Infrared heaters: technical characteristics. How to choose an infrared heater

Infrared heaters have long been recommendeditself from the positive side. First of all, they differ in economy. Virtually all models have a regulator, which allows you to adjust the temperature. If properly used, energy consumption can be reduced to a minimum.

infrared heaters technical specifications

Installation of infrared heaters

Many in our time are concerned about the issue of choiceplaces for installing an infrared heater. On average, this device has a length of about 80 cm, which is quite a lot. To date, manufacturers can provide floor, wall, and ceiling devices. The most popular is the latter option. When installing the device on the ceiling, you can save a lot of space in the room. In addition, the air will warm up better. However, such infrared heaters also have disadvantages. First of all, they are associated with poor fastening and the lack of possibility of installation at low ceilings.

Wall-mounted devices also have their ownfans. The main thing is to choose the right place. Nearby (including on the wall itself) there should be no fire-hazardous materials. Furniture, in turn, must be located at a safe distance. The harm of an infrared heater, if not installed correctly, can be significant.

The last type of installation is called outdoor. It is most common, because it is the simplest. As a rule, a tripod or a small stand is attached to the infra-red heater. With its help, you can easily adjust the height of the device. You can also quickly move the infrared heater to any other place. And wall and floor installations assume reliable installation of the device with the help of brackets. In addition, metal hooks and dowels can be used.

Minuses of infrared heaters

Of course, any infrared heaters minuseshave, and in some cases are even capable of harming a person's health. Most often this is due to the wrong choice of the device, which is not suitable for a particular room by its characteristics. The second problem is the wrong installation of the heater. Also, there may be certain problems if you use these devices for too long. The first trouble is the drying out of the skin. The harm of the infrared heater you can feel on yourself, if you will be too close to the working device for a long time. The body will begin to actively lose moisture, there will be dehydration.

In some cases, powerful infraredheaters can cause damage to whole cells. This process is called denaturing. It is very harmful to look at radiation for a long time. This can result in damage to the retina of the eye. The last problem is the low installation of ceiling heaters. The distance between the device and the person's head can turn out to be critically small. In this case, the effect of infrared rays often leads to headaches.

infrared heaters minuses

How to choose an infrared heater?

First of all, we must pay attention topower device. Infrared heater with a capacity of 1800 W is capable of heating a room of 18 square meters. m. The second thing to look at is the type of installation. If these are wall or ceiling variants, then all necessary parts for installation must necessarily go to the infrared heater. The thermostat is also a very important thing that will help regulate the temperature.

The best infrared heaters have a systemprotection against overheating, which will protect it from breakage during long-term operation. Moisture protection allows using the device outdoors. Presence of a control panel - at will. The dimensions of the infrared heaters can be very different. With a power of 1800 W, the device should have an average length of no more than 86 cm, a height of 20 cm and a depth of 10 cm. At the same time, the weight of the heater should be in the region of 3 kg.

Characteristics of infrared heater "Almak IK 05"

This infrared heater featureshas the following: power - 500 W, voltage - 200 V, current - 1.8 A. In this case, you can heat the area of ​​6 square meters. m. The dimensions of this model are small: length - 73 cm, height - 16 cm, and depth - 4 cm. The total weight of the device is 1.6 kg. It is installed at a height of not less than 3.5 m. Among the advantages can be distinguished compactness, as well as ease of installation. The kit includes all the necessary parts for this. In general, these infrared heaters for dachas are also suitable for garages. The cost of this model is low and is 2200 rubles.

aluminum infrared heaters

Characteristics of the heater "Almak IK 10"

What are the features of these heatersinfrared? They have the following technical characteristics: power - 800 W, voltage - 220 V, current - 2.7 A. Unlike the previous model, this device will be able to heat the area already in 15 square meters. The average height of the installation is 3.5 m. The dimensions of this model are average: the length is 133 cm, the height is 16 cm, and the depth is also 4 cm. One can distinguish interesting design from the features. The thermostat for tuning is in stock.

Also produced by the company "Almak" infraredHeaters have protection against overturning. But there is no moisture protection system, it's upsetting. This model is mounted on dowels. It is also possible to buy floating brackets in the store and make the infrared heater more mobile. In addition, it should be noted that the cost of the model is about 2700 rubles.

What are the characteristics of the infrared heater "Almak IK 11"?

If compared with previous models, theseheaters are infrared, they have better technical characteristics: power - 1000 W, voltage - 200 V, and current - as much as 4.6 A. It should be noted that the dimensions of this model are the same as those of the previous device. Due to high power this infrared heater can warm up a room of up to 20 square meters. m.

The optimum installation height is 3.5 m. In this case, the air will not overdry. Of the features of this model, convenient management can be distinguished. It is very easy to adjust the temperature on it, despite the lack of a remote control. In general, these infrared heaters for cottages are also suitable for small warehouses. It is worth this model on the market 2990 rubles.

