MTS "Zero without Borders" service: conditions and features

Everyone faced such a problem asexpensive calls to your mobile phone outside your region. This is especially true when you are abroad. Many mobile operators are trying to create optimal tariffs for their subscribers, additional options that reduce the cost of mobile communications. No exception is MTS, which provides the service "Zero without Borders", the connection of which will significantly save on calls while staying outside its region or country.

mts zero without borders

Tariffs for incoming calls

When you connect the MTS service "Zero without Borders"incoming calls will be free. However, there are limitations. Tariffs for calls are as follows. Being in any country, excluding South Ossetia, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, incoming calls are charged as follows:

  • from the 1st to the 10th minute the incoming call is free;
  • from the 11th minute fee 5.00 rubles for every 60 seconds.

For corporate clients, the same system of discounts applies. Therefore, the service "Zero without Borders" is suitable for both private customers and employees of various companies and companies.

Tariffs for outgoing calls

Outgoing calls to all numbers of Russian regions are charged as follows:

  • the first 60 seconds and from the 6th minute are charged according to tariff roaming in the host country. The exceptions are Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkmenistan, where 25 rubles are withdrawn. in a minute;
  • from 2 nd to 5 th minute the tariff is 15 rubles.

zero without bounds mts connection
For the use of the additional MTS "Zero without Borders" service, a fee of 33 rubles is charged every day.

While in roaming with the activatedservice, each subscriber can receive only 200 minutes of incoming calls per month. The only exception is corporate numbers. After exceeding the limit, from the 201st minute, all incoming calls cost 5 rubles. for every 60 sec. And this rate is maintained until the end of the month.

Total number of incoming calls wheninternational roaming can be learned in two ways: to use the services of an online assistant or dial the mobile phone command * 419 * 1233 # and press the call button.

MTS "Zero without Borders" service: terms and conditions of connection in some countries

In some countries, tariffing has its ownfeatures. So, if you find on the territory of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan with the service "Zero without borders" connected, incoming and outgoing calls are paid according to the basic cost of international roaming. In South Ossetia, when using the mentioned service, the fee for all calls is charged according to the national roaming tariff.

"Zero without borders" (MTS): connect and disable option

To activate the service, you can use any method that is most convenient for you:

  • service mts zero without borders
    use the "Internet Assistant";
  • dial on your mobile phone a combination of numbers * 111 * 4444 # and press the call button, and then select the desired item in the menu that appears;
  • send from your phone SMS to the number "111" with a code set 33 to activate the option and 330 - to disable it.

It should be noted that you can activate the servicebeing in any territory, including abroad. Thanks to this, you can use the option even if you have already left your region.

In Russia, you can activate the service by typing a combination of * 444 # characters.

Connection fee

mts zero without condition boundary
Regardless of the tariff plan, the team forThe service is free of charge for all subscribers. For sending SMS on the territory of the native region, as well as with intranetwork and international roaming, the fee is also not charged. The only exception is staying in national roaming. In this case, the message is paid according to the tariff.

For the first day of the activated service, money frombalance are removed immediately. Throughout the time of using the option, payment is made by the day (full or incomplete 24 hours), regardless of the location of the subscriber. And the service is in effect until the subscriber turns it off.

It is recommended to disable the option when the trip is completed.

Terms of option

Use the service "Zero without borders" subscribercan with the option "International and national roaming" and "International access" or "Easy roaming and international access" connected. You can learn about the activated services through the "Internet Assistant".

It should be noted that if the option is enabled"Easy roaming and international access" to use a mobile phone is possible in the networks of operators with which MTS OJSC has signed a contract for CAMEL-roaming.

If the service "Zero without borders" is not connected, thenWhen traveling, the cost of calls and messages corresponds to the basic tariff. You can find out all the prices on the mobile operator's website by going to the Tariffs and Geography tab. Also you can get acquainted with the information in MTS salons.

If the subscriber uses the tariff plan "European", then when you connect the option "Zero without borders" (if you are in Europe) an additional discount is provided for outgoing calls.

zero without country borders
If the subscriber has not used more than 30 daysservices of MTS network connection in Russia, then with the additional option "Zero without borders" connected, the cost of all incoming calls starting from the first minute is 15 rubles. while staying in the territory of any country, with the exception of Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and South Ossetia. Tariffs vary in these countries. In Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, incoming calls cost 59 rubles per minute, which is very expensive, and in South Ossetia - 17 rubles per minute.

Thus, the additional option of MTS "Zero withoutborders "allows to save considerably on international negotiations during business trips and personal trips. Especially relevant is the service for those who like to talk a lot. If you connect the option "Zero without borders" (MTS), the countries of the near and far abroad will become much closer.

Of course, there are also some nuances that are necessarytake account. Among them - an additional monthly fee and restrictions on the terms of using the service. It is also necessary to take into account the place of your stay, as there are special conditions on the territory of individual states (Ukraine, Turkmenistan, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Belarus).

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