Wireless home theaters. History of creation and advantages

Wall mounted home theaters are designedas close to the viewer as possible to the atmosphere of the film or with crystal clearness to divide the sound of each instrument into a reproduced composition. Since the day of the creation of the first acoustic system, disputes have been held on the subject of wires. The question of the way to connect the acoustics to the receiver is the key. Quality directly depends on this. And recently a new topic for discussions has matured. And why not produce wireless home theaters, and more specifically, home theaters with wireless speakers.

Wireless ... Advertising is so full of these terms. It seems that without this word, any novelty in the world of High-tech simply loses the meaning of its existence. But the truth is very close. Wireless technology is not just a tribute to fashion, but the result of another technological progress. Mankind is looking for a way out of the intolerable confusion of a wide variety of wires. It is high time, many will say. Another device that is actively seeking to completely get rid of the "shackles" - this wall home theater. Remember only the rear speaker cables. The longest wires in the system that need to be pulled through the entire (!) Room. Twist, get confused, but you still need to figure out how to hide them better. In a word - a nightmare!

Solve the issue of inconvenience associated with a largequantity of cables and their packing is considered for a rather long time. A single wire on each column is not enough for anyone. Often the impression is created that the control unit (amplifier) ​​as an octopus spread out its tentacles throughout the room where the acoustic system is installed. Of course, there are not many options. There was an attempt to make very thin wires, but the thickness of the wire section is very important. The result is a decrease in sound quality. It is more convenient to lay one cable at times, but you can not argue with physics and because of the big tip in the harness from this idea they refused. The idea was to create flat wires. Convenient to lay, no twisting, no wringing, excellent cross-section, high reproduction quality, but ... The price of such innovation exceeded the cost of regular wiring and the idea did not take root. It seemed that home theaters with wireless speakers will never go on sale. Never say never!

The future has come true, albeit in part. But even this "partially" is a serious step forward. Renowned brands such as Sony, Panasonic, Phillips, LG, Samsung and Pioneer are actively selling speakers with wireless rear speakers, and it is they, or rather their wires, which, as we remember, give the greatest headache. The price of this freedom starts from about $ 600. Also there are models with a wireless subwoofer. Let not so tangible, but still convenience. The fewer wires, the fewer chances to get caught in them once.

So why wireless home theatersand can not be realized until the end. After all, if you judge, then with the transfer of sound through the air, people solved the problem back in the 1980s. Then the first, so-called, radio microphone was invented. This was a real revolution in the world of technology. But this invention did not complete a year of amazing innovations. In the same year, the American company Koss produces the first wireless headphones with a lifetime warranty (!). Americans are ready to invest big money in a real quality. Hence, wireless transmission of sound has been practiced for more than 30 years. For engineering this is a long time. Only for comparison. The first home personal computer, in a more or less familiar for us view, was created only in the mid-80's. The result of development is simply impossible to describe. Create the same serial wireless home theaters was unrealistically difficult.

Undoubtedly, technically they can be made, of course. But the cost of a high-class miracle without wires, as a result, will become simply transcendental. After all, in the acoustic systems of this family, it is the quality of the reproduced sounds that is valued. This is the main advantage. Even the slightest attempt to save money on radio transmitters leads to a significant deterioration in the "transparency" of reproduction. A good transmitter costs good money. We'll have to wait until the world of technology takes a step forward. In the meantime, absolutely wireless home theaters remain the subject of study and active discussions.

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