Infrared heater "Almak IC 16": characteristics, price

And, finally, the last in this range heatersinfrared. Their technical characteristics are the highest: power - 1500 W, voltage - 220 V, and current - 6.1 A. At the same time, the maximum heating area increases to 30 square meters. m. This model is considered the most powerful device of the "Almak" trademark.

Its dimensions are impressive: length is 193 cm, height - 16 cm, and depth - all the same 4 cm. At the same time, the mass of the device is equal to 5.2 kg. In general, this model can be described as quite powerful and convenient. It should also be noted that the company "Almak" infrared heaters have quite good thermostats. The protection system is also installed. The maximum temperature of the case reaches 90 degrees. The cost of this model is 3600 rubles.

New gas infrared heaters Bullu Galaxy BIGH-45

This infrared gas heater reviewshas good. Many owners liked it because of its high power, which is 4200 watts. The voltage is 220 V, and the gas pressure is at 30 mbar. In this case, you can heat a room with a total area of ​​more than 50 square meters. m.

It is also important to note that in this modelPropane gas is used. Its ignition is carried out with the help of piezes. In general, there are three power levels: the first - 1550 W, the second - 2900 W, the last (maximum) - 4200 W. The dimensions of the device are quite large: length - 7200 mm, height - 420 mm, depth - 360 mm. The total weight of the device is 8.4 kg. This model is installed in a room on the floor.

Also this infrared gas heaterreviews got good for a solid ceramic panel. In turn, the case of this device is completely enameled. Due to this, it does not gain a high temperature even with prolonged use. In general, this model is characterized as powerful and mobile. It is worth it in stores on average about 6300 rubles.

harm infrared heater

Characteristics of the infrared heater Bullu BIH-L-2.0

Consider these heaters infrared. Their technical characteristics are as follows: power - 2000 W, voltage - 220 V and frequency - 50 Hz. Install this model on the wall using the brackets that come with the kit. The heater body is completely steel and very durable.

Also, manufacturers established a specialreflector with ribs. The protective grille of the device is chrome plated. Thermostat, as well as an overheating protection system are available. The dimensions of this model are medium: length - 740 mm, height - 180 mm, and depth - 90 mm. The design of this infrared heater Ballu has a stylish, but not catchy. It will fit in almost any interior. The cost of this model is 3100 rubles.

What is the difference between the infrared heater Bullu BIH-L-3.0?

This infrared heater Ballucharacteristics has the following: maximum power - 3000 W, voltage - 220 V, frequency of current - 50 Hz. The dimensions of this model are much larger than those of the previous device. The length of the heater is 940 mm, the height is 180 mm, and the depth is 90 mm.

Install it should be on the ceiling at least 3.5m. In addition, the kit includes a convenient outdoor tripod. Overheating protection system in stock. Also in this infra-red heater Ballu BIH-L-3.0 the thermostat is built in. The protective grille in this model is chromed and comes with perforations. The case of the device is steel and has special reflectors. The cost of the model on the market is approximately 3100 rubles.

Infrared heater NeoClima NCS-2.0: overview, specifications, price

Infrared heaters NeoClimafamous Chinese brand are made in Turkey. They are mainly used in the industrial sphere. They are installed on special telescopic supports. The power of the device is enough to warm the room up to 18 square meters. m. The voltage is at the level of 220 V. At the same time, the heating power is 2000 W. The nominal frequency of the infrared heater is 50 Hz. The power consumption of the device is 2 kW, and the amperage is 9.1 A. The NeoClima NCS-2.0 infrared heater is connected with a power cord with an euro plug.

The control is mechanical and manufacturedadjustable thermostat. The power consumption of this model is insignificant. In addition, it is possible to choose from two modes (zone and point). In general, this model can be described as reliable and practical. The cost of an infrared heater is 4500 rubles.

infrared gas heater reviews

Characteristics of infrared heater NeoClima NCS-2.8

This infrared heater is mainlyused in various enterprises. Like the previous model, this device is sold with a telescopic stand. It allows you to easily adjust the height and adjust the position of the device. In the form of a heating element there is a carbon rod. The area of ​​heating is from 22 to 29 square meters. The nominal power of the equipment is at the level of 2800 Watts. At the same time, the power consumption is 2.8 kW. The voltage is standard - 220 V at a frequency of 50 Hz. This model is described as single-phase.

Of the features can allocate a large currentat the level of 12.8 A. In general, this heater is characterized by an optimal heat distribution. At the same time, the temperature can be easily adjusted by means of a built-in thermostat. In addition, there is a mode for saving electricity. The moisture protection system is installed, and this is good. The dimensions of this model are medium: length - 880 mm, height - 260 mm, depth - 125 mm, with a weight of 5.4 kg. These infrared heaters stand (average market price) 5100 rub.

Infrared heater NeoClima NCS-2.5

This infrared heater ismost universal. The length of the device is 880 mm, height - 260 mm, depth - 125. Also it should be noted that the weight of this model is 5 kg. It is installed on the floor with a telescopic stand or on the wall (thanks to the bracket). The moisture protection system is available and works properly.

