?

Some users believe that the charging timedepends on the operating system on which this or that tablet works, but this is not so. It all depends on the manufacturer of the gadget. For example, tablets made in China are least capricious of charging conditions, and therefore problems with them when using different charging methods occur less.

charging tablet via usb

To prolong the battery life of the tablet, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of its charge and not allow its full discharge. It is not recommended to leave the tablet turned on during the process.

Thus, when answering the question of how to chargetablet without charging, there are many answers. All the presented methods are simple, accessible and safe in compliance with simple rules. But still it is recommended to use the charger that comes with the tablet and meets all its requirements. This will prolong the life of the battery pack of the tablet PC itself.

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