In addition, it should be noted that it does notThe head hurts, because the heater does not completely dry the air in the room. The device thermostat can be set to zonal or point heating. The efficiency of this model is large. The current of the infrared heater is exactly 11 A. The voltage is at 220 V at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. The total power consumption of the device is 2500 watts. All this allows you to heat rooms up to 25 square meters. These infrared heaters are standing (the average market price is 4900 rubles).

What characteristics does the Timberk TIR HP1 1500 have?

These Swiss heaters are assembled fortechnology in factories in China. Completing the model in question allows you to install the device only on the wall. There are no floor supports in the set. The power of the heater is 1500 watts.

Also this model can boast of carbonheating element. Due to this, it is capable of heating up to 15 square meters. m. At the same time, the power consumption is only 15 kW at a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. Of the features of this single-phase infrared heater, you can distinguish high current at a level of 6.8 A. Of the shortcomings, many note the lack of an euro-plug on the power cord. Device management is generally satisfactory. The angle of rotation of the device in assembled form is 45 degrees. In addition, this infrared heater can be successfully used in open areas. At the same time, it has a rather high heating rate. Taking into account the power of the device, the minimum distance to the person at installation should be 1 m.

Also from the features can be noted the presencemoisture-proof housing. In addition, the manufacturers installed a safety system for overheating the heater. This model is not afraid of moisture or dust. Its installation is quite simple, and the kit contains all the necessary details. The minimum height of the heater's suspension is 2 m. The dimensions of the model are medium: length - 558 mm, height - 256 mm, and depth - 133 mm with a mass of 2.3 kg. The cost of this unit on the market is 5300 rubles.

infrared heaters for cottages

Model Timberk TIR HP1 1800

This infrared heater is floor standing. From the previous model is different in that it has a power of as much as 1800 watts. At the same time, it is capable of heating an area of ​​20 square meters. The heating element is carbon. The power consumption is 1.8 kW. At the same time, the voltage is at 220 V at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. The current strength is 8.2 A, and the angle of rotation is 45 degrees.

This infrared heater works fineboth in enclosed spaces and in open areas. Its difference lies in the possibility of installing a telescopic stand. The angle of inclination when installing the device on a wall is simply to change. The fastening element that comes with the kit is durable. The electrical protection class is quite high. At the same time, this model boasts a moisture-proof casing. When overheating, the infrared heater switches off in emergency mode. Dimensions are average: length - 668 mm, height - 256 mm, depth - 133 mm. To carry it simply from place to place, since it weighs only 2.5 kg. The cost of it on the market equals 6500 rubles. That's a lot.

Infrared heaters of UFO

Infrared heaters of UFOare in great demand, so do not treat them silly. They differ from others not by high power, but by productivity. As a rule, the company provides a great guarantee.

Also note the presence in many modelscapillary thermostats. On average, infrared heaters "UFO" warm up the room in 30 minutes. At the same time, the productivity factor is 82%. Of the shortcomings, many stand out for bad devices. In addition infra-red heaters "UFO" are not protected from moisture in any way. The most popular models are UFO Basic 1800 and UFO Star 2300.

Features of UFO Basic 1800

This infrared heater (outdoor)power is 1800 watts. At the same time, the heating area is approximately 18 square kilometers. Thermostat and overheat protection system are available. The life of the heating element is 6000 hours.

It is also possible to distinguish a reliable fastening thatis included with the infrared heater. The control is mechanical, there is no remote control. The dimensions of this model, taking into account the small power, are quite compact. The length of the heater is 86 cm, the height is 17 cm, and the depth is 8 cm. The mass of the device is 3 kg. The price of this infrared heater is in the region of 4100 rubles.

best infrared heaters

Heater model UFO Star 2300

Power this ceramic infraredThe heater, as is clear from the name, has 2300 watts. At the same time, it is capable of heating a room of 23 square meters. m. Install it, as a rule, either on the floor or on the wall. Thermostat is available, the temperature can be easily set. The features of this model can be distinguished by the presence of a remote control.

Additionally, the manufacturers installed thisceramic infrared heater system from overheating. Given this, you can use it for a long time. As in all models "UFD", this device does not have moisture protection, therefore it is undesirable to take it out on the street. However, manufacturers are convinced otherwise. On average, the lamp life is 6000 hours. In doing so, it is protected by a special grille, which is located on the front panel. The dimensions of this model are slightly larger than those of the previous device: length - 86 mm, height - 19 cm and depth - 9 cm. Weight of the device is 4.2 kg. The price fluctuates around 6,000 rubles.


Summarizing, we can say that the characteristicsInfrared heaters vary greatly. To purchase a quality device, first of all you need to evaluate the room and determine the type of installation. Next, you need to choose the right manufacturer. The company "Almak" produces more economical models, while NeoClima is able to offer powerful devices. More reliable to date are the infrared heaters Timberk.